Miller-Foot and Ankle Flashcards


What is tolertail


TOLERTIAL” - at “T”oe “O”ff “L”eg “E”xternally “R”otates “T”alus “I”nverts “A”nd “L”ocks. John Ayres MD

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How do you lock the foot?


Function of the transverse tarsal joint. When the heel is everted, the transverse tarsal joints are parallel and unlocked, allowing the foot to be supple and pronate and accommodate to the floor. When the heel is inverted (varus), the transverse tarsal joint is divergent and locked, allowing for a stable hindfoot/midfoot complex for toe-off.

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review hindfoot/forefoot motion


The critical assessment is to determine the relationship of the forefoot to the hindfoot.

If the heel is in a neutral position (subtalar neutral), the forefoot should be parallel with the floor to meet the ground flush (plantigrade).

If the first ray is elevated, the forefoot is in varus position. If the first ray is flexed, the forefoot is in valgus position (see Fig. 6.3). This should not be confused with hindfoot varus or valgus.

Example: in a long-standing flatfoot deformity the heel is valgus and the forefoot has compensated by going into varus or supinating to keep the foot flat to the ground.

Once the heel has been corrected, the elevated first ray can be easily seen

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Review the gait cycle


One full gait cycle from heel strike to heel strike is termed a stride.

Each stride is composed of a stance phase (heel strike to toe-off; 62% of cycle) and a swing phase (toe-off to heel strike; 38% of cycle) (Fig. 6.10).

Walking is defined by a period of double-limb support in addition to there always being one foot in contact with the ground throughout the gait cycle.

Ground reaction forces are approximately 1.5 times body weight during walking and 3 to 4 times body weight during running.

This difference is due to the increased load after the float phase of running, in which there is no foot in contact with the ground.

As the speed of gait increases, the stance phase decreases.

Soft-tissue contributions to gait mechanics

Swing phase

Anterior tibialis—contracts concentrically

Loss of function results in footdrop and steppage gait.

Heel strike

Anterior tibialis—contracts eccentrically

Controls the rate at which foot strikes the ground. In patients with footdrop, the rapid strike of the foot can result in a loud “slap” during heel strike.

Hindfoot—locked/inverted at initial strike; passively everts during transition from heel strike to foot flat

Allows for energy absorption. Failure of hindfoot eversion in patients with cavovarus deformity increases forces to lateral foot, resulting in stress fractures (fifth metatarsal), callus formation, and ankle instability.

Foot flat

Gastrocnemius-soleus complex—eccentric contraction

Controls forward progression of body over the foot

Loss of function results in a calcaneus gait with heel pain

Hindfoot—unlocked/everted for ground accommodation

At terminal stance, the FDL tendon is most active


Gastrocnemius-soleus complex—concentric contraction

In addition, as foot progresses from heel strike to toe-off, the following changes allow foot to convert from a flexible shock absorber to a rigid propellant:

Plantar fascia, which attaches to plantar medial heel and runs the length of the arch to the bases of each proximal phalanx, is tightened as MTP joints extend. The longitudinal arch is accentuated.

This is called the windlass mechanism (Fig. 6.11).

Hindfoot supinates, with firing of the PTT.

Transverse tarsal joint locks and provides a rigid lever arm for toe-off.

Insufficiency of the PTT will limit the ability to lock the transverse tarsal joint.

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Halgus Valgus Schemata


chematic representation of tendons around the first metatarsal head. (A) Normal articulation in a balanced state. (B) Relationship of the tendons in hallux valgus deformity. FHBL, Lateral head of the FHB; FHBM, medial head of the FHB.

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What is the Halgus Valgus Angle?


Hallux valgus angle. Marks are placed in the middiaphyseal region of the proximal phalanx and the first metatarsal at equal distances from the medial and lateral cortices. The longitudinal axis of the proximal phalanx is determined by an axis drawn through points A and B, and the longitudinal axis of the first metatarsal is determined by a line drawn through points C and D. The hallux valgus angle is formed by the intersection of the diaphyseal axes of the first metatarsal (line CD) and the proximal phalanx (line AB).

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What is the IMMA?


First–second intermetatarsal angle. Middiaphyseal reference points (X) are placed equidistant from the medial and lateral cortices of the first (C and D) and second (E and F) metatarsals in both the proximal and distal middiaphyseal region. The longitudinal axis is drawn for both the first metatarsal (line CD) and the second metatarsal (line EF). The first–second intermetatarsal angle is formed by the intersection of these two axes (lines CD and EF).

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what is the halgus valgus IP angle?


Hallux valgus interphalangeal angle. On the proximal phalanx, reference points (X) are drawn at middiaphysis. On the distal phalanx reference points are placed at the distal tip of the phalanx and at the midpoint of the articular surface of the distal phalanx. A line is drawn to connect the reference points for the axes of each phalanx. Line A indicates the proximal phalanx axis. The intersection of the axis of the distal phalanx with the longitudinal axis of the proximal phalanx forms the hallux valgus interphalangeal angle.

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review the plan for surgical fixation of Halgus Valgus

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Schemes of surgical fixation for Halgus Valgus


Lateral and AP drawings delineating various surgical options for management of hallux valgus. It is important to note that a distal soft tissue release is performed in conjunction with all corrections. The exception to this is a hallux MTP joint fusion.

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Halgus Valgus text miller Review


Hallux valgus is defined as lateral deviation of the great toe with medial deviation of first metatarsal.

Pathophysiology: likely multifactorial

Intrinsic factors such as genetic predisposition, ligamentous laxity, and predisposing anatomy (convex metatarsal head, pes planus) are contributory.

Extrinsic factors such as certain types of shoewear (narrow toe box, high heels) also play a role.

Pathoanatomy (Fig. 6.26)

Medial capsular attenuation

Proximal phalanx drifts laterally, leading to the following conditions:

Plantar-lateral migration of abductor hallucis (ABH); change in position causes the muscle to plantar flex and pronate the hallux.

The pronation of the hallux is amplified by the proximal phalangeal attachment of the adductor hallucis (ADH).

Stretching of the extensor hood of the extensor hallucis longus (EHL)

Lateral deviation of the EHL and flexor hallucis longus (FHL), causing a muscular imbalance and deforming force for valgus progression and pronation of the great toe (Fig. 6.27)

First metatarsal head moves medially off the sesamoids, increasing the intermetatarsal angle (IMA).

Secondary contracture of the lateral capsule, adductor hallucis, and lateral metatarsal-sesamoid and intermetatarsal ligaments


Multiple measurements can be obtained from standard radiographs that guide treatment options.

Hallux valgus angle (HVA): angle formed by line along first metatarsal shaft and line along shaft of proximal phalanx (Fig. 6.28)

Normal: less than 15 degrees

First–second IMA: angle formed by lines along first and second metatarsal shafts (Fig. 6.29)

Normal: less than 9 degrees

Hallux valgus interphalangeus (HVI) angle: angle formed by lines along shafts of the proximal phalanx and distal phalanx (Fig. 6.30)

Normal: less than 10 degrees

Associated with a congruent deformity

Distal metatarsal articular angle (DMAA): angle formed by line along articular surface of first metatarsal and line perpendicular to axis of first metatarsal (Fig. 6.31)

Normal: less than 10 degrees

Increased angle associated with a congruent deformity.

Congruency of first MTP joint must be determined (Fig. 6.32).

Congruency is determined by comparing the line connecting the medial and lateral edges of the first metatarsal head articular surface with the similar line for the proximal phalanx.

When these lines are parallel, the joint is congruent.

Increased DMAA

Distal redirectional osteotomy of the metatarsal head (medial closed-wedge osteotomy)

Increased HVI

Akin osteotomy—medial closed-wedge osteotomy of the phalanx

Both of these operations may be required in addition to an osteotomy of the metatarsal to correct the increased IMA. Performing these osteotomies does not exclude additional distal or proximal metatarsal correction.

When these lines are divergent, the joint is incongruent.

Patients may present with both an incongruent joint and increased DMAA or HVI in severe deformities.

Position of sesamoids should be noted; in more severe or chronic deformities, the sesamoids are frequently displaced laterally.

Presence of degenerative changes in first MTP joint and first TMT joint should be noted.

A stiff or arthritic MTP joint requires a first MTP arthrodesis.

Nonoperative treatment

Adjusting shoewear and increasing the size of the toe box may limit pain with pressure along the prominent dorsomedial eminence.

There is no role for “corrective” braces or splints.

Operative treatment

The best indication for operative intervention is pain that has not responded to adjustments in shoewear or activity. Surgical correction of a hallux valgus deformity is not a cosmetic procedure.

The appropriate surgical procedure is determined by the abnormal radiographic angular measurements in concordance with underlying clinical abnormalities.

The patient’s physical findings and associated pathology dictate the appropriate surgical procedure regardless of the angular measurements.

First MTP fusion required for following conditions; IMA will correct with realignment of first MTP; concomitant metatarsal osteotomy is notrequired (Fig. 6.33).

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)


Painful or stiff first MTP—deformity cannot be passively corrected



Cerebral palsy

Lapidus (first TMT realignment arthrodesis) required for:

Ligamentous laxity


Procedures never appropriate in isolation (high recurrence rate)

Distal soft tissue release (modified McBride procedure)

Modification—retention of the lateral (fibular) sesamoid to avoid hallux varus

Medial eminence resection

Medial capsular imbrication

Isolated osteotomy without associated soft tissue correction

Algorithmic approach to identifying the appropriate surgical intervention is listed in Box 6.1

Box 6.1Algorithmic Approach to Surgical Correction of Hallux Valgus

IMA ≤13 degrees AND HVA ≤40 degrees

Distal metatarsal osteotomy (chevron)

IMA >13 degrees OR HVA >40 degrees

Proximal metatarsal osteotomy

Instability of the first TMT/joint laxity

Lapidus (fusion of first TMT joint)

Arthritis or spasticity

First MTP fusion

Increased DMMA

Distal metatarsal redirectional osteotomy in addition to metatarsal translational osteotomy


Akin osteotomy

All patients should undergo a soft tissue release with all associated osteotomies and first TMT arthrodesis (Lapidus procedure) (Fig. 6.34).

IMA 13 degrees or less and HVA 40 degrees or less

Distal metatarsal osteotomy (chevron)

Distal soft tissue release

Medial eminence resection and capsular repair

IMA greater than 13 degrees or HVA greater than 40 degrees

Proximal metatarsal osteotomy/scarf

Distal soft tissue release

Medial eminence resection and capsular repair

Instability of first TMT/joint hyperlaxity

Lapidus procedure (fusion of first TMT joint) (Fig. 6.35)

Soft tissue release

Medial eminence resection and capsular repair

Increased DMAA (>10 degrees)

Distal medial closed-wedge metatarsal osteotomy in addition to what is required by angular measurements (Fig. 6.36)

IMA 13 degrees or less and HVA 40 degrees or less

Distal biplanar closed-wedge metatarsal osteotomy

Translates and redirects the metatarsal head simultaneously.

IMA greater than 13 degrees or HVA greater than 40 degrees

Proximal metatarsal osteotomy and distal medial closed-wedge metatarsal osteotomy

Instability of first TMT/joint hyperlaxity

Lapidus procedure and distal medial closed-wedge metatarsal osteotomy

If there is arthritis or pain at the first TMT, consider a Lapidus procedure

Hallux valgus interphalangeus

Akin osteotomy

Can be done in isolation if no other deformity present

Commonly performed in addition to procedures required to correct HVA and IMA (Fig. 6.37)

Operative complications

Avascular necrosis (AVN)

Distal metatarsal osteotomy and lateral soft tissue release may be performed simultaneously without increased risk of AVN.

Intraoperative laser Doppler study demonstrated that medial capsulotomy primary is insult to metatarsal head blood flow.

Care must be taken with vascular pedicle dorsolaterally.


Can occur with any procedure—highly associated with:

Undercorrection of IMA

Isolated soft tissue reconstruction (modified McBride procedure)

Isolated resection of the medial eminence

Persistent lateral subluxation of the sesamoids

Dorsal malunion

Results in transfer metatarsalgia—highly associated with:

Lapidus procedure (first TMT fusion)

Often related to inadequate preparation of plantar joint (depth of first TMT is ≈30 mm)

Proximal crescentic osteotomy

Hallux varus—associated with:

Resection of the fibular sesamoid (original McBride procedure)

Overresection of the medial eminence

Excessive lateral release

Overcorrection of IMA


Highest risk associated with a Lapidus procedure

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Anatomy and function of lesser toe deformities


Static stability of the lesser toes is provided by the congruency of the MTP and interphalangeal joints.

Plantar plate—plantar aponeurosis and capsule—provides a soft tissue block to metatarsal head depression and prevents hyperextension of the MTP joint.

Persistent hyperextension at MTP joint may lead to attenuation and weakening of plantar structures.

Dynamic stability is provided by the various tendons that insert on lesser toes (Fig. 6.41).

Extensor digitorum longus: primary extensor of MTP joint

Runs through a sling over dorsal surface of MTP joint before splitting into a central slip that inserts on the middle phalanx and two dorsolateral slips that reconverge to insert at the base of the distal phalanx.

Distal extensor effect of the EDL is neutralized when the proximal phalanx is dorsiflexed, as in hammer-toe or claw-toe deformity.

There is no EDL to the fifth digit.

Extensor digitorum brevis (EDB) extends PIP joints and inserts on lateral aspects of EDL tendons on all but the fifth toe.

Flexor digitorum longus: primary plantar flexor of distal interphalangeal (DIP) joints as it inserts on plantar aspects of distal phalanges; also weakly plantar flexes MTP joints.

Flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) splits at the level of the MTP joint and inserts on plantar lateral aspects of the middle phalanges. The FDB is the primary plantar flexor of the PIP joints.

Intrinsic muscles of the foot include the lumbricals, which originate from the FDL tendon and insert on the extensor sheath over the MTP joints, and four dorsal and three plantar interossei muscles, which insert on the medial aspects of the proximal phalanges.

These muscles act similarly to the intrinsic muscles of the hand, flexing the MTP joints and extending the PIP and DIP joints.

Pull of the intrinsics is plantar to the rotational axis of the MTP joints.

Plantar translation of the metatarsal head after a distal osteotomy of the metatarsal places the intrinsics dorsal to the axis of rotation of the MTP joint, creating the “floating toe.”

Extrinsic muscles (EDL and FDL) overpower intrinsic muscles in positioning the lesser toes in hammer- and claw-toe deformities, with the EDL driving MTP joint extension and the FDL driving PIP and DIP joint flexion.

EDL is also a weak antagonist to flexion at interphalangeal joints, and likewise, the FDL is a weak antagonist to extension at MTP joint.

There is no flexor (FDL/FDB) attachment to the proximal phalanges.

Dorsiflexion of the proximal phalanx at MTP joint neutralizes these weak antagonist effects and accentuates the developing deformity.

Lesser-toe deformities occur much more commonly in women (up to a 5:1 ratio); difference thought to be secondary to high-fashion shoewear that constricts the forefoot and maintains the MTP joints in hyperextension.

A hammer-toe deformity most commonly involves the second toe, because it is relatively longer than the other lesser toes. A short toe box causes the second toe to buckle and extend at the MTP joint.

Long-term positioning of the MTP joint in hyperextension will attenuate the static plantar structures, allowing depression of the metatarsal head, distal migration of the fat pad, and imbalance of the dynamic forces on the toe, as described earlier.

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what are the surgical treatment options for lesser toe deformities?

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Review Hammer toe deformity


The characteristic hammer-toe deformity is flexion of the PIP joint. With weight bearing, the MTP joint appears dorsiflexed; this should correct with elevation of the foot off the ground (Fig. 6.42).

Contracture of the FDL is responsible for the flexible hammer-toe deformity

The term complex hammer toe refers to concomitant dorsiflexion of the MTP joint that does not correct and is more appropriately termed (and treated as) a claw toe.

Treatment depends on the flexibility of the deformity (Table 6.3).

Flexible deformity

Nonoperative—protective padding, tall toe-box shoes, corrective hammer-toe splints are effective.

Operative—flexor tenotomy or flexor to extensor tendon transfer

Fixed deformity

Nonoperative—accommodative shoes and protective padding can minimize callus formation. A corrective splint should not be used (Fig. 6.43).

Operative—PIP arthroplasty (resection of distal neck and head of proximal phalanx) or PIP arthrodesis

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Review Claw toe deformity


Characterized by flexion of the PIP and DIP joints in the setting of fixed hyperextension of the MTP joint (Fig. 6.44)

Clawing typically involves multiple toes and is often bilateral.

Results from dysfunction of the intrinsic musculature

Often a neurogenic etiology

Cavus deformity, neuromuscular diseases that affect the balance of the extrinsic and intrinsic musculature, inflammatory arthropathies that lead to attenuation of soft tissue structures and instability of the MTP joint, and trauma have all been implicated in the etiology of claw toes.

Claw toes are a noted complication of compartment syndrome involving the deep compartments of the foot.

Treatment depends on the flexibility of the deformity (see Table 6.3).

Flexible deformity

Nonoperative—shoe modification, padding over any prominent or painful callosities, and use of orthotics to offload and support a potentially painful, plantarly displaced metatarsal head


Flexor-to-extensor tendon transfer of the FDL alters the function of the FDL to function as an intrinsic and to maintain the correction (Fig. 6.45).

Often leads to stiffness of MTP joint

Lengthening of the EDL and EDB is typically required.

Fixed deformity

Nonoperative—shoe modification, padding over any prominent or painful callosities, and use of orthotics to offload and support a potentially painful, plantarly displaced metatarsal head


PIP arthroplasty or arthrodesis, along with MTP joint capsulotomy and extensor lengthening

Dislocated MTP joint requires use of a Weil or distal metatarsal shortening osteotomy to reduce the MTP joint (Fig. 6.46).

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Review mallet toe deformity


A mallet toe consists of an isolated flexion deformity at the DIP joint (Fig. 6.47).

Treatment (see Table 6.3)

Nonoperative—similar methods to those used in treating hammer-toe and claw-toe deformities


Flexible deformity

Flexor tenotomy

Fixed deformity

DIP arthroplasty (excision of the distal neck and head of the middle phalanx) or DIP fusion

Extensor repair can be performed to minimize recurrence.

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Review crossover toe deformity


Multiplanar instability of the second toe may cause the toe to lie dorsomedially relative to the hallux (Fig. 6.48).

Commonly referred to as a crossover second toe, this deformity:

Requires disruption of the plantar plate—KEY component

Requires attenuation of the lateral collateral ligament

May be iatrogenic—caused by steroid injection within the MTP joint, which results in plantar plate attenuation


Nonoperative—toe taping and corrective splints can minimize the discomfort but will not permanently correct the deformity.


For complete tears of the plantar plate, plantar plate repair has been advocated, with promising results. Plantar plate repair typically requires a shortening osteotomy of the distal metatarsal to aid in visualization and tissue repair.

Flexor-to-extensor tendon transfer with release of the medial collateral ligament

EDB tendon transfer with rerouting plantar to the intermetatarsal ligament

Reserved for less severe deformities; leads to more mobility of MTP joint than a flexor-to-extensor transfer

Distal metatarsal osteotomy (Weil) required if severe subluxation or dislocation of the MTP joint

If there is skin break down at the PIP dorsally, surgical débridement (with obtaining of specimen cultures) and delay of definitive treatment must be considered

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Plantar plate pathology


Mild subluxation of the MTP joint that manifests as pain and swelling without any deformity

Drawer test results in pain within the joint (Fig. 6.49).

Most sensitive physical examination test to evaluate for plantar plate injury

More commonly seen in athletes (runners, tennis)

If the diagnosis is in question, an MR arthrogram of the involved joint will identify any injuries to the plantar plate or collateral ligaments.



Toe taping and stabilizing lesser-toe orthotics/metatarsal pads

Steroid injections are contraindicated and may result in iatrogenic creation of a crossover-toe deformity.


MTP synovectomy with reconstruction of the MTP joint capsule for isolated synovitis

With severe instability or deformity, a flexor-to-extensor tendon transfer is traditionally performed to stabilize MTP joint.

For complete tears of the plantar plate, plantar plate repair has been advocated.

Especially in high-level athletes

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Review Friedburg infarction


Osteochondrosis (avascular necrosis) of one of the lesser metatarsals, most commonly involving the second metatarsal

Patient has pain localized over the affected metatarsal head.

The second metatarsal is affected in over two-thirds of cases. The third metatarsal accounts for most of the remaining cases. The fourth is affected in less than 5% of cases. The first and fifth metatarsals are rarely affected.

Pain is worse with ambulation and activities, and relieved with rest.

Common radiographic findings in Freiberg disease include:

Resorption of the central metatarsal bone adjacent to the articular surface, with flattening of the metatarsal head (Fig. 6.50)

Osteochondral loose bodies

Joint space narrowing in late-stage disease, with associated osteophyte formation along with collapse of the articular surface (Fig. 6.51)

Nonoperative treatment

Common strategies consist of activity modification, shoewear modification (hard sole), orthotics (metatarsal bar), and a period of protected weight bearing.

Operative treatment

For early-stage disease, joint débridement should be considered.

All inflamed synovium, osteophytes, and loose bodies are débrided through a dorsal incision.

This procedure should be considered for patients with relatively good articular surface congruity and minimal metatarsal deformity.

Many studies have reported good results with dorsal closed-wedge metaphyseal osteotomy of the affected metatarsal (Fig. 6.52).

Performed in conjunction with a thorough débridement of inflamed synovium, abnormal cartilage, osteophytes, and necrotic bone

Serves to rotate the plantar aspect of the articular surface, which is typically well preserved, to a more superior position, where it then articulates with the phalanx

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What is IPK?

Intractable plantar keratosis?


Plantar callus secondary to excess pressure from metatarsal head

Predisposing factors: fat pad atrophy, plantar-flexed first ray, equinus contracture, intrinsic minus toe contracture, and hypertrophy of the sesamoid

Two main types (Fig. 6.53):

Discrete form

Localized callus with a hyperkeratotic core, usually caused by prominence of fibular/lateral condyle of the lesser metatarsal head

Commonly associated with a prominent tibial sesamoid

Nonoperative treatment

Callus trimming and soft metatarsal pads

Total-contact orthosis or extended steel shank should be considered for patients with significant fat pad atrophy.

Operative treatment

Shaving of the plantar surface of the tibial sesamoid or fibular metatarsal condylectomy

In more advanced cases, complete excision of the tibial sesamoid should be considered.

In the patient with a plantar-flexed first ray, dorsiflexion osteotomy should be considered.

Diffuse form

Secondary to pressure phenomenon from the entire metatarsal head

Commonly associated with an elongated metatarsal, an excessively plantar-flexed metatarsal, or transfer lesion. If there is no first ray pathology, it is important to evaluate for the presence of a gastrocnemius contracture.

Nonoperative treatment—similar to the discrete form of IPK

Operative treatment

Correction of the underlying deformity is critical— revision of the first ray to restore weight bearing through the medial column is critical

Secondary shortening of the lesser metatarsals may be required if the first ray is excessively short; however, shortening should not be done without correction of first ray pathology.

Gastrocnemius recession as required by the physical examination findings

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what is bunionette deformity?


Prominence over distal aspect of fifth metatarsal head

Causes pain over lateral or plantar aspect of MTP joint, particularly with compressive shoewear

Bunionette deformity in conjunction with ipsilateral hallux valgus and metatarsus primus varus is termed splayfoot.

Three distinct types have been described, based on the anatomic location of the deformity along the fifth metatarsal:

Type I deformity—distinguished by presence of an enlarged fifth metatarsal head (Fig. 6.54)

Type II deformity—demonstrates lateral bowing of fifth metatarsal diaphysis (Fig. 6.55)

Type III deformity—demonstrates an abnormally widened fourth–fifth metatarsal angle (normal <8 degrees) (Fig. 6.56)

Conservative treatment

Shoewear modification, strategic padding, and shaving of the symptomatic callus are usually effective.

With plantar callus or associated pes planus, a metatarsal pad or custom orthotic device should be considered.

Surgical treatment

Lateral metatarsal head condylectomy (type I deformity)

Distal fifth metatarsal osteotomy (i.e., chevron; type II deformity)

Oblique diaphyseal osteotomy (type III deformity)

Metatarsal head resection should be considered for salvage.

Proximal osteotomy should be avoided owing to the tenuous blood supply at the proximal metadiaphyseal junction of the fifth metatarsal.

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review the anatomy of the seasamoids


Medial (tibial) and lateral (fibular) hallucal sesamoids are part of a strong sesamoid capsuloligamentous complex.

Enveloped within the two heads of the flexor hallucis brevis (FHB) tendon, separated by an intersesamoid ridge called the crista

Attached to proximal phalanx via the plantar plate

Suspended by the collateral ligaments of MTP joint, metatarsosesamoid ligaments, intersesamoid ligament, abductor hallucis tendon, and adductor hallucis tendon

Analogous to the patella, sesamoids provide a mechanism to increase the mechanical advantage of the pulley function of the intrinsics (FHB).

Protect the FHL and disperse the forces beneath the first metatarsal head

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Review seasamoid deformity


Sesamoid disorders can include acute injury (fracture, dislocation, sprain/“turf toe”), sesamoiditis, stress fracture, arthrosis, AVN, and IPK.


Chief complaint is pain under the first metatarsal head, especially with toe-off.

Physical examination—tenderness with direct palpation of the involved sesamoid, pain with first-MTP ROM

Radiographs—in addition to AP and lateral views, lateral oblique (fibular sesamoid) and medial oblique (tibial sesamoid) views isolate each bone, and axial view shows the articulation with the metatarsal head (Fig. 6.57).

Radiographs of contralateral side should be obtained to compare position of sesamoids relative to the base of the proximal phalanx.

Tibial sesamoid should be 10.4 mm from the base, and fibular sesamoid should be 13.4 mm from the base.

Should be within 3 mm of the spaces on the contralateral extremity

Mechanism of injury—forced dorsiflexion of the first MTP joint, repetitive loading

Turf toe—forced dorsiflexion with foot in equinus (and axial load) can result in avulsion of the plantar plate off the base of the phalanx and subsequent proximal migration of the sesamoids.

Hyper–plantar flexion of MTP joint with valgus force is a less common mechanism; seen in beach volleyball players.

Tibial sesamoid is more frequently involved in trauma but also more likely to be bipartite or multipartite.

Conservative treatment

Turf toe

Grade 1—capsular strain

Signs—normal ROM, weight bearing without difficulty, normal radiographs

Treatment—stiff insole, taping, with immediate return to play

Grade 2—partial capsular tear

Signs—painful ROM, limited weight bearing, normal radiographs

Treatment—no athletic activity for 2 weeks, stiff insole, return to play if painless 60-degree dorsiflexion present

Grade 3—complete tear of the plantar plate

Signs—severe pain with palpation, limited and painful ROM, abnormal radiographs (fracture, proximal sesamoid migration)

Treatment—superior results demonstrated with operative repair of the plantar plate over conservative care.

Traumatic hallux valgus that involves the medial capsule and medial sesamoid with acute deformity of the hallux is best treated with immediate surgical repair as opposed to late reconstruction.

Sesamoid fracture

Initial treatment with a fracture boot to limit the stress across the sesamoid

Transition to sesamoid relief pad (dancer’s pad) with gradual resumption of activity


Treated with antiinflammatory medications, rest, ice, and activity, and then shoewear modification

Operative treatment

Symptomatic nonunion or cases that prove refractory to conservative care can be treated surgically with bone grafting or with partial or complete sesamoidectomy.

Results of sesamoidectomy are the most predictable.

Excision of the proximal or distal pole achieves the best results and should be performed if the fracture pattern allows.

Complications of medial and lateral sesamoidectomy are hallux valgus and varus, respectively.

Repairing the defect with capsule (or a slip of abductor hallucis for the tibial sesamoid) helps prevent this complication.

Cock-up deformity (or claw toe) will occur if both sesamoids are excised (Fig. 6.58).

Care should be taken to avoid injury to the FHL and loss of flexor function, especially in the high-performance athlete.

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review pes planus


May be congenital (see Chapter 3, Pediatric Orthopaedics) or acquired (also called adult-acquired flatfoot deformity [AAFD])

Determining whether the deformity is flexible or fixed is important

Fixed or rigid deformity requires a triple arthrodesis.

Tarsal coalitions tend to cause rigid flatfoot deformities.

Present in adolescence or later

50% bilateral

1 in 100 people affected

Diagnostics: radiographs and CT scans


Nonoperative: rests, walking boot, casts, injections

Operative: resection and interposition with muscle/fatty tissue if less than 50% of middle facet is involved; arthrodesis if more than 50%


Most common cause of AAFD is PTTD.

PTT is the primary dynamic support for the arch.

PTT fires after the foot is flat to generate heel rise and lock the transverse tarsal joint for a rigid, stable foot during push-off (toe-off).

The tibia rotates externally and the transverse tarsal locks as the PTT fires during push-off.

Etiology of PTTD is multifactorial and includes:

Zone of hypovascularity 2–6 cm proximal to the PTT insertion on the navicular

Overload of the arch due to activity or obesity

Inflammatory disorders such as RA

The spring (calcaneonavicular) ligament is the primary static stabilizer of the TN joint.

Incompetence of the spring ligament is associated with increased flatfoot deformity.

Most commonly the superomedial band (70%)

Isolated acute rupture of the spring ligament has been reported to cause an acute deformity without PTTD.

Reconstruction of the spring ligament with allograft or autograft as an adjunct to standard flatfoot reconstruction has shown success in early series.

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review PTT deficiency


Patients complain of medial ankle/foot pain early, progressive loss of arch, and lateral ankle pain late (subfibular impingement).

Physical examination

Standing examination demonstrates asymmetric hindfoot valgus, depressed arch, and an abducted forefoot.

Too-many-toes sign: when the foot is viewed posteriorly, it appears to have more than five toes (Fig. 6.86)

Pain or inability to perform single-limb heel rise indicates insufficient PTT.

Whether deformity is flexible (passively correctable to a plantigrade foot) or fixed (rigid deformity that is not passively correctable) must be determined

Lateral impaction syndrome or subfibular impingement with significant valgus of the heel, such that it abuts the fibula, may be present; abutment of the lateral process of the talus and the calcaneus can occur as well.

Radiographs (Fig. 6.87)

Pes planus indicated by negative lateral talar–first metatarsal angle (Meary angle)

Forefoot abduction indicated by TN uncoverage

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Review the treatment stages of Pes Planus PTT disorder


Stage I—tenosynovitis without deformity


Immobilization (cast or boot)

Orthotic after acute swelling and pain subside

Arch support with medial heel wedge


Synovectomy of PTT

Stage II—flexible deformity is the critical feature; PTT is degenerated and functionally incompetent.


AFO in conjunction with physical therapy has demonstrated the highest success rate.

Use of a full-length orthotic with an arch support, medial heel wedge, and medial forefoot support (if supination/forefoot varus present) is used after acute pain has resolved.

A lace-up ankle brace may also be used.

Operative (if conservative measures fail after 6 months or more)

Correction of all stage II deformities includes a tendon transfer (FDL or FHL) into the navicular to reconstruct the PTT.

Presence of a gastrocnemius contracture should be assessed for and if present corrected with a gastrocnemius recession.

Although reconstruction of the spring ligament has been advocated, there are limited data to demonstrate its efficacy at this time.

Stage IIA—defined by hindfoot valgus without significant forefoot abduction (<40% uncovering of the talus)

Medial slide calcaneal osteotomy (Fig. 6.88)

To address signs of subfibular impingement

Stage IIB—defined by forefoot abduction (>40% uncovering of the talus) in addition to hindfoot valgus

Lateral column lengthening (Fig. 6.89)

To address hindfoot valgus and improve the longitudinal arch of the foot/medial column of the foot

Additional medial slide calcaneal osteotomy may be required.

Stage IIC—defined by fixed forefoot supination/varus (first ray is elevated after correction of the hindfoot to neutral) in addition to hindfoot valgus (Fig. 6.90). Forefoot abduction may also be present.

Stable medial column—navicular is colinear with first metatarsal.

Cotton osteotomy (dorsal open-wedge osteotomy of the cuneiform) to plantar flex the first ray, to correct forefoot varus

Unstable medial column—plantar sag at NC or first TMT joint

Medial column fusion (based on point of collapse)

Isolated first TMT fusion

Isolated NC fusion

Combined NC and TMT fusion (both joints are involved radiographically)

Hindfoot treatment based on talar uncovering

Less than 40%—medial slide calcaneal osteotomy

More than 40%—lateral column lengthening and possible medial slide calcaneal osteotomy if residual hindfoot valgus

Stage II surgical summary

FDL or FHL tendon transfer for all patients

Gastrocnemius recession if contracture present

Hindfoot valgus—medial slide calcaneal osteotomy

Forefoot abduction—lateral column lengthening

Forefoot supination

Stable medial column—Cotton osteotomy

Unstable medial column—first TMT arthrodesis

Stage III—defined by a fixed/rigid pes planovalgus deformity


Accommodative rigid AFO or Arizona brace. No attempt should be made to correct the deformity—correction carries increased risk of pain and pressure points, leading to ulceration.


Triple arthrodesis

If subtalar arthrodesis (alone or as part of triple) has been malunited in valgus, with tenderness in the lateral subfibular region, arthrodesis takedown and revision arthrodesis may be required.

Severely abducted deformities may require an all-medial approach, to limit risk of wound healing issues with the sinus tarsi approach.

Some authors argue that the calcaneocuboid joint is challenging to see, but cadaveric studies have demonstrated the ability to see >90% of each joint from the medial approach alone.

Additional medial column stabilization is occasionally needed for severe deformities (Fig. 6.91).

TAL if equinus contracture present

Stage IV—defined by incompetence of the deltoid ligament; standing AP ankle radiograph demonstrates lateral talar tilt (valgus) or ankle arthritis.

If the ankle valgus is passively correctable with minimal degenerative changes, an attempt can be made at deltoid ligament reconstruction with hindfoot reconstruction.

Rigid deformity or progressive arthritis requires TTC arthrodesis (Fig. 6.92).

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Review the Diagnosis of Pes Cavus deformity


Defined by a high-arched foot, often with associated heel varus (cavovarus)



Unilateral—tethering of the spinal cord or spinal cord tumors must be ruled out.

Bilateral—most commonly Charcot-Marie-Tooth (see Section 11, Neurologic Disorders)

Idiopathic—usually subtle, bilateral

Traumatic—secondary to talus fracture malunion, compartment syndrome, crush injury


Patients complain of painful calluses under the first metatarsal, fifth metatarsal, and medial heel.

There may be pain along the peroneal tendons as well.

These may need to be addressed as part of surgical intervention.

Secondary to the plantar-flexed first ray and varus hindfoot

Plantar flexion of the first ray is secondary to overpowering of the tibialis anterior by the peroneus longus.

Varus of the hindfoot is secondary to the overpull of the PTT.

On an adequate weight-bearing, lateral foot radiograph, visibility of the middle facet of the subtalar joint indicates varus hindfoot.

Often associated with lateral ankle ligament instability, peroneal tendon pathology

Coleman block test used to assess flexibility of the hindfoot (out of varus) when the first metatarsal plantar flexion (forefoot valgus) is eliminated.

Wooden block placed just lateral to the first ray; first metatarsal head then lies off the block, with remainder of block on the weight-bearing foot.

If the hindfoot passively corrects into valgus, the deformity is forefoot driven (due to plantar-flexed first ray).

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Review the treatment for pes cavus


Dwyer closed-wedge osteotomy of calcaneus for varus heel. (A) Lateral skin incision is made inferior and parallel to peroneal tendons. (B) Wedge of bone is resected with its base laterally. (C) Wedge of bone is tapered medially. (D) Calcaneus is closed after bone has been removed, and varus deformity is corrected to slight valgus.

Forefoot driven treatment-often times need forefoot osteotomy

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what is the non-operative treatment for pes cavus?


Cavus foot orthotic. Note the hollowed-out recess under the first metatarsal head, laterally based forefoot wedge, and lowered medial arch.

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Review Morton’s Neuroma


Compressive neuropathy of the interdigital nerve, most commonly in the third web space, followed by the second web space (Fig. 6.60)

The pathophysiology of this condition is still poorly understood.

Theories include compression/tension around the IM ligament, repetitive microtrauma, vascular changes, excessive bursal tissue, endoneural edema, and eventual perineural fibrosis.


Patients frequently report pain and burning on the plantar aspect of the web space, with more than 60% of patients noting pain radiating into the toe distally. Numbness is reported by only 40% of patients.

Exacerbated by footwear with narrow toe boxes and high heels

Higher predilection in the female population

Likely related to shoewear, with forced plantar flexion of the metatarsal heads

Physical examination

Palpation between and just distal to the metatarsal heads elicits plantar tenderness.

Compressing the medial and lateral aspects of the forefoot while palpating the web space structures can provoke symptoms and occasionally a bursal “click” with associated pain (Mulder sign).

Metatarsalgia and MTP synovitis often manifest similarly and should be ruled out.


Plain films should be obtained to rule out bony masses or deformity.

MRI or ultrasound can be used to identify other pathologies but are not required for diagnosis.

Nonoperative treatment

Shoewear modification (avoiding high heels and narrow toe boxes) is the most important and effective intervention.

Metatarsal pads placed proximal to the focus of pain can prevent direct pressure and widen the intermetatarsal space during weight bearing, thereby indirectly decompressing the nerve.

Corticosteroid injections can have moderate effectiveness (≈50% of patients report positive response); repetitive injections can lead to hammer-toe deformity.

Alcohol sclerosing injections have not proved to be effective and are not recommended.

Operative treatment

Excision of neuroma

Dorsal approach most common

Transverse intermetatarsal ligament is incised and resected.

The common digital nerve and its branches are identified and the nerve is resected 2 to 3 cm proximal to the intermetatarsal ligament (proximal to the small plantar branches), allowing the proximal stump to retract (Fig. 6.61).

Minimizes formation of stump neuroma, the most common complication

Difficult visualization results in a 4% rate of failure to excise the neuroma.

Overall success rates approach 80%.

Neuroma often causes perineural fibrosis.

Plantar approach

Decreases the rate of missed neuroma excision

Does not require incision of the transverse intermetatarsal ligament

Associated with increased risk (5%) of painful plantar scar

Typically used for revision neuroma resection

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Review Recurrent neuroma



Bulbous enlargement of the neural stump (or secondary glioma)

Usually caused by inadequate proximal resection or failure of the nerve to retract after excision

Neural stump adheres to adjacent bone and soft tissue, causing a traction neuritis.


Localized pain and tenderness to palpation (Tinel sign) in web space of previous neuroma resection, at or proximal to metatarsal heads

Recurrent neuroma is likely if symptoms are localized and reproducible.

Nonoperative treatment—similar to that for primary neuroma (see earlier)

Operative treatment

Excision of the stump neuroma can be performed through another dorsal incision or through a plantar incision.

Plantar incision allows access to a very proximal location in which to place the resected neuroma stump.

Preferred approach for revision neuroma excision

The new stump should be transposed into muscle tissue if possible.

Success rate after excision of a recurrent or stump neuroma is 65%–75%.


Review tarsal tunnel syndrome



Compressive neuropathy of the tibial nerve within the fibroosseous tunnel posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus

Tarsal tunnel is bounded by the flexor retinaculum (laciniate ligament) superficially; the medial talus, medial calcaneus, and sustentaculum tali deeply; and the abductor hallucis inferiorly.

The tarsal tunnel also contains the tibialis posterior, the FHL and FDL tendons, the posterior tibial artery, the venae comitantes, and the numerous septa that subdivide the tunnel.

Reported causes of tarsal tunnel syndrome include tenosynovitis, engorged or varicose vessels, synovial or ganglion cysts, pigmented villonodular synovitis, nerve sheath tumors, lipomas, fracture of the sustentaculum tali or medial tubercle of the posterior process of the talus, middle facet tarsal coalition, and accessory muscles.

Systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, RA, and ankylosing spondylitis may have an indirect effect by causing inflammatory edema.


Symptoms of tarsal tunnel syndrome may be vague and misleading.

Include a burning sensation on the plantar surface of the foot and medial ankle and occasional sharp pains or paresthesias

“Irritable” tibial nerve must be ruled out.

Palpation should be performed along tibial nerve and branches distal to flexor retinaculum.

Prolonged standing, walking, or running can exacerbate the symptoms.

Physical examination

Percussion of the entire course of the distal tibial nerve and its branches should be performed.

Tinel sign, radiating pain or discomfort with continuous deep compression over the nerve, or diminished two-point discrimination may be elicited.

Sensory examination is usually unpredictable.

Hindfoot alignment should be assessed—pes planus may cause increased tension on the nerve.

Prior lateral closed-wedge osteotomy of the calcaneus can increase tension on nerve as well.

Wasting of the abductor hallucis or abductor digiti quinti may be seen if the medial or lateral plantar nerve is involved, respectively.

Diagnostic tests

Electrodiagnostic studies should be performed to help make the diagnosis or determine a different level of compression.

Sensory nerve conduction study findings are more commonly abnormal than those of motor nerve conduction studies.

Electromyography (EMG) abnormalities are less sensitive.

MRI may identify the presence of a mass-occupying lesion or middle facet subtalar coalition, which if present must be excised (Fig. 6.62).

Surgical decompression with mass excision results in more predictable symptomatic improvement compared with patients with tarsal tunnel syndrome and no associated mass.

Correlation with history and physical examination findings is essential.

Nonoperative treatment

Management should begin with conservative measures unless there is a suspicious mass or suspected malignancy.

Medications such as NSAIDs, vitamin B6, and tricyclic antidepressants are most commonly prescribed.

SSRIs and antiseizure medications (gabapentin, pregabalin) are also used.

Physical therapy may include stretching, massage, desensitization, and iontophoresis.

Orthoses to correct hindfoot valgus (medial heel wedge) play an important role as well.

In cases of acute inflammation or severe limitation because of pain, a brief course of a controlled ankle motion (CAM) walker boot or short-leg cast may be helpful.

Operative treatment

Space-occupying lesion should be excised, with concomitant nerve release.

If appropriate conservative management for 3 to 6 months is unsuccessful, surgical intervention is warranted.

Longitudinal incision is made over the course of the tibial nerve; it curves distally behind medial malleolus to the abductor musculature (Fig. 6.63)

The nerve is identified proximally, and the proximal investing fascia and flexor retinaculum are released.

Care must be taken to release the superficial and deep fascia of the abductor hallucis muscle.

Endoscopic tarsal tunnel release is not recommended.

Recurrence of tarsal tunnel syndrome is a challenging problem.

Incomplete release is the most common etiology; however, intrinsic nerve damage may play a role in recurrent symptoms.

Revision release may be of benefit if incomplete release is suspected, although results are often poor.


Review plantar nerve problems


Lateral plantar nerve entrapment

Nerve provides sensation to the plantar lateral aspect of the foot.

It may be injured during surgical approaches that require a plantar incision, such as a tibiotalocalcaneal (TTC) arthrodesis with an intramedullary nail.

If no evidence of paresthesias and persistent hindfoot pain, evaluation for nonunion of the ankle or subtalar joints needed

First branch of the lateral plantar nerve (Baxter nerve) may be a source of chronic plantar medial heel pain.

Associated with long-distance/marathon running

Medial plantar nerve entrapment

Nerve provides sensation to the plantar medial aspect of the foot.

Entrapment occurs at the knot of Henry (junction of FDL and FHL tendons).

FDL is plantar to FHL at knot of Henry.

Most common etiology is external compression from orthotic devices.

Also called jogger’s foot

Conservative treatment is often successful and includes avoidance of orthotics and of pressure along the plantar medial hindfoot.


review anterior tarsal tunnel



Compressive neuropathy of the deep peroneal nerve in the fibroosseous tunnel formed by the Y-shaped inferior extensor retinaculum (Fig. 6.64)

The nerve divides into the lateral motor and the medial sensory branches within the tunnel and is accompanied by the dorsalis pedis artery.

Common causes of compression include tightly laced shoes, anterior osteophytes at the tibiotalar and TN articulations, a bony prominence associated with pes cavus deformity or fracture, ganglion cysts, and tendinitis of the EDL, EHL, or tibialis anterior (Fig. 6.65).


Patients present with burning pain and paresthesias along the medial second toe, lateral hallux, and first web space, or even vague dorsal foot pain.

Symptoms are often worse at night when the ankle assumes a plantar-flexed posture for sleep, and with wearing of shallow, laced shoes.

Physical examination

Decreased two-point discrimination, presence of Tinel sign along course of the deep peroneal nerve

Pain may be worse with plantar flexion of ankle as the nerve is stretched.

Nonoperative treatment

Night splints, NSAIDs, diagnostic/therapeutic injections, shoe tongue padding, and footwear with loose lacing or alternative lacing techniques are the conservative approaches.

Operative treatment

Surgical release involves incising the distal half of the inferior extensor retinaculum, releasing both branches of the nerve, excising bone spurs, and carefully repairing the bony capsule to avoid exposing the nerve to bleeding bone while protecting the dorsalis pedis artery.

Patients should understand that relief of the paresthesias and dysesthesias may take weeks or months.


review superficial peroneal nerve entrapment



Compressive neuropathy of the superficial peroneal nerve as it exits from the lateral compartment into the anterior ankle

The opening in the fascia is approximately 12 cm proximal to the tip of the lateral malleolus.

Neuritis may occur after an inversion injury or with fascial defects.

The nerve can also be damaged or entrapped in scar tissue at the anterolateral portal following an ankle arthroscopic procedure.


Symptoms include burning pain and tingling over the dorsum of the foot.

Symptoms exacerbate with plantar flexion and inversion.

Tinel sign is frequently present over the nerve as it exits the lateral compartment.


Nonoperative treatment includes NSAIDs, diagnostic/therapeutic injections, and other nerve modalities with physical therapy.

Surgical release of the nerve with fasciotomy is indicated if nonoperative treatment fails.


Sural nerve entrapment/injury


Entrapment of the sural or saphenous nerves is rare, typically occurring only after surgical procedures as the nerves become entrapped in scar tissue.

Conservative treatments may be successful, but neurolysis or resection of neuroma with burial of the nerve end is indicated for refractory cases.

The sural nerve is prone to injury with lateral hindfoot procedures that use a sinus tarsi approach. The traditional extensile lateral calcaneus approach places the sural nerve at risk at both the proximal and distal ends of the incision.

Popliteal nerve blocks do not typically include the saphenous nerve.


sequelae of upper motor neuron disorders



Most commonly secondary to traumatic brain injury, stroke, and spinal cord injury

Disruption of the upper motor neuron pathways can lead to paralysis, muscular imbalance, and acquired spasticity, which ultimately may cause deformity of the foot and ankle.

Secondary problems include fixed contractures, calluses, pressure sores, hygiene issues, joint subluxation, shoewear difficulties, and dissatisfaction with physical appearance.

The most common deformity of the foot and ankle is equinovarus.

The equinus component is caused by overactivity of the gastrocnemius-soleus complex.

The varus is due to relative overactivity of the tibialis anterior and the tibialis posterior tendons with lesser contributions from the FHL and FDL.

The posterior tibial tendon is balanced by the peroneus brevis.

The anterior tibial tendon is balanced by the peroneus longus.

The anterior tibial tendon is balanced by the Achilles tendon complex in the sagittal plane.

Nonoperative treatment

Early intervention with physical therapy, stretching and strengthening, and maintenance of joint ROM.

Other modalities include splinting, serial casting, oral muscle relaxants, phenol and lidocaine nerve blocks, and botulinum type A toxin injections.

Phenol blocks have a proven history, often have longer-lasting effects, and are less expensive than botulinum toxin injections.

Advantage of botulinum is ease of delivery—requires only an injection into the muscle belly rather than a precise injection around the motor nerve.

Operative treatment

Surgery for acquired spasticity should be delayed at least 6 months after onset to allow for maximum recovery.

Equinus deformity is addressed with either an open Z-lengthening of the Achilles tendon or a percutaneous triple hemisection technique (Fig. 6.66).

Varus deformity is addressed with one of two procedures.

Tendon transfer to lateral cuneiform

Lateral cuneiform is center of rotation of the foot

Split anterior tibial tendon transfer (SPLATT) or total anterior tibial tendon

Posterior tibial tendon transfer is not the preferred surgical procedure in the setting of spasticity. If the varus deformity is fixed, lateral closed-wedge calcaneal osteotomy or subtalar fusion may be necessary.

Release of the toe flexors is often required secondary to a tenodesis effect as the ankle is brought into a plantigrade position.


Review CMT


CMT disease is the most common inherited progressive peripheral neuropathy, affecting approximately 1 in every 2500 people.

As a group, the many genetic variants of CMT disease are referred to as hereditary motor-sensory neuropathies (HMSNs).

Type I HMSN is the most common presentation of CMT.

Usually autosomal dominant with a duplication of chromosome 17

An abnormal myelin sheath protein (PMP 22) is the basis of CMT degenerative neuropathy.

The earlier the onset, the more severe the neurologic findings.


Deformity and awkward gait are common initial complaints, with weakness, lateral ankle instability, and lateral foot pain presenting later.

Physical examination

Bilateral symmetric pes cavovarus deformity is caused by motor imbalance.

Tibialis anterior (TA) and peroneus brevis (PB) weakness seen early

First ray is plantar flexed because of relatively unopposed pull of peroneus longus (PL > TA) (Fig. 6.67).

This creates forefoot cavus and compensatory hindfoot varus (tripod effect).

Hindfoot is pulled farther into varus because of relatively unopposed pull of posterior tibial (PT) muscle (PT > PB).

Plantar-flexed first ray and hindfoot varus lead to external rotation of distal tibia and fibula.

Intrinsic (EDB, EHB, interossei) wasting leads to overpull of extrinsics (EHL, EDL, FHL, FDL), which causes claw-toe deformity;

Intrinsics are affected first as they have the longest axons.

Weak TA leads to recruitment of EHL and EDL during swing phase of gait, worsening claw-toe deformity.

Prominent and tender calluses may be present beneath the metatarsal heads.

Coleman block test (Fig. 6.68) should be used to determine whether a hindfoot varus deformity is secondary to plantar flexion of the first ray or is an independent component.

Deformity corrects with Coleman block—forefoot-driven hindfoot varus.

Surgical correction involves dorsiflexion osteotomy of the first metatarsal.

Deformity does not correct with Coleman block—hindfoot varus independent of the forefoot.

Surgical correction involves both

Dorsiflexion osteotomy of the first metatarsal (forefoot)

Lateral closed-wedge calcaneal osteotomy (hindfoot)

Sensory deficit is variable.

Proprioception, vibration, and two-point discrimination affected first

Severe sensory loss may lead to recurrent ulceration, deep infection, and even neuropathic arthropathy.


Flexible deformity (hindfoot can be passively manipulated)

In an adolescent with closed physes and a supple deformity, surgical treatment rather than brace management is currently recommended because of the progressive pattern of this disease.

Operative treatment

Release of the plantar fascia

Closed-wedge dorsiflexion osteotomy of first metatarsal

Always required; if deformity corrects with Coleman block test, no other bony correction is required.

Lateral calcaneal slide and/or closed-wedge osteotomy if deformity does not correct with the Coleman block (Fig. 6.69)

Transfer of peroneus longus into peroneus brevis at the level of the distal fibula

Frequently a tendon Achilles lengthening (TAL) procedure is required.

Forefoot correction is performed according to the guidelines outlined previously.

A flexible clawed hallux can be surgically treated with a Jones procedure (arthrodesis of interphalangeal joint and transfer of EHL to first metatarsal).

Fixed deformity (hindfoot cannot be passively manipulated)

Nonoperative management can be attempted with a brace.

Locked-ankle, short-leg ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) with an outside (varus-correcting or lateral) T-strap is recommended.

Rocker sole can improve gait and decrease energy expenditure.

Operative treatment

Dorsal closing midfoot arthrodesis or triple arthrodesis is usually required for deformity correction.

PTT transfer through the interosseous membrane and TAL procedure can correct equinus contracture and dorsiflexion weakness.

Plantar fascia release and dorsiflexion osteotomy of the first metatarsal

Forefoot correction is performed according to the guidelines outlined previously.


Review Gout




Abnormal purine metabolism results in precipitation and deposition of monosodium urate crystals into synovium-lined joints.

Induces a severe inflammatory response

Induced by certain medications that increase serum uric acid, localized trauma, alcohol, or purine-rich foods, as well as by the postsurgical state

Men are more commonly affected than women.


Patients complain of sudden joint pain, with a characteristic history (“not even a sheet could touch it”).

Physical examination—intense signs of inflammation (redness, swelling, warmth, tenderness) and pain with ROM

The great-toe MTP joint is most often involved (50%–75% of initial attacks).

90% of patients with chronic gouty attacks have one or more episodes involving the hallux MTP joint (podagra).

Characteristic radiographic signs

Inordinate soft tissue enlargement about the MTP joint

Bony erosions both at a distance from and within the joint articular surface

Extensive articular and periarticular destruction can occur in chronic conditions (Figs. 6.70 and 6.71).

Secondary to large soft tissue deposits of gouty residue (tophi)

Definitive diagnosis—needle aspiration of the joint

Indicated in the presence of an acute swollen painful joint; fluid sent for crystal analysis and Gram stain with culture.

Pathognomonic signs: needle-shaped monosodium urate crystals, which under polarized light are strongly negatively birefringent

Ruling out an acute septic joint—which would be determined from the aspirate Gram stain and culture—is critical.

Serum uric acid may or may not be elevated and should not be used to confirm or refute the diagnosis.


Acute attacks treated with indomethacin or colchicine

Colchicine inhibits microtubule formation, preventing inflammatory cell migration into the area.

Chronic attacks treated with allopurinol

Allopurinol is a xanthine oxidase inhibitor.

Joint destruction or deposition of large quantities of tophi may require arthrodesis and/or débridement of tophaceous debris.


Review chondrocalcinosis



Deposition of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) crystals in or about a joint may lead to severe initial inflammatory response.

Usually articular, with less periarticular soft tissue involvement than gout

Commonly affects the knee but may manifest in articulations of the foot or ankle


Analysis of joint aspirate reveals weakly positive birefringent crystals with varied shapes under polarized light microscopy.

Lesser MTP, TN, and subtalar joints can be affected.

Characteristic radiographic signs

Intraarticular calcifications commonly seen (unlike in gout)

Joint destruction can occur with recurrent attacks over a long period but is rare.

Treatment—rest, oral NSAIDs for acute synovitis, protected weight bearing, and corticosteroid injections


review seronegative spondyloarthropathies



Inflammatory arthritides in which rheumatoid factor is absent

Distinguished from RA clinically by a higher incidence of involvement of entheses (i.e., the interface between collagen and bone where ligament, tendon, and capsular tissue insert into bone)

Involvement of this transitional tissue is found in psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease.

May destroy articular cartilage but characteristically are more destructive of collagen and fibrocartilage


Often manifest in the foot as plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, or posterior tibial tendinopathy

Psoriatic arthritis can manifest as swollen and inflamed distal joints or, more classically, as dactylitis (“sausage digit”).

Periarticular bony erosion may occur, causing a classic pencil-in-cup sign typical of psoriatic arthritis (Fig. 6.72).

Additional findings may include nail pitting, onycholysis, and keratosis.


Pharmacologic agents such as NSAIDs, or occasionally salicylates or cytotoxic drugs under the direction and observation of a rheumatologist, are the mainstays of treatment.

Intraarticular corticosteroid injections may improve symptoms, especially for acute flares.

Surgical intervention is sometimes required for small joint erosions, recalcitrant Achilles tendinopathy, and plantar fasciitis.


Review Rheumatoid foot



Chronic symmetric polyarthropathy that most commonly manifests in the third and fourth decades and is more prevalent in women.

Synovitis causes ligament and capsular laxity and cartilage and bony erosion.

Vasculitis and soft tissue fragility are common, requiring diligent care of the soft tissues during nonoperative and operative management.

Use of immune-mediating pharmacologic therapies in the perioperative period should be discussed with a rheumatologist because of possible complications.

Most can be continued (prednisone, methotrexate, hydroxychloroquine), but the newer biologic agents (e.g., TNF antagonists) should be discontinued.

Most significant risk factor for development of a postoperative wound infection: history of previous wound infection


Foot involvement very common in RA

Forefoot more commonly involved than midfoot or hindfoot

Patients complain of forefoot swelling, poorly defined pain, and eventually deformity.

MTP joint pathophysiology

Chronic synovitis leads to incompetence of the joint capsules and collateral ligaments.

Toes subluxate or dislocate dorsally, deviate laterally into valgus, and develop hammering (Fig. 6.73).

Intrinsic muscles worsen the claw-toe deformity.

Plantar fat pad migrates distally and atrophies, causing metatarsalgia and painful keratoses.

As lesser toes deviate laterally, hallux valgus occurs and transfer metatarsalgia worsens.

Midfoot and hindfoot are less commonly and less severely involved in RA.

Significant midfoot/hindfoot arthrosis (TN joint characteristic)

Often results in a pes planovalgus deformity

Underlying cause of flatfoot deformity must be carefully assessed to determine whether it is midfoot driven or hindfoot driven.

Midfoot etiology—TMT joints subluxated, with a congruent hindfoot (Fig. 6.74)

Treatment—realignment midfoot arthrodesis

Hindfoot etiology—transverse tarsal and subtalar joints are subluxated, with a normal midfoot.

Treatment—triple arthrodesis

Tibiotalar joint also commonly involved—easily differentiated from osteoarthritis by lack of osteophyte formation, osteopenia, and symmetric joint space narrowing (Fig. 6.75)

Ankle arthrodesis is currently the treatment of choice, with ankle replacement emerging as a more reliable technique.

A tibiotalar and subtalar (tibiotalocalcaneal [TTC]) arthrodesis performed with an intramedullary nail risks a tibial stress fracture in patients with RA.

This complication is best treated conservatively with a cast.

Risks of wound complications after total ankle arthroplasty have been shown to be higher in patients with RA.


Nonoperative treatment

Rest, NSAIDs, immune-modulating drugs under the direction of a rheumatologist, toe taping, orthoses, and careful use of corticosteroid injections may help symptoms related to synovitis.

Operative treatment

Early (mild hallux valgus, mild claw toe without dislocation)

The new disease-modifying medication has resulted in a significant decrease in end-stage rheumatologic deformity. In patients with mild deformity without joint pain and with radiographic evidence of sparing of the joint space, joint preservation surgery as would be performed for nonautoimmune cases should be considered. Patients must be informed that the rate of recurrence may be higher and that late arthrodesis may be necessary secondary to the underlying disease process.

Late (in presence of severe deformity)—“rheumatoid forefoot reconstruction” (Hoffman procedure) (Fig. 6.76)

First MTP arthrodesis, lesser metatarsal head resection with pinning of the lesser MTP joints, and closed osteoclasis of the interphalangeal joints versus PIP arthroplasty

Silicone arthroplasty not recommended; complications are cock-up deformity, silicone synovitis, and osteolysis.

Accomplished through three well-placed longitudinal dorsal incisions (Fig. 6.77)

Extensor brevis tenotomy and Z-lengthening of the extensor longus tendons may be necessary.

Most common complication of forefoot arthroplasty is intractable plantar keratoses.

Midfoot, hindfoot, or ankle arthrodesis indicated as previously described


what is the rheumatoid Hoffman procedure?


Diagnosis of Foot OA:


First MTP joint

Tenderness over the dorsum of the joint, limited dorsiflexion secondary to large dorsal osteophyte, and pain with grind test

Graded clinically and radiographically:

Grade 0—normal radiograph features, stiff on examination

Grade I—mild dorsal osteophyte, joint space preserved, mild pain at extremes of ROM, less than 50% loss of ROM

Grade II—moderate osteophyte formation, joint space narrowing (<50%), moderate pain with ROM that may be more constant

Grade III—severe osteophyte formation, substantial joint space narrowing (>50%), significant stiffness with pain at extreme ROM but not at midrange

Grade IV—same as grade III but with pain at midrange of passive motion

Subtalar, TN, CC joints

Tenderness at the sinus tarsi (subtalar joint), dorsal TN joint, and/or lateral column

Pain with passive hindfoot inversion/eversion (subtalar), midfoot ROM (TN, CC)

Radiographs show varying severity of joint space narrowing and osteophyte formation.

Rigid flatfoot without arthritis is also common presentation but is not amenable to joint preservation surgery and should be treated with a triple arthrodesis.

Tibiotalar joint

Tenderness in anterior ankle joint line

Limited ROM with pain, especially in extreme dorsiflexion

May be associated varus or valgus deformity, either at ankle or more proximally, especially with history of prior fracture or injury.

Radiographs show joint space narrowing, sclerosis and cysts, osteophytes, and possibly varus or valgus deformity.

Standing radiographs essential; long-leg alignment view may be needed for history of leg trauma

May be associated with cavovarus deformity, rigid flatfoot (valgus), or chronic lateral ankle instability (varus)


Review the non-operative treatment of foot OA


Initial treatment should include antiinflammatory medications, activity modification, orthotic support or bracing, and corticosteroid injections.

Hallux rigidus—stiff footplate with an extension under the great toe (Morton extension)

Midfoot (TMT) arthritis—stiff-soled or steel shank–modified shoe with a rocker bottom in addition to a cushioned heel. Use of a full-length rigid foot orthotic can also be beneficial.

Hindfoot (ST, TN, CC) arthritis—AFO or rigid lace-up leather brace (Arizona type)

Tibiotalar arthritis—NSAIDs, AFO, or rigid lace-up leather brace (Arizona type). Shoe modification consists of a single hindfoot rocker sole.


midfoot OA treatment


Midfoot arthrodesis is the treatment of choice.

In the setting of deformity (flatfoot) the joints must be reduced into anatomic position to achieve a satisfactory result (realignment arthrodesis) (Fig. 6.81).

Medial column arthrodesis refers to fusion of both the NC and first TMT joints; it is occasionally required for a flatfoot deformity to stabilize the collapsed midfoot and restore the lateral–first TMT angle.

In situ fusion in the setting of a deformity will predictably lead to a poor result.


hindfoot OA treatment


ankle OA treatment options


Arthrodesis provides excellent pain relief but also results in some restricted function (Fig. 6.85).

Position—neutral dorsiflexion (90 degrees), 0–5 degrees hindfoot valgus, 5–10 degrees external rotation

Valgus and external rotation keep the hindfoot unlocked to allow for accommodative hindfoot motion.

Leads to radiographic arthritis in surrounding foot joints

Subtalar joint is the most common location of adjacent joint arthritis.

No evidence to show causation or progress of knee or hip arthritis.

Malunion may lead to anterior talar translation of the talus. This can elongate the lever arm of the foot and needs a revision arthrodesis of the ankle.

If fibula was taken as part of ankle fusion, total ankle replacement is not possible.

Total ankle arthroplasty outcomes are improving and are no longer considered experimental.

Can be considered in patients who have low demand in the ankle, are more than 50 years old, and have minimal deformity (<10 degrees)

Pain relief equivalent to that for arthrodesis, function and gait are slightly better, risk of revision surgery is higher

Total ankle replacement (TAR) has shown the best outcome in patients with osteoarthritis.

Superior to that shown in patients with rheumatoid or posttraumatic etiology

Syndesmotic fusion is associated with decreased rate of failure when the Agility ankle replacement system was previously used.

Current generation of implants preserves the syndesmosis and distal fibula.

Newer-generation implants retain ligamentous and bony stabilizers and require careful anatomic balancing.

Medialization of extramedullary tibial cutting guides can lead to fracture of the medial malleolus.

Salvage of implant failure is difficult given the amount of bone loss and current lack of available revision components. The most reliable current technique is a bone-block ankle arthrodesis (femoral head) with or without additional subtalar fusion.

Wound breakdown in the acute period (3 weeks) after TAR requires débridement and polyethylene exchange; if 6 weeks or longer after TAR, removal of implant and placement of antibiotic spacer should be considered.

Contraindications include severe coronal plane deformity, AVN (talus or tibia), Charcot arthropathy, young age, and history of infection.

Distraction arthroplasty using thin-wire external fixation—limited role; may be option in younger patients with preserved ankle ROM

Bipolar osteochondral allograft transplantation—data are few and most series report high failure rates


review subtalar bone block arthrodesis


Indicated for prior calcaneal fracture with loss of height

Normal calcaneal declination is ≈26 degrees

Results in anterior impingement, complaints of anterior ankle pain with ambulation in addition to hindfoot pain

Autograft or allograft bone block arthrodesis restores the height of the calcaneus.

Less successful at correcting residual hindfoot varus


What is a triple arthrodesis?


Arthrodesis of single joints leads to significant limitation in hindfoot inversion/eversion (affects TN > ST > CC).

Isolated TN fusion has a high rate of nonunion, and given the significant restriction of hindfoot motion from a TN fusion, an ST fusion is commonly performed in addition to ensure union without causing any incremental functional deficit.

Triple arthrodesis is also an appropriate option. If the CC joint is unaffected, it is more common to not include the CC joint in the arthrodesis (“medial double”) for a pes planovalgus deformity.

Triple arthrodesis is usually performed to correct arthritis of the triple joint complex or rigid deformity that is not pes planovalgus


Review Peroneal tendon disorders


Most common disorders include tendinitis/tenosynovitis and tendon subluxation/dislocation, which often causes peroneus brevis degenerative tears.


Acute or chronic localized swelling and tenderness over peroneal tendons

Common cause of chronic pain following an ankle sprain or with chronic instability

Associated with cavovarus foot deformity

Peroneal subluxation or dislocation

Caused by forced eversion and dorsiflexion leading to disruption of superior peroneal retinaculum (SPR)

Pain and/or sensation of snapping in the retrofibular groove

Often causes peroneus brevis degenerative tears

Sudden dorsiflexion during downhill skiing is a common report.

Plain radiographs may demonstrate a rim fracture of the lateral aspect of the distal fibula.

Acute rupture of the peroneus longus tendon at or through a fracture of the os peroneum can occur.

Radiographs show a retraction or fracture of the os peroneum.

MRI may demonstrate displacement of peroneal tendons anterolateral to the retrofibular region.


Review Peroneal tendon operative treatments


Nonoperative treatment

Chronic peroneal tendinosis or tenosynovitis is initially treated with activity modification, NSAIDs, lace-up ankle brace, and physical therapy.

Ultrasound or MRI can be used to aid diagnosis (Fig. 6.96).

Ultrasound useful as dynamic tool to evaluate subluxation/dislocation.

False-positive results showing longitudinal tears common with MRI.

Operative treatment—based on the pathology

Tenosynovectomy, débridement, and repair of degenerative tears (usually peroneus brevis)

If conservative management (immobilization/physical therapy) fails

Early treatment of longitudinal splits, reduces risk of progression to full tear

Synovitis or less than 50% diseased tendon

Groove deepening if shallow fibular groove and peroneal retinacular repair if evidence of tendon subluxation

Patients may have evidence of apprehension with resistant eversion, which may be relieved with manual stabilization of the peroneal tendons

Assessment for intratendinous subluxation also needed

Excision and tenodesis

Required when there is a complete rupture or severely degenerative tendon (>50%) that prohibits repair

For hindfoot varus

Dwyer osteotomy (lateral closed-wedge osteotomy of the calcaneus)

Limits risk of recurrent tears and continued pain

For peroneal subluxation or dislocation


Requires repair/reconstruction of the SPR and fibular groove deepening


SPR repair/reconstruction

Tendon transfer to fifth metatarsal

More than 50% degeneration of both peroneus longus and brevis requires excision of both tendons.

Good results reported with both lateral transfer of the FHL or FDL and allograft.

Allograft may be used if peroneal muscles demonstrate adequate excursion at the time of surgery with minimal atrophic change to the muscle.


treatment overview for pes planus, PTT disorder


Stage I—tenosynovitis without deformity


Immobilization (cast or boot)

Orthotic after acute swelling and pain subside

Arch support with medial heel wedge


Synovectomy of PTT

Stage II—flexible deformity is the critical feature; PTT is degenerated and functionally incompetent.


AFO in conjunction with physical therapy has demonstrated the highest success rate.

Use of a full-length orthotic with an arch support, medial heel wedge, and medial forefoot support (if supination/forefoot varus present) is used after acute pain has resolved.

A lace-up ankle brace may also be used.

Operative (if conservative measures fail after 6 months or more)

Correction of all stage II deformities includes a tendon transfer (FDL or FHL) into the navicular to reconstruct the PTT.

Presence of a gastrocnemius contracture should be assessed for and if present corrected with a gastrocnemius recession.

Although reconstruction of the spring ligament has been advocated, there are limited data to demonstrate its efficacy at this time.

Stage IIA—defined by hindfoot valgus without significant forefoot abduction (<40% uncovering of the talus)

Medial slide calcaneal osteotomy (Fig. 6.88)

To address signs of subfibular impingement

Stage IIB—defined by forefoot abduction (>40% uncovering of the talus) in addition to hindfoot valgus

Lateral column lengthening (Fig. 6.89)

To address hindfoot valgus and improve the longitudinal arch of the foot/medial column of the foot

Additional medial slide calcaneal osteotomy may be required.

Stage IIC—defined by fixed forefoot supination/varus (first ray is elevated after correction of the hindfoot to neutral) in addition to hindfoot valgus (Fig. 6.90). Forefoot abduction may also be present.

Stable medial column—navicular is colinear with first metatarsal.

Cotton osteotomy (dorsal open-wedge osteotomy of the cuneiform) to plantar flex the first ray, to correct forefoot varus

Unstable medial column—plantar sag at NC or first TMT joint

Medial column fusion (based on point of collapse)

Isolated first TMT fusion

Isolated NC fusion

Combined NC and TMT fusion (both joints are involved radiographically)

Hindfoot treatment based on talar uncovering

Less than 40%—medial slide calcaneal osteotomy

More than 40%—lateral column lengthening and possible medial slide calcaneal osteotomy if residual hindfoot valgus


Anterior tibialis tendon pathology


Tenosynovitis uncommon but can be observed in patients with inflammatory arthritis

NSAIDs and walking cast or boot recommended

Corticosteroid injections may provide relief but increase the risk of tendon rupture.

Complete ruptures rare—occur mainly in older patients

Commonly missed diagnosis

Manifests as painless anterior ankle mass

Footdrop may be subtle because of recruitment of toe extensors.

Primary repair generally improves functional results regardless of age.

Tendon grafting augmentation may be warranted if there is adequate excursion of the myotendinous unit and the muscle is healthy.

Interpositional graft may be required in delayed cases.


FHL tendon pathology


Stenosing FHL tenosynovitis

Usually seen in dancers on pointe and gymnasts

Posterior ankle pain, triggering of the hallux interphalangeal joint, and pain with resisted hallux plantar flexion

Stenosis occurs along course of FHL between the posterolateral and posteromedial tubercles of the talus.

MRI is the diagnostic modality of choice.

Fluid (high signal intensity) is noted surrounding the FHL at the level of the ankle joint (Fig. 6.97).

Nonoperative treatment—activity modification, consideration of boot immobilization for short period of rest, NSAIDs

Operative treatment—open (posteromedial approach) or arthroscopic FHL tenosynovectomy and release of the fascia


What are the bony causes of heel pain?


1. Calcaneal stress fractures

Most common in the active individual or military recruit

MRI typically used to aid diagnosis.

Treated with rest, protected weight bearing (cast, CAM walker).

2. Periostitis

Pain and tenderness in the central portion of the heel pad

Represents traumatic periosteal or bursal inflammation secondary to a known injury or atrophic heel pad

Treated with cushioned shoe inserts or a short course in a well-padded cast.

The examiner should be vigilant for other signs or symptoms suggesting inflammatory arthritis.

3. Sever disease

Also referred to as calcaneal apophysitis

More common in boys; typically appears between age 10 and 14 years, prior to closure of calcaneal apophysis and just before or during a growth spurt

Treatment includes activity modification, gastrocnemius stretching, and cushioned heel orthotics.

No correlation between symptoms and fragmentation of apophysis.


Review Baxter’s Neuritis


Baxter neuritis (compression of first branch of lateral plantar nerve)


Baxter neuritis manifests as plantar medial heel pain that can be difficult to differentiate from plantar fasciitis.

Seen in athletes involved in running sports


Pain more medial over abductor hallucis (as compared to the more plantar pain seen with plantar fasciitis)

Compression over Baxter nerve reproduces the pain and may cause radiation into the plantar lateral foot.

Diagnostic tests

EMG/nerve conduction velocity (NCV) measurement may demonstrate increased motor latency within the abductor digiti quinti.

MRI may show fatty infiltration of the abductor digiti quinti, best seen on coronal views.

Nonoperative treatment

Heel cord stretching and cushioned heel inserts

Operative treatment

Open release of Baxter nerve must include release of the deep fascia of the abductor hallucis.


Review Plantar fasciitis


Weight-bearing x-rays are an important first diagnostic step to evaluate for stress injuries, subtalar arthritis, tumor, and insertional enthesophytes.

Advanced imaging (MRI) may demonstrate thickening of the plantar fascia and surrounding inflammation.

consider a gastroc recession first, if no evidence of baxter’s neuritis/joggers foot.


Review 5th metatarsal classification


Radiograph of jones fracture


Lisfranc Roman Arch


The second cuneiform and second metatarsal base are shaped like a keystone in the coronal plane. The Lisfranc joint is shaped like a Roman arch. The anatomy and stabilization by the Lisfranc ligament are important for support of the arch of the foot.

The second cuneiform and second metatarsal base are shaped like a keystone in the coronal plane. The Lisfranc joint is shaped like a Roman arch. The anatomy and stabilization by the Lisfranc ligament are important for support of the arch of the foot.


Normal Lisfranc radiograph


Normal anteroposterior weight-bearing radiograph demonstrating the alignment relationship between the base of the second metatarsal (arrow) and middle cuneiform (arrowhead). Any lateral deviation of the second metatarsal relative to the middle cuneiform is consistent with a Lisfranc disruption and must be treated operatively.


What is the fleck sign?


Patient with a Lisfranc injury identified by the fleck sign (arrow). In this case, the ligament itself remained intact and the injury occurred by avulsion of the ligament from the base of the second metatarsal. The function of the ligament is compromised, and operative intervention is indicated.


Review Hawkins talar fracture classification


The Hawkins classification of talar neck fractures remains useful because it is relatively simple, guides treatment, and has prognostic value.

(A) Type I fracture (minimally displaced).

(B) Type II fracture, with displacement of the subtalar joint.

(C) Type III fracture, with displacement of the subtalar and tibiotalar joints.

(D) The type IV fracture as described by Canale includes a talar neck fracture with displacement of the subtalar, tibiotalar, and talonavicular joints.


what is hawkins’ sign?


what is a snowboarder’s ankle?


Snowboarder’s ankle (fracture of the lateral process of the talus).


review the radiographic evaluation of calcaneal fractures:


The normal (A and C)

vs pathologic (G and H) radiographic anatomy of the calcaneus.

The lateral (A, E, and G) and Harris axial (C and H) views of the calcaneus are useful in assessing the shape and alignment of the calcaneus. (A and E) The lateral view allows for assessment of the posterior and middle facet positions as well as of calcaneal height (Böhler angle; E).

The Böhler angle is formed by drawing two lines. The first is drawn from the highest point on the anterior process to the highest point on the posterior facet. The second line is tangential to the superior edge of the tuberosity. The normal value of the Böhler angle is 25 to 40 degrees. (G) In the injured calcaneus, the Böhler angle is diminished, corresponding to the loss of height (flattening). (F) The critical angle of Gissane is the angle formed by the intersection of a line drawn along the dorsal aspect of the anterior process of the calcaneus and a line drawn along the dorsal slope of the posterior facet. The normal value of the Gissane angle is 120 to 145 degrees. (C and H) The axial view is useful for determining displacement of the tuberosity, varus angulation, fibular abutment, and displacement of the lateral wall.


Review the Sanders classification for calcaneal fractures


The Sanders classification is based on the fracture pattern through the posterior facet as seen on coronal CT scan. Type 1 fractures are nondisplaced. Type 2 fractures are two-part fractures of the posterior facet. Type 3 fractures are three-part fractures of the posterior facet. Type 4 fractures are highly comminuted, with four or more fragments to the posterior facet. (A and B) Type 2 and type 3 fractures are further classified according to the location of the fracture lines (A, B, and C), as shown. (C) This fracture would therefore be a Sanders type 3AC. The prognosis for calcaneus fractures worsens as the comminution of the posterior facet worsens.


review tarsal fracture anatomy


Constitute less than 1% of all fractures but rank second (behind calcaneus fractures) among all tarsal bone injuries


More than half of the surface area of the talus is covered by articular cartilage.

The neck is angled in a medial and plantar direction relative to the axis of the body.

There are no muscular or tendinous attachments.

Blood supply is provided by three main vessels: the posterior tibial artery, the dorsalis pedis artery, and the perforating peroneal artery.

The arteries of the tarsal sinus (br. of perforating peroneal), the tarsal canal (br. of the posterior tibial artery), and the deltoid (br. of the artery of the tarsal canal) are important branches of the main vessels.

The artery of the tarsal canal carries the main supply to the talar body.

The head and neck are vascularized by the artery of the tarsal sinus and the dorsalis pedis.

A thorough understanding of the relationship between fracture displacement and the vessels that are disrupted is extremely important when operative approaches and fixation are planned.


intraarticular calcaneal fractures


Approximately 75% of all fractures of the calcaneus are posterior facet fractures, and most of them have some displacement.

Mechanism of injury

Usually secondary to high-energy trauma such as fall from height or motor vehicle accident

Result in axial loading and shear forces to the calcaneus

One or more posterior facet fragments are impacted into the body of the calcaneus.

The lateral wall is “blown out,” causing subfibular impingement and peroneal tendon encroachment.

Heel pad crush occurs.

Results in shortened, widened calcaneus, and in varus

Collapse of the posterior facet leads to flattening of the calcaneus

Collapse of the posterior facet leads to loss of declination of the talus

Significant soft tissue disruption is common, with open fractures accounting for 17% of calcaneus fractures.

The complication rate with ORIF for disruption of the medial soft tissue is no higher than for lateral soft tissue trauma.

Evaluation for concomitant injuries such as vertebral fractures needed


Radiographic evaluation of the calcaneal fracture


AP, lateral, oblique, and axial os calcis radiographs performed initially

Reduction in Böhler angle or angle of Gissane, calcaneal shortening, and varus deformity to the tuberosity are common in joint depression fractures (Fig. 6.131).

Broden oblique view of the ankle is helpful to evaluate posterior facet displacement.

More internal rotation of leg allows anterior portion of the joint to be seen.

Less internal rotation of leg allows posterior portion of the joint to be seen.

CT scanning in the 30-degree semicoronal (posterior and middle facets displacement), axial (CC joint involvement), and sagittal (tuberosity displacement) planes is helpful in evaluating this multiplanar injury as well as in preoperative planning.


treatment for intra-articular calcaneal fractures


Sanders type I—immobilization for 2–3 weeks, early motion, non–weight-bearing status for 6 weeks.

Sanders types II and III

Indications for ORIF

Later literature has again demonstrated that long-term function following Sanders type II and III calcaneal fractures may not be significantly improved following ORIF. Therefore, it is very difficult to provide clear-cut guidelines on when operative intervention is advised.

Patients with severe loss of calcaneal height, varus deformity, subtalar subluxation or dislocation, or subfibular impingement are good candidates for operative intervention. If these problems are not present, nonoperative intervention should be considered.

Patients with an overall normal morphology of the hindfoot with intraarticular incongruity may not benefit from operative intervention.

Extensile lateral exposure provides access to subtalar and CC joints and allows for lateral plate placement, but has a high rate of wound complications.

Delayed wound healing can occur in 25%–30% of patients treated with an extensile approach. Risk of a deep infection is much lower (1%–4%).

Lower rate of subtalar arthrosis than for nonoperative intervention

FHL at risk during placement of screws from lateral to medial—specifically at the level of the sustentaculum (constant fragment)

Soft tissue swelling and risks of wound complications or infection make operative intervention difficult within 2 weeks of injury. Wrinkle sign (skin wrinkles present over lateral hindfoot, indicating improvement in swelling) should be sought prior to operative intervention.

Less invasive techniques (sinus tarsi incision, percutaneous screws), which have lower wound healing and infection complication rates, are increasing in popularity.

May be option within first 2 weeks following injury. More difficult to perform as time passes because of callus formation and difficulty mobilizing fracture fragments.

Sanders type IV

Significant comminution and displacement leads to relatively poor prognosis.

ORIF with primary subtalar arthrodesis is treatment of choice (Fig. 6.133).


Complications of calcaneal fractures


Worse outcomes correlate to higher fracture types.

Clinical outcomes are better with operative than with nonoperative management for patients with the following characteristics: significant intraarticular displacement, flattened Böhler angle, female gender, age younger than 29, and injury not involved in workers’ compensation process.

Posttraumatic subtalar arthritis is common; may require arthrodesis.

50% decreased ROM of subtalar joint expected after injury, regardless of treatment

Patients complain of pain over the sinus tarsi with limited inversion/eversion.

Outcomes for arthrodesis after primary ORIF superior to those for initial treatment with nonoperative management.

Secondary to restoration of height and width of the hindfoot in operatively treated patients

In cases with significant loss of calcaneal height, horizontal talus, and resultant anterior ankle pain, bone-block distraction arthrodesis of the subtalar joint is required.

A posterolateral approach should be considered to avoid the soft tissue healing issues associated with application of bone block through the sinus tarsi approach.


Review Subtalar dislocations


Associated tarsal fractures in 90%

Medial—dorsomedial talar head, posterior tubercles of talus, lateral navicular

Lateral—cuboid, anterior process of calcaneus, lateral process of talus and lateral malleolus

Medial dislocation (Fig. 6.134)

More common (85%) than lateral dislocation

Results from forceful inversion of the hindfoot, which leads to medial displacement of the calcaneus

Reduction can usually be accomplished with use of sedation or general anesthesia.

Most common obstacles to reduction are the EDB, the extensor retinaculum, the peroneal tendons, and the TN capsule.

Lateral dislocation (Fig. 6.135)

Less common (15%) than medial dislocation

Occurs with forceful eversion of the hindfoot, which leads to lateral displacement of the calcaneus

Most common obstacles to reduction are an interposed posterior tibial tendon and FHL tendon.

CT recommended in all cases to rule out small intraarticular fragments.


Immobilization in boot or cast for 6 to 12 weeks if reduction stable

Unstable reduction requires temporary stabilization with either Kirschner wire or external fixation.

Intraarticular fragments should be removed surgically.


Ankle fracture pearls


Stable reduction of ankle mortise must be obtained.

One millimeter of lateral talar shift is associated with a 42% decrease in tibiotalar contact area.

Syndesmosis instability must be addressed after fixation of fractures.

Braking response time for vehicle driving returns (on average) 9 weeks after operative fixation of ankle fractures.


Review Tibial plafond fractures


Frequently comminuted intraarticular fractures of distal tibial plafond

High-energy mechanism of injury, often associated with fall from a height or motor vehicle collision (axial load)

Most common in fourth decade of life, more common in men

Poor outcomes more common in patients with lower income or education levels or preexisting medical comorbidities, in males, and injuries associated with workers’ compensation claims

Continued clinical improvement may be noted for up to 2 years
