Anatomy Flashcards
Describe the Anatomy of the axillary nerve

Describe the Radial Nerve Anatomy at the Humerus

Describe the radial nerve anatomy at the ELBOW:

Describe the anatomy of the PIN


Characteristics of Pre-Ganglionic Brachial Plexus Injuries?

Common Post-ganglionic Pediatric Brachial Plexus Palsies

Describe the musculocutaneous Nerve Anatomy

Sites of Radial Nerve Compression

Anatomy of the Median Nerve at the ELBOW

Sites of Median Nerve Compression

Describe the Anatomy of the Ulnar Nerve

Describe the sites of Ulnar Nerve Compression

Ulnar Nerve Compression Pearls

Upper Extremity Compressive Neuropathy

How do you take a true AP Grashey View of the shoulder?

Shoulder Anatomy Pearls

Joints around the Shoulder

Scapular Winging

Shoulder Labrum Anatomy Pearls

Rotator Cuff Anatomy Pearls

Shoulder Spaces “Rule of Fingers”

Describe the contents of the follow shoulder spaces:
Quadrilateral Space
Triangular Space
Triangular Interval

Describe the anatomy of the Suprascapular nerve:

Muscle Insertions near the bicipital groove?
Lady between two majors

What is the anatomy of the Pectoralis Major?

Shoulder Approaches

what are the static stabilizers of the elbow?

Describe the UCL throwing Mechanism

Describe the biceps brachii distal insertion:

Elbow Approach Bullet Points

Describe the forearm biomechanics

Clinical concerns for ulnar variance at the wrist

Describe the anatomy of the TFCC joint

Describe the anatomy of the wrist bones

Describe the extrinsic wrist ligaments

Describe the anatomy of the intrinsic wrist ligaments

Describe the anatomy of the scaphoid

Describe the dorsal compartments of the wrist

Describe the flexor zones in the hand:

Describe the extensor tendon anatomy of the hand:

Describe the Elson test:

Describe the anatomy of the carpal tunnel,
including the anatomic borders

Describe the anatomy of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel
discuss the palmar cutaneous nerve and the recurrent motor branch

Describe the anatomy of Gunyon’s Canal

Forearm approach Bullet Points:

Describe the anatomy of the lumbosacral plexus

lumbosacral plexus table

Describe the anatomy of the femoral nerve

Describe the anatomy of the obturator nerve

Describe the anatomy of the Peroneal Nerve

Describe the anatomy of the tibial nerve

Axial anatomy of the thigh

Axial anatomy of the upper thigh

axial cuts anatomy of the mid thigh

List three muscles of the thigh with dual innervation

what and where are the three bones of the pelvis?

Describe the anatomy of the hip joint

what is the clinical relevant issues of the femoral head blood supply?

Describe the sciatic nerve in relation to muscles of the sciatic foramina

Describe the neurvascular structures of the greater and lesser sciatic foramina

what are the 3 nerves of the pelvis that exit the greater sciatic foramina and enter the lesser sciatic foramina?

what and where is the Corona Mortis?

Describe the Rubash Safe Zones of the hip:

Describe the anatomy of the hip abductors

describe the MRI appearance of the hip abductors:

Describe the differential for trendelenburg gait:

Describe the anatomy of the proximal hamstring:

What are the muscles of the lower extremity that cross two joints and are subsequently more prone to strain and injury?
Rectus Femoris
Biceps femoris long head
Describe the surgical illioingunial approach:

Describe the Posterior Approach to the hip:

Summarize the surgical approaches to the hip:

Describe the Anterior Hip Approach:

Describe the Posterior Approach to the hip:

Describe the Anteriolateral approach to the hip:
Describe the Medial approach to the hip:

Describe the anatomy of the Meniscus:

Describe the biomechanics of the meniscus:

Describe the meniscofemoral ligaments:

Describe the anatomy of the ACL:

Describe the ACL femoral footprint anatomy:

Describe the anatomy of the PCL

Describe the key points for knee biomechanics

Describe the anatomy of the medial knee:

Describe the anatomy of the medial landmarks of the knee

Describe the functional anatomy of the MCL:

Describe the destinction between the superficial MCL and the Deep MCL

Describe the anatomy of the posteromedial corner:

Describe the anatomy of the posterolateral corner:

Describe the anatomy of the LCL
Describe the anatomy of the popliteus and the popliteal fibular ligament

Describe the anatomy of the PLC of the knee

Describe the dial test

Describe the anatomy of the ALL

Describe the anatomy of Schottle’s Point:

Describe the anatomy of the Pes:

List the knee approaches bullet points:

Describe the axial anatomy of the leg

Describe the anatomy of the leg compartments:

Describe the two-incision leg fasciotomy approach

which way does the achilles rotate on insertion at the calcaneus?
90 degrees laterally

Where is the sural nerve in relationship to the achilles tendon?

what are the ligaments in relation to the the ankle syndesmosis?

What is Bassett’s ligament?

Describe the lateral ankle ligaments:

Describe the peroneal tendon anatomy:

Describe the ligamentous anatomy of the medial ankle

Describe the anatomy of the posterior tibialis on the medial ankle:

Describe the anatomy of the talus:

Describe the anatomy of the midfoot:

describe the anatomy of the transverse tarsal joint:

Describe the anatomy of the plantar aponeurosis:

describe the anatomy of the foot mechanics:

Describe the anatomy of the plantar foot nerves:

list the foot and ankle approaches bullet points: