Miller-Trauma Flashcards


What is the classification of hemmoragic shock?


Class III/IV requires administration of blood products.

Manifests as:

Increases in heart rate and systemic vascular resistance

Decreases in cardiac output, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, central venous pressure, and mixed venous oxygen saturation

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What is the mechanism of TXA?


Tranexamic acid is a synthetic analogue of lysine that can be used to prevent excessive bleeding. Its mechanism of action is competitive inhibition of plasminogen activation.

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Define damage control orthopedics


Damage control orthopaedic principles involve staging the definitive care of the patient to avoid adding to the early overall physiologic insult

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How does ultrasound help heal bone fractures?


Ultrasound—delivers small cumulative doses of ultrasound energy; thought to induce microfracture and healing response; 30 mW/cm2pulsed wave ultrasound has been shown effective for healing acute fractures.

Electromagnetic—attempts to promote healing by directing integral ion flow at cellular level of bone

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What antibiotics do you give for open fractures?


Antibiotics—usually started immediately. Antibiotic bead pouch with methylmethacrylate, tobramycin, and/or vancomycin may be used to initially manage highly contaminated wounds.

Types I and II—first-generation cephalosporin (cefazolin) for 24 hours

Type III—cephalosporin and aminoglycoside for 72 hours after injury or not more than 24 hours after each débridement or soft tissue coverage

Heavily contaminated wounds and farm injuries—cephalosporin, aminoglycosides, and high-dose penicillin

Freshwater wounds—fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin) or third- or fourth-generation cephalosporin (ceftazidime)

Saltwater wounds—doxycycline and ceftazidime or a fluoroquinolone

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Tetanus prophylaxis


Tetanus is caused by the exotoxin of Clostridium tetani, which produces convulsion and severe muscle spasms with a 30%–40% mortality rate.

Required tetanus prophylaxis treatment is based on the characteristics of the wound and the patient’s immunization status.

Tetanus-prone wounds are more than 6 hours old, are more than 1 cm deep, have devitalized tissue, and are grossly contaminated.

Patient with an unknown tetanus immunization status or who has received fewer than three tetanus immunizations and who has a tetanus-prone wound should receive tetanus and diphtheroid toxoid and human tetanus immunoglobulins (intramuscular injection of toxoid and immunoglobulin should occur at different sites).

Patient with unknown tetanus immunization status or who has received fewer than three tetanus immunizations and who has a non–tetanus-prone wound should receive only tetanus toxoid.

Fully immunized patient should receive tetanus toxoid if the wound is severe or is more than 24 hours old, or if the patient has not had a booster in the past 5 years.

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Definitive diagnosis—by bone biopsy. Bone culture and microscopic pathology. Bone culture may have high false-negative rate. Microscopic pathology to evaluate for inflammatory changes consistent with infection.

Other tests—may be used in combination with physical examination (draining wound, pain) to confirm diagnosis

Chronic draining wounds can differentiate into squamous cell carcinoma and should undergo histologic analysis when excised.

MRI—95% sensitive and 90% specific

Technetium (Tc) 99m (99mTc) study—85% sensitive and 80% specific

Indium (In) 111 study—95% sensitive and 85%–90% specific

Treatment—based on grade and host type (Cierny/Mader classification)


Grade I—intramedullary; débridement by intramedullary reaming

Grade II—superficial, involves cortex, often seen in diabetic wounds; curettage

Grade III—localized, involves cortical lesion with extension into medullary canal; requires wide excision, bone grafting, and perhaps stabilization

Grade IV—diffuse, indicates spread through cortex and along medullary canal; wide sequestrectomy, muscle flap, bone graft, and stabilization


A—normal healthy patient

B—locally compromised (vasculopathic)

C—not considered a medical candidate for surgery; may require suppressive antibiotics

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LEAP study results


Multicenter prospective study of severe lower extremity trauma in the U.S. civilian population. Key findings and recommendations include:

Injury severity scoring systems do not provide valid predictive value to guide amputation decision.

Absence of plantar sensation on presentation is not predictive of extremity function or return of plantar sensation at 2-year follow-up.

At 2- and 7-year follow-up, no difference in functional outcome between patients who underwent limb salvage surgery and those who underwent amputation

Outcomes found to be affected more by patient’s economic, social, and personal resources than by the injury treatment method

Patients with mangled extremity injuries have poor outcomes at 2 years. Outcomes continue to worsen between 2 and 7 years’ follow-up. Factors associated with poor outcome include older age, female gender, nonwhite race, lower level of education, current or prior smoking history, poor economic status, low self-efficacy, poor health status prior to injury, and involvement in legal system to obtain disability.

Patients presenting with mangled lower extremity injuries are less agreeable and more likely to drink alcohol, to smoke, to be poor and uninsured, and to be neurotic and extroverted in comparison with population norms.

Patients who undergo below-knee amputation function better than those who undergo above-knee amputation. Patients undergoing through-knee amputation have the poorest function.

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Review the biomechanics of fracture healing


Stability and fracture healing

Stability determines strain

Absolute stability

Relative stability

Strain determines type of healing

Strain is defined as change in fracture gap divided by the fracture gap (ΔL/L).

Highest fracture site strain is seen in a simple fracture that is fixed with a gap (incompletely reduced).

Strain less than 2% results in primary bone healing (endosteal healing).

Strain 2%–10% results in secondary bone healing (enchondral ossification).

Strain greater than 10% does not permit bone formation.

Relative stability

Micromotion at fracture site under physiologic load leads to callus formation.

Strain decreases as callus matures, leading to increased stability.

If there is too much motion, callus becomes hypertrophic as it tries to spread out force, and hypertrophic nonunion can result.

Examples: casts, external fixators, IM nails, bridge plates

Absolute stability

No motion at fracture site under physiologic load

Bone heals through direct healing (no callus).

Strain is low or zero.

Healing times are longer and more difficult to confirm by radiography.

Implants must have longer fatigue life.

Examples: oblique fractures fixed with lag screws and transverse fractures fixed with compression plating technique

Healing in different bone types

Diaphyseal (cortical)

Decreased blood supply leads to longer healing times.

Bone is more amenable to compression techniques (in short oblique/transverse fractures).

Strain is concentrated over a smaller surface area.

Cancellous (metaphyseal)

Larger surface area and better blood supply

Strain is lower as forces spread out over larger area.

Healing is more rapid.

However, joint surfaces tolerate very little malreduction (<2 mm), so there is often increased time to bear weight versus diaphyseal fractures.

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Biomechanics of ORIF


Lag screws

Provide rigid interfragmentary compression (absolute stability)

Force is concentrated over a small area (around screw), so typically a plate is needed to protect/neutralize the deforming forces.

Position screws

Compress plate to bone but do not provide interfragmentary compression

Friction between screw, plate, and bone resists pullout or bending.


Plate length matters more for bending stability than number of screws in plate.

Torsional stability is more affected by position of screws (end hole must be filled).

Longer plates spread the strain over more area (working length).

To increase bending stiffness of a plate, decrease the working length by placing screws closer to the fracture site (a 10-hole plate centered at a fracture with screws in holes 1, 5, 6, and 10 has a higher bending stiffness than one with screws in holes 1, 3, 8, and 10).

Plates are load bearing—will stress shield area they cover; important to protect area temporarily if plate removed after healing

Compression plate function

Plate design (oval holes) or use of compression device allows plate to apply compressive forces across fracture.

Provides absolute stability when properly applied

Relies on friction between plate and bone (needs at least some nonlocking screws)

May need to be prebent to achieve compression of both near and far cortex

Insertion order is neutral position, then compression on opposite side of fracture, then lag screw (if being placed through plate).

Tight contact of plate to bone when initially applied causes decreased periosteal blood flow and temporary osteopenia.

Bridge plate function

Primarily for comminuted fracture patterns

Plate “bridges” area of comminution with fixation above and below fracture.

Allows some elastic deformation (relative stability)

Use of screws very close to fracture should be avoided.

Number and types of screws to insert are fracture dependent—no clear, widely accepted guidelines.

Nonlocking screws compress plate to bone and can be used to lag in fragments; locking screws provide angular stability in short metaphyseal segments or in osteoporotic bone.

Buttress plate function

Plate provides support at 90-degree angle to fracture—typically in depressed metaphyseal/articular fractures that have been reduced.

Can provide absolute stability to metaphyseal fragments

Submuscular/percutaneous plating

To preserve biology at fracture site, plate may be placed in submuscular plane by sliding through small incisions proximal or distal to fracture and avoiding exposure of fracture site.

Typically used in bridge mode, although not exclusively

Advantage: decreased soft tissue and biologic compromise

Perfusion of both medulla and periosteum is better retained.

Disadvantage: more prone to malreduction/malrotation

Locked plating

Screws have threads in head that lock into corresponding holes in plate

Fail simultaneously rather than sequentially

Stability does not depend on friction between plate and bone.

Provides fixed-angle construct—similar to blade plate

Most useful in unstable short-segment metaphyseal fractures and osteoporotic bone

Fractures in which locking plate use is supported by data include

Periprosthetic fractures

Proximal humerus fracture

Intraarticular distal femur and proximal tibia

Humeral shaft nonunion in the elderly

Unicortical locked screws

Typically for metaphyseal bone

Similar in pullout strength to bicortical locked screws in good-quality diaphyseal bone (but rare indications for use there)

Weaker in torsion than bicortical screws

Bicortical locked screws: biggest advantage is in osteoporotic diaphyseal bone

Multiaxial screws

May increase options for fixation in working around periprosthetic fractures

No advantage in strength or pullout

“Hybridization” describes the use of both locking and nonlocking screws in combination. This allows for both compression and fixed-angle support.

IM nails

Load-sharing devices—relative stability

Stiffness depends on:


Stainless is stiffer than titanium.


Increased diameter leads to increased stiffness at a ratio of radius to the power of:

3 in bending

4 in torsion

Wall thickness

Larger = stiffer nail

Radius of curvature of femoral nails is typically less than anatomic, improving frictional fixation.

A large mismatch of curvature, however, results in difficult insertion, increased risk of intraoperative fracture, and malreduction in extension.

Nails resist bending very well and require interlocks to resist torsion or compression loads.

Working length is the portion of the nail that is unsupported by bone when loaded.

Increased working length produces increased interfragmentary motion and may delay union.

Advantage of intramedullary position is decreased lever arm for bending forces (especially useful in peritrochanteric fractures vs. plate-and-screw construct).

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Key point on SC joint injuries


Sternoclavicular dislocation—“serendipity” view or CT scan reveals dislocation of sternoclavicular joint

Anterior dislocation—more common, treated by closed reduction. The majority will remain unstable regardless of initial treatment modality, but these are typically asymptomatic.

Posterior dislocation—more serious—30% associated with significant compression of posterior structures. May cause dysphagia or difficulty breathing and sensation of fullness in the throat. Treated by closed reduction with a towel clip in the operating room. A thoracic surgeon should be on standby.

Chronic dislocation—treated by resection of the medial clavicle, with preservation and reconstruction of costoclavicular ligaments

Pseudodislocation—medial clavicular epiphysis is the last to close, at a mean age of 25 years. In younger patients, sternoclavicular dislocation is often a Salter-Harris type I or II fracture.

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Clavicle Fractures


classified by thirds




Associated injuries—open clavicle fractures associated with high rates of pulmonary and closed-head injuries


Nonoperative treatment: midthird fracture has traditionally been treated nonoperatively, in a sling.

No difference in outcome between regular sling and figure-eight bandage

Risk of nonunion after midshaft fracture is higher in female and elderly patients and with fractures that are displaced, shortened more than 2 cm, or comminuted.

Lateral fractures have higher rates of nonunion compared with midshaft fractures.

Operative treatment

Middle third

Have higher rates of nonunion and decreased shoulder strength and endurance (≈15%)

Absolute surgical indications: open fracture, displaced fractures with skin compromise, associated neurovascular injury

Relative surgical indications: floating shoulder (associated scapular neck fracture), shortening greater than 15–20 mm, complete displacement, comminution

Prospective randomized study comparing operative with nonoperative treatment of displaced midthird clavicle fractures: operative treatment group had a 10-point improvement in Constant and DASH (Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand) scores at all time points, earlier time to union, and statistically fewer nonunions, symptomatic malunions, and complications than the nonoperative treatment group.

Distal third

Some recommend operative treatment of distal fractures that extend into the acromioclavicular joint, whereas others recommend a late Mumford procedure.

Type II distal clavicle fractures, which involve displacement, have the highest nonunion incidence, but many nonunions are asymptomatic. Nonoperative and operative management approaches provide similar results. Operative decision based on amount of displacement and individual patient demands. For example, sling and early ROM are the best treatments for middle-aged woman with 100% displacement of a distal clavicle fracture.

Fixation options

Plate—typically dynamic compression plate; applied to superior aspect (better biomechanical strength but more prominent → hardware removal) or to anterior-inferior aspect (less hardware removal).

IM rod and screw—may be inserted percutaneously; higher rates of hardware irritation and complication

Avoid Steinmann pins, especially nonthreaded—can migrate.

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AC joint dislocations

Classification and Treatment


Classification—classified by extent of involvement of the ligamentous support and direction and magnitude of displacement. Coracoclavicular (CC) and acromioclavicular (AC) ligaments may be ruptured.

Type I—sprain of AC joint

Type II—rupture of AC ligaments and sprain of CC ligaments

Type III—rupture of both AC and CC ligaments

Type IV—clavicle is buttonholed through trapezius posteriorly

Type V—trapezius and deltoid detached

Type VI—Clavicle is dislocated inferior to coracoid


Types I and II—always treated with brief immobilization in a sling

Type III—may be treated nonoperatively, but many advocate early operative treatment in patients who are heavy laborers and throwers. Weaver-Dunn procedure is the treatment of choice.

Types IV to VI—usually treated operatively

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What is a scapulothoracic dissociation?


result of significant trauma to chest wall, lung, and heart. Severe cases are treated essentially with a closed forequarter amputation.

Associated with:

Brachial plexus avulsion

Subclavian or axillary artery injury

AC dislocation, clavicle fracture, and sternoclavicular dislocation

Mortality rate of 10%

Diagnosis should be suspected when there is a neurologic and/or vascular deficit. More than 1 cm of lateral displacement of the scapula on a chest radiograph is also suggestive.


Hemodynamically stable: angiography before surgery. Vascular injury may potentially be treated nonoperatively owing to the extensive collateral network around the shoulder.

Hemodynamically unstable: high lateral thoracotomy or median sternotomy to control bleeding

Musculoskeletal injury treatment is controversial but is often nonoperative if vascular repair is not undertaken.

Functional outcome is based on severity of associated neurologic injury.

Floating shoulder—fracture of the glenoid neck and clavicle

Some recommend fixation when a clavicle fracture is associated with a displaced glenoid neck fracture, whereas others do not consider it necessary (depends on stability of superior shoulder suspensory complex [SSSC]).

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Proximal Humerus Fractures:

Classification and Treatment


Neer classification (Neer defines “part” as displacement of >1 cm or angulation of >45 degrees); parts are articular surface, greater tuberosity, lesser tuberosity, and shaft

One-part—nondisplaced or minimally displaced fracture (often of the humeral neck)

Two-part—displacement of tuberosity of more than 1 cm; or surgical neck with head/shaft angled or displaced

Three-part—displacement of the greater or lesser tuberosities and articular surface

Four-part—displacement of shaft, articular surface, and both tuberosities.

“Head splitting” is a variant, with split through the articular surface (usually requires replacement for treatment).


One-part—sling for comfort and early mobilization

Two-part—repair of the displaced tuberosity with sutures or tension band wiring; surgical neck fractures can normally be managed nonoperatively.

Unstable, nonimpacted fractures may be treated with closed reduction with percutaneous pinning (CRPP), ORIF with locking plate fixation, or IM nailing

Varying humeral nail designs. Straight nails are placed through a more central entry point (through superior articular cartilage) that can provide additional point of fixation. Nails with proximal bend are placed through an entry point just medial to the rotator cuff insertion.

Immediate physical therapy during nonoperative management results in faster recovery.

Greater tuberosity fractures are displaced superiorly and posteriorly owing to deforming pull of supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor. Healing in a displaced position would block abduction and external rotation.

Surgery is indicated for displacement greater than 5 mm. In young patients with good bone, screws alone can be used, but nonabsorbable suture technique should be used in older patients.


ORIF for young patients, with repair of the tuberosities or rotator cuff

Screw cutout is the most common complication following ORIF with a periarticular locking plate.

Hemiarthroplasty for older patients, with repair of the rotator cuff/tuberosities

Four-part—same as for three-part

Humeral height can be judged most reliably using the superior border of the pectoralis major insertion.

Nonanatomic placement of the tuberosities leads to significant impairment in external rotation kinematics and an eightfold increase in torque requirements.


Avascular necrosis (AVN)

Factors associated with humeral head ischemia (Hertel criteria):

Disruption of the medial periosteal hinge

Medial metadiaphyseal extension less than 8 mm

Increasing fracture complexity

Displacement greater than 10 mm

Angulation greater than 45 degrees

Neurovascular injury

Axillary nerve injury

Lateral pins placed during CRPP place the nerve most at risk.

Anterior pins placed during CRPP risk the biceps tendon, cephalic vein, and musculocutaneous nerve.

Hardware failure

The most common complication after locking plate fixation is screw cutout.


Most common after two-part fracture of surgical neck

Nonunion of greater tuberosity following arthroplasty—loss of active shoulder elevation

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Humeral Shaft Fractures:


Shaft fracture

Classification by location and fracture pattern


Nonoperative treatment: functional brace if there is less than 20 degrees of anterior angulation, less than 30 degrees of valgus/varus angulation, or less than 3 cm of shortening; contraindicated in patients with associated brachial plexus palsy

Operative treatment: open fracture, floating elbow, polytrauma, pathologic fracture, associated brachial plexus injury


Probably the gold standard

Proximal two-thirds—anterolateral approach

Distal half—posterior approach

Need for radial nerve exploration—lateral approach

Higher union rates and decreased secondary operations

Weight bearing to tolerance is safe after plate fixation.

IM nail

Possibly better for segmental or shaft/proximal humerus combination as well as pathologic fracture

Complication rate may be higher and may be associated with higher rates of reoperation than plate fixation.

Distal locking screw risks

Radial nerve with lateral-to-medial screw

Musculocutaneous nerve with anteroposterior screw


Radial nerve palsy (5%–10%)

When to observe:

The vast majority (up to 92%) resolve with observation for 3 to 4 months.

Brachioradialis followed by extensor carpi radialis longus (wrist extension in radial deviation) are the first to return, whereas extensor pollicis longus and extensor indicis proprius are last to return.

When to explore

Open fracture

A higher likelihood of transection

Perform ORIF of fracture at time of exploration.

Controversial whether to observe or explore

Secondary nerve palsy (i.e., after fracture manipulation)

Spiral or oblique fracture of distal-third (Holstein-Lewis) fracture

Management of palsy that does not recover is also controversial as to timing of electromyography, nerve exploration, and tendon transfers.

Nonunion—treated with compression plate with bone graft if atrophic.

Shoulder pain; some papers report a high incidence of shoulder pain, whereas others do not. Overall incidence is higher with IM nails.

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Distal humerus

Single Column



Classified as Milch types I and II lateral condyle fractures (more common) and types I and II medial condyle fractures.

In type I lateral condyle fractures the lateral trochlear ridge is intact, and in type II lateral condyle fractures there is a fracture through lateral trochlear ridge (Fig. 11.4).

Treatment—type I nondisplaced: immobilize in supination (lateral condyle fracture) or pronation (medial condyle fracture); otherwise, CRPP or ORIF

Complications: cubitus valgus (lateral) or cubitus varus (medial), ulnar nerve injury, and degenerative joint disease (DJD)

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Distal Humerus

Both Column fractures


Presentation: five major fragments identified

Capitellum/lateral trochlea

Lateral epicondyle

Posterolateral epicondyle

Posterior trochlea

Medial trochlea/epicondyle

Treatment (goal is early ROM with <3 weeks of immobilization)

ORIF using a posterior approach with two plates applied to either column

Biomechanical studies support both parallel placement (one plate medial, one plate lateral) and perpendicular placement (one plate medial, one plate posterolateral) configurations

Used with olecranon osteotomy or triceps split/peel (final muscle strength similar with both)

In an open fracture, ORIF by means of a triceps split through the defect should be used, producing better results than osteotomy.

Very distal fractures are more difficult and frequently require reoperation (almost 50%) for stiffness

No benefit from ulnar nerve transposition during ORIF

“Bag-of-bones” technique—reasonable in patients with dementia and those who have severe medical comorbidities that prevent surgical treatment

Total elbow arthroplasty—useful for comminuted fractures in patients with low functional demands older than 65 years, particularly those with osteoporosis or rheumatoid arthritis



Most common complication

Initially treated with static-progressive splinting

Loss of elbow muscle strength of 25%

Ulnar nerve injury

Treated with anterior transposition

Heterotopic ossification (4%)


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Capitellar fractures



Type I (complete fracture)—if nondisplaced, splinted for 2 to 3 weeks and then allowed motion; if displaced more than 2 mm, ORIF.

Type II (shear fracture of articular cartilage)—if nondisplaced, splinted for 2 to 3 weeks and then allowed motion; if displaced, fragment excision.

Type III (comminuted fractures)—if displaced, fragment excision.

Type IV (fracture involving capitellum and trochlea)—ORIF; lateral approach recommended

Complications: nonunion (1%–11% with ORIF), olecranon osteotomy nonunion, ulnar nerve injury, heterotopic ossification (4% with ORIF), and AVN of capitellum

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Olecranon Fractures



Less than 1–2 mm displaced—splinted at 60–90 degrees for 7–10 days, followed by gentle active ROM exercises.

Tension band—stainless steel wire or braided cable, not braided suture material

The wire loop should be dorsal to the midaxis of the ulna, thus transforming tensile forces at the fracture site into compressive forces at the articular surface.

Kirschner wires are (K-wires) buried in anterior cortex for increased stability. Protrusion through the anterior cortex, however, is associated with reduced forearm rotation.

Migration of K-wires and prominent or painful hardware occurs in 71%.

Compared with K-wires that are positioned into the intramedullary canal, wires that penetrate the volar ulna cortex are associated with a higher potential risk of diminished forearm rotation.

IM screw fixation—inadequate by itself, but a properly placed 7.3-mm partially threaded screw with tension band wiring works well.

Plate fixation (dorsal or tension side)—preferred technique for oblique fractures that extend distal to the coronoid process; more stable than tension band wiring

Excision with triceps advancement—used for nonreconstructible proximal olecranon fractures in elderly patients with low functional demands. Reattached close to the articular surface. Resection of more than 50% of the olecranon should be avoided.

Complications: decreased ROM, DJD, nonunion, ulnar nerve neurapraxia, and instability

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Coronoid Fractures



Regan and Morrey classification

Type I—fracture of the tip of the coronoid process

Type II—fracture of 50% or less of coronoid

Type III—of greater than 50% of coronoid

O’Driscoll classification


Anteromedial process—caused by a varus posteromedial rotatory force and may be associated with posteromedial instability. Injury is at the attachment site of the anterior bundle of the medial collateral ligament.



Type I—associated with episodes of elbow instability. If instability persists, cerclage wire or No. 5 suture is applied through drill holes; if instability does not persist, no operation.

Types II and III—ORIF helps restore elbow stability; stability must be confirmed before nonoperative treatment begins.

Complications: instability (particularly medial) and DJD

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Radial Head Fractures:

Classification and Treatment


Type I—nondisplaced

Type II—partial articulation with displacement

Type III—comminuted fractures involving the entire head of the radius

Type IV—fractures associated with ligamentous injury or other associated fractures


Type I—Splinted for no more than 7 days, and then allowed motion.

Type II—nonsurgical treatment with analgesics and active ROM as symptoms resolve if elbow is stable and there is no block to motion with good reduction. Otherwise, ORIF. Surgery provides better results (90%–100% good or excellent).

Type III—replacement of the radial head, usually with a metal implant. ORIF if fewer than three pieces. Excision only in elderly patients with low functional demands.

Type IV—requires surgical repair: either ORIF or metallic radial head replacement must be used. Excision must not be done without addition of radial head implant.

Safe zone for ORIF of radial head/neck is 110-degree arc (i.e., 25%) along lateral side, defined by radial styloid and Lister tubercle.


Loss of motion

Posterior interosseous nerve (PIN) injury

Arm is pronated to avoid injury.

Radial shortening if Essex-Lopresti injury

Synovitis if a silicone elastomer (e.g., Silastic) radial head implant is used

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Elbow Dislocation


Lafontaine predictors of instability for distal radius fractures:


patients with three or more factors have high chance of loss of reduction

dorsal angulation > 20°

dorsal comminution > 50%, palmar comminution, intraarticular comminution

initial displacement > 1cm

initial radial shortening > 5mm

associated ulnar fracture

severe osteoporosis

radial shortening is the most predictive of instability, followed by dorsal comminution


Radiographic parameters for distal radius fractures:





Acceptable criteria

APRadial height13mm< 5mm shortening

Radial inclination23°change < 5°

Articular stepoffcongruous< 2 mm stepoff

LateralVolar tilt11°dorsal angulation < 5° or within 20° of contralateral distal radius



Young-Burgess Pelvic fracture classification


Lateral compression (LC)—all have anterior transverse pubic ramus fracture.

LC I—sacral compression fracture

LC II—posterior iliac wing fracture

LC III—contralateral anteroposterior compression injury (windswept pelvis)

Thought to be due to a rollover mechanism

Anteroposterior compression (APC)—all have symphyseal diastasis.

APC I—symphyseal diastasis less than 2.5 cm

Stretching of anterior SI ligaments

APC II—symphyseal diastasis greater than 2.5 cm with widening of SI joint anteriorly

Rupture of sacrotuberous, sacrospinous, and anterior SI ligaments

APC III—symphyseal diastasis greater than 2.5 cm with complete disruption of SI joint, both anteriorly and posteriorly. Highest transfusion requirements.

Rupture of sacrotuberous, sacrospinous, and anterior and posterior SI ligaments

Complete separation of hemipelvis from pelvic ring

Vertical shear (VS)

Usually due to a fall. Vertical displacement of hemipelvis commonly with complete disruption of the SI joint.

Combined mechanism

Stable types are lateral compression type I and anteroposterior compression type I

APC II, APC III, LC III, and VS may involve stretching and tearing of veins and arteries causing hemorrhagic shock

Associated injuries

APC pattern has associated urethral and bladder injuries. Incidence of spleen, liver, bowel, and pelvic vascular injury increases from APC I to APC III categories.

LC I and LC II patterns have associated brain, lung, and abdominal injuries.

LC III pattern usually due to a crush injury to pelvis, sparing other organs from injury

Vertical shear mechanism fracture injury pattern and mortality similar to those for APC II and APC III patterns.

Combined mechanism pattern has organ injury pattern similar to lower-grade APC and LC patterns

Cause of death in LC pattern is primarily brain injury, whereas in APC pattern, causes are primarily shock, sepsis, and ARDS.


Tile Classification of Pelvic Fractures


Stable (posterior arch intact)

Avulsion fractures

Iliac wing fractures

Transverse sacral fractures

Partially stable—rotationally unstable and vertically stable

External rotation

Anterior pelvic disruption alone

Anterior sacroiliac ligaments too

Anterior and posterior sacroiliac ligaments

Lateral compression


Contralateral (bucket-handle)


Unstable (complete disruption of posterior arch)


Bilateral but one side B type and one side C type

Bilateral C type


Discuss Pelvic Fracture Treatment


General principles

Emergent treatment: control hemorrhage and provisionally stabilize pelvic ring

Important to establish and follow a treatment protocol to avoid variation in treatment decision making

85% of bleeding due to venous injury, only 15% have arterial source

Volume resuscitation and early blood transfusion

Pelvic binder or wrapped sheet. External rotational deformity may be reduced by taping feet together.

Angiographic embolization

Pelvic packing, initially popularized in Europe, provides tamponade of venous bleeding.

External fixation

Placed before emergent laparotomy

Skeletal traction—for vertically unstable patterns

Pelvic C clamp (rarely used)

Nonoperative treatment

Indicated for stable fracture patterns

Weight bearing as tolerated for isolated anterior injuries

Protected weight bearing for ipsilateral anterior and posterior ring injuries

Operative treatment


Symphysis diastasis greater than 2.5 cm. Extent of actual diastasis may not be apparent if patient is put in a pelvic binder before initial AP pelvic x-ray. Intraoperative stress view exam may be required.

Anterior and posterior sacroiliac ligament disruption

Vertical instability of posterior hemipelvis

Sacral fracture with displacement greater than 1 cm

Anterior injuries

ORIF with plate fixation

External fixation via pins through anterior-inferior iliac spine (biomechanically stronger than iliac wing but less well tolerated clinically) or iliac wing

The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is most at risk.

Anterior subcutaneous internal fixator offers the benefits of decreased open surgical dissection while limiting problems associated with standard external fixation.

Can cause femoral nerve injury (impairs quad function)

Injury to lateral femoral cutaneous nerve in third of patients

Heterotopic ossification (usually asymptomatic) is most common complication

Posterior injuries

Percutaneous iliosacral screw fixation

Vertical sacral fractures are at higher risk for loss of fixation.

Anterior plate fixation across the sacroiliac joint

Posterior transiliac sacral bars or sacral plating

Spinal-pelvic fixation considered for bilateral sacral fractures

Vertically unstable patterns with anterior and posterior dislocations

Anterior ring internal fixation and percutaneous sacroiliac screw has been shown to be most stable fixation construct.

Spinal-pelvic fixation may also be considered.


Severe life-threatening hemorrhage

Highest risk with APC II, APC III, and LC III patterns

Neurologic injury

Urogenital injury or dysfunction

Urethral stricture most common in men

Dyspareunia and need for cesarean section childbirth common in women



DVT and/or pulmonary embolus

DVT is the most common complication if thromboprophylaxis is not used.

Infection—open fracture and associated contaminated laparotomy


Risk factors for death identified during initial treatment:

Blood transfusion requirement in first 24 hours

Unstable fracture type (APC II, APC III, LC II, LC III, vertical shear, combined mechanism)

Open fracture

Chronic instability following pelvic fracture can be best assessed with single-leg stance views (Flamingo views)


Sacral Fracture Review



Mechanism of injury—high energy

Radiographs—AP pelvis, inlet, outlet, and lateral views

CT (usually required)

Classification—Denis classification (Fig. 11.8) based on fracture location relative to foramen (zones I, II, and III)



Indicated for stable and minimally displaced fractures

Weight bearing as tolerated for incomplete fractures in which the ilium is contiguous with the intact sacrum (e.g., anterior impaction fractures from lateral compression mechanism or isolated sacral alar fractures)

Touch-toe weight bearing for complete fractures

Operative treatment

Indicated for displaced fractures (>1 cm)

Percutaneous iliosacral screws

Appropriate fluoroscopic visualization of anatomic landmarks is mandatory before surgery.

The pelvic outlet radiograph allows optimal visualization of the S1 neural foramina to avoid injury.

The lateral sacral view identifies the sacral alar slope and minimizes risk to the L5 nerve root.

High incidence of sacral dysmorphism (20%–44%). Sacralization of L5 or lumbarization of S1. Risk of anterior screw penetration causing neurologic injury is much higher with anterosuperior sacral concavity (Fig. 11.9).

Radiographic signs of sacral dysmorphism best seen on outlet view: prominent mammillary processes, laterally downsloping sacral ala, residual vestigial disc space between S1 and S2, top of iliac wing at level of L5–S1 instead of at L4–5, noncircular S1 anterior neural tunnel

Radiographic signs of sacral dysmorphism best seen on axial CT scan: peaked or prow-shaped sacral promontory, tongue-in-groove sacroiliac articulation, oblique and narrow S1 sacral ala, wider S2 alar channel

Posterior plating

Transiliac sacral bars

Open foraminal decompression considered for neurologic injury associated with zone II fracture


Neurologic injury

Highest incidence with displaced zone II fractures

L5 nerve root usually involved with zone II fractures

Cauda equina syndrome can be associated with zone III injuries.

Chronic low back pain



Acetabular Fracture Classification review


A systematic evaluation can be used to classify most acetabular fractures using plain radiographs (see Fig. 11.10):

Examine the iliopectineal and ilioischial lines.

If both lines are intact:

PW fracture

If only one line disrupted:

Iliopectineal line

AW fracture

AC fracture

Ilioischial line

PC fracture

PC and PW fracture

If both lines disrupted:

Look at the obturator ring and determine whether it is intact.

Obturator ring intact

Transverse fracture


Obturator ring disrupted

Look at iliac wing.

Iliac wing intact


Iliac wing disrupted


ABC fracture

Typically used to evaluate posterior injuries, articular fragments, marginal impaction, and congruency of the hip joint

Axial CT may be useful to aid in fracture classification.

Vertical fracture line

Transverse or T-shaped fracture

If the wall can clearly be visualized, then AW or PW fracture

Horizontal fracture line

Column fracture

Sequential axial CT cuts that demonstrate no intact support between the acetabular articular surface and axial skeleton through the sacroiliac joint indicate ABC fracture.


Review the cardinal lines of the pelvis


The six cardinal radiographic lines of the acetabulum. 1, Posterior wall; 2, anterior wall; 3, roof; 4, teardrop; 5, ilioischial line; 6, iliopectineal line.


SImple Type Acetabular Fractures


Simple types

Posterior wall (PW)—most common simple type

Posterior column (PC)

Anterior wall (AW)

Anterior column (AC)


Involves both the anterior and posterior columns

Associated types

Posterior column/posterior wall (PC/PW)

Transverse/posterior wall (TPW)


Transverse with vertical limbs through ischium

Anterior column/posterior hemitransverse (AC/PHT)

Least common type


Associated Pelvic Fractures


Posterior column/posterior wall (PC/PW)

Transverse/posterior wall (TPW)


Transverse with vertical limbs through ischium

Anterior column/posterior hemitransverse (AC/PHT)

Least common type

Associated both-column (ABC)

Most common associated type

Dissociation of acetabular dome from intact ilium

Spur sign seen on obturator oblique view represents the posterior ilium that is undisplaced


Characterize the Spur Sign


pur sign. Obturator oblique radiograph (left) and drawing (right) of a both-column fracture. Note the medial translation of the dome of the acetabulum and the femoral head. The spur sign represents the intact portion of the iliac wing that remains in its anatomic position.


Characterize the obturator oblique image


Obturator oblique view of pelvis obtained with the patient tilted 45 degrees, with the unaffected hip down and adjacent to the x-ray cassette. The x-ray beam was centered over the affected hip. (B) Obturator oblique radiograph profiles the anterior column and the posterior wall of the acetabulum. (C) Obturator oblique–related landmarks.


Characterize the Illiac Oblique


Iliac oblique view of pelvis obtained with the patient tilted 45 degrees, with the affected hip down and adjacent to the x-ray cassette. The x-ray beam was centered over the affected hip. (B) Iliac oblique radiograph profiles the posterior column and the anterior wall of the acetabulum. (C) Iliac oblique–related landmarks.


Key tested facts for acetabular treatment


During surgery, hip extended and knee flexed to minimize tension on sciatic nerve

Patients are generally on touch-down weight-bearing status postoperatively. Getting up from chair using the affected leg produces the greatest risk of fixation failure by creating the highest acetabular contact pressures.


Non-op and Operative treatment of Acetabular fractures:


Nonoperative treatment


Nondisplaced or minimally displaced fracture (<1-mm step and <2-mm gap)

Roof arc angle 45 degrees on AP, iliac oblique, and obturator oblique—CT correlate is a fracture less than 10 mm from the dome apex.

PW fracture without instability (<20%–30% of posterior wall—exact number controversial)

Operative dynamic stress examination may be considered to assess stability of posterior wall fracture.

Fracture of both columns, with secondary congruence

Severe comminution in the elderly patient in whom total hip replacement is planned after fracture healing

Protected weight bearing for approximately 6 weeks

For unstable injuries that cannot be operated on——femoral traction for 2–3 weeks, followed by toe-touch weight bearing for 3–4 weeks

Operative treatment

Early surgery (<5 days from injury) is associated with better fracture reduction than late surgery (10–14 days).


Displacement with a greater than 1-mm step or greater than 2-mm gap associated with the roof arc angle less than 45 degrees on any view or documented instability with stress examination.

PW fracture of more than 20%–30% or hip instability

Intraarticular bone fragments

Irreducible fracture-dislocation

Relative contraindications to surgery

Morbid obesity

Physiologically elderly and nonambulatory patient

Presence of DVT, with contraindication to inferior vena cava filter

Contaminated wound compromising surgical approach

Delay to operation longer than 3 weeks


Surgical Approaches for Acetabular Fractures



Posterior approach

Indicated for PW, PC, transverse, transverse/PW (when PW requires fixation), PC/PW, and some T-type


Anterior approach procedure

Indicated for AW, AC, AC/PHT, ABC, and some T types (if limited posterior wall involved)

Can be divided into three “windows”: lateral (iliac), middle (vascular), and medial (Stoppa)

Ilioinguinal nerve travels with round ligament or spermatic cord through superficial inguinal ring.

Injury to obturator nerve will cause hypesthesia of inner thigh.

Injury to lateral femoral cutaneous nerve will cause hypesthesia of lateral thigh.

The modified Stoppa procedure exposes the internal pelvis and provides the best access to the quadrilateral surface.

Corona mortis: common (10%–30%) vascular communication between external iliac and the obturator arteries, typically seen about 5 cm medially from pubic symphysis. Needs to be ligated to prevent retraction of inadvertently injured vessel.

Extensile approaches considered for fractures more than 3 weeks old, complex associated fractures, and need for posterior column reduction

Combined anterior and posterior approaches

Extended iliofemoral approach

Triradiate approach

Posterior approach with trochanteric osteotomy

Treatment with ORIF and acute total hip arthroplasty

Relative indications

Age older than 60 years with presence of superomedial dome impaction on radiograph (gull sign)

Associated displaced femoral neck fracture

Significant preexisting arthrosis


Review the complications of acetabular fracture surgery


Soft tissue degloving (Morel-Lavallée lesion) associated with higher infection rates


Preoperative screening and inferior vena cava filter when DVT present. Postoperative screening and anticoagulation if DVT present.

Pulmonary embolism—treatment similar to that for DVT

Heterotopic ossification

Highest in extended iliofemoral approach. Higher in extended approaches (20%–50%) than in Kocher-Langenbeck approach (8%–25%) than in anterior approach (2%–10%).

Prophylaxis with indomethacin (debatable efficacy) or external-beam radiation therapy of 600 cGy within 48 hours of surgery

Neurologic injury

Sciatic nerve injury associated with posterior dislocations, especially peroneal division (<50% with full recovery)

Intraoperative monitoring is not associated with reduced iatrogenic nerve injury.

Hip extension and knee flexion reduce tension on sciatic nerve.

Iatrogenic injury to lateral femoral cutaneous nerve with anterior approach

Osteonecrosis—the highest incidence with posterior fractures, especially fracture-dislocations; iatrogenic damage to medial femoral circumflex artery

Posttraumatic DJD

Highest in patterns with PW involvement

Quality of reduction is most important predictor.


Associated with greater delay to surgery

Bleeding—associated with shorter time to surgery

Functional deficit—especially abductor weakness (with posterior more than anterior approach)


Review Intertrochanteric Femur Fractures



Mechanism of injury: fall from standing height

Risk factors: osteoporosis, prior hip fracture, risk of falls

More common than femoral neck fracture in patients with preexisting hip arthritis


General principles

Stable fixation to allow early weight bearing

Minimize potential for implant failure

Modifiable comorbidities should be corrected and surgery performed within first 48 hours.

Nonoperative treatment


Nondisplaced fractures in patients able to comply with non–weight-bearing status

Displaced fractures in patients who are nonambulatory or have prohibitive operative risk

Management with toe-touch weight bearing for 6–8 weeks

Operative treatment

Internal fixation indicated for the vast majority of intertrochanteric fractures

Sliding hip screw device

Indicated for most intertrochanteric fractures except reverse oblique fractures, subtrochanteric fractures, and fractures without an intact lateral femoral cortex

High union rate

Associated with moderate amount of collapse, resulting limb shortening, and medialization when used for unstable fractures; more collapse than that seen with IM implants.

Lag screw placed in center—center position with tip-apex distance of less than 25 mm associated with lowest screw failure rate (Fig. 11.16)

Two-hole side plate sufficient for stable fractures

Higher revision rates than IM nail in transverse/reverse oblique trochanteric fractures

IM nail

Valid option for most intertrochanteric fractures, but best option for reverse oblique fractures, subtrochanteric fractures, and fractures without an intact lateral femoral cortex

Less collapse than with sliding hip screw plate devices due to IM buttress effect of nail

Short nails indicated for standard oblique fractures, with distal interlocking optional

Long nails indicated for standard oblique, reverse oblique, and subtrochanteric fractures

Risk of distal anterior perforation due to mismatch of anterior bow between femur and nail

Distal anterior cortical perforation also associated with a posterior starting point

Long nails cost more than short nails.

Multiple screws into head fragment may provide improved rotational control (advantage controversial).

Single lag screw design should aim for center—center in head with less than 25 mm tip-apex distance (see Fig. 11.6) to minimize risk of screw cutout

A 95-degree fixed-angle plate device or locking proximal femoral plate indicated for reverse oblique fracture, comminuted fracture, and nonunion repair


Excessive collapse

Results in limb shortening and medialization of shaft

Reduced abductor moment arm may cause functional deficit.

Associated with displacement of lesser trochanter

More collapse associated with sliding hip screw device than with IM implant.

May result in painful, prominent hardware

Implant failure/cutout—associated with tip-apex distance (see Fig. 11.16) greater than 25 mm

Periimplant fracture

More common with nails than plates

Low risk with current nail designs

Smaller distal interlocking screws further from tip of nail than earlier designs

Reduced trochanteric bend than with earlier designs


Death (often due to medical comorbidities)

American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification predicts mortality.


What is Tip Apex Distance?


Tip-apex distance (TAD) should be less than 25 mm. Dotted line indicates apex of femoral head


Review Femoral head fractures



Plain radiographs—AP and lateral views of hip

CT—to evaluate location and size of fragment and rule out associated acetabular fracture

Classification—Pipkin classification based on location of fracture relative to fovea and presence or absence of associated fractures of the acetabulum or femoral neck

Type I—fracture below fovea

Type II—fracture above fovea

Type III—associated femoral neck fracture

Type IV—associated acetabular fracture


General principles

Restore articular congruity of weight-bearing portion of head and hip stability.

Remove associated loose bodies.

Treat associated acetabular fracture if unstable.

Avoid injury to structures involved in blood supply to femoral head.

Nonoperative treatment


Pipkin type I—small fragment and congruent joint or nondisplaced larger fragment

Pipkin type II—nondisplaced; frequent (weekly) radiographs for 3–4 weeks to rule out secondary displacement

Protected weight bearing for 4–6 weeks

Operative treatment


Greater than 1-mm step-off (except small Pipkin type I)

Associated loose bodies in joint

Associated neck or acetabular fracture requiring surgical management

Fixation with headless countersunk lag screws

Anterior approach via Smith-Petersen approach for Pipkin types I and II without associated operative posterior wall fracture

Posterior approach for Pipkin type IV

Hip arthroplasty for older patient


Same as those for hip dislocation

AVN rate highest for Pipkin type III injuries. Rate of AVN is related to degree of displacement of femoral neck fracture.


Review femoral neck fractures



Mechanism of injury

Low-energy (fall from standing height) in elderly—associated with osteoporosis

High-energy in young patients—associated with vertical fracture orientation and femoral shaft fractures

Nondisplaced fractures

Cross-table lateral view should be ordered because frog-leg lateral view could cause fracture displacement

MRI or bone scan to rule out occult fracture—MRI more sensitive if injury less than 24 hours old


Garden classification based on orientation of trabecular lines and displacement

Garden types I and II considered stable

Garden types III and IV considered unstable

Pauwels classification based on orientation of fracture line

Increased vertical orientation associated with more shear force and less inherent stability

Nonunion and AVN associated with vertical patterns (Pauwels type III)


General principles

Rapid preoperative medical optimization

Mortality risk reduced if surgery within 48 hours

Stable fixation and early mobilization

Nonoperative treatment


Nondisplaced fractures in patients able to comply with weight-bearing restrictions

Displaced fractures in patients with extremely limited functional demands and/or those with high risk for surgery

Toe-touch weight bearing for 6–8 weeks

Operative treatment


Displaced fractures

Most nondisplaced fractures

Internal fixation

Indicated for Garden types I, II, and III fractures in young patients, occult fractures, and displaced fractures in young patients

Three parallel screws for Garden types I and II and occult fractures

V pattern of screw fixation

Because neck is devoid of substantial cancellous bone, fracture will settle until screw abuts intact cortical bone. Screws are ideally positioned so that shaft of screw abuts femoral neck fracture inferiorly and posteriorly to resist displacement.

Starting point distal to lesser trochanter should be avoided (associated with increased risk of periimplant subtrochanteric fracture).

Varus malreduction is correlated with failure of fixation following cannulated screw fixation of femoral neck fractures.

Sliding hip screw (fixed-angle device) plus derotation screw indicated for basicervical fractures and vertically oriented fractures

Open anatomic reduction and internal fixation is the optimal treatment for displaced femoral neck fractures in young patients.

Anatomic reduction more critical than reduced time to fixation

Closed reduction is an option but less likely to provide anatomic reduction.

Decompression of intracapsular hematoma thought to reduce risk of AVN (not proven and controversial)

Internal fixation associated with decreased perioperative morbidity (vs. hemiarthroplasty)

Failure rate for internal fixation up to 30%; failure requires secondary procedure (typically arthroplasty)


Indicated for displaced fractures in elderly patients with low functional demands

Lower risk of dislocation than in total hip arthroplasty, especially in patients unable to comply with dislocation precautions (e.g., due to dementia, Parkinson disease)

Cemented femoral component better than uncemented component in patients with stovepipe-type femoral canals (but higher cardiopulmonary complications with preexisting disease)

Functional results of unipolar and bipolar prostheses are similar.

Total hip arthroplasty

Indicated for “active” elderly patients with displaced fractures and provide the best functional outcome

Preferred to hemiarthroplasty for patients with preexisting hip arthropathy (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis) and has been shown to provide the best hip function after displaced femoral neck fracture

Higher dislocation rate than hemiarthroplasty


Osteonecrosis—rate 10%–40%; associated with injury to femoral head blood supply (terminal branch of the medial femoral circumflex artery)

Higher risk with greater initial displacement

Higher risk with poor or deficient reduction

Decompression of intracapsular hematoma may reduce risk (controversial).

Reduced time to reduction may reduce risk (controversial).

Nonunion—occurs in 10%–30% of displaced fractures

Higher risk with malreduction (particularly varus)

Treatment options include conversion to hip arthroplasty (worse results than those associated with primary arthroplasty) and valgus osteotomy.


Decreased functional status

Preinjury cognitive function and mobility predict postoperative functional outcome.

Mortality—1-year mortality rate in elderly patients approximately 30%

Treatment of femoral fractures is one of the most common causes of malpractice suits against orthopaedic surgeons.


Review Subtrochanteric femur fractures


Classification—Russell-Taylor classification based on involvement of lesser trochanter and piriformis fossa

Type IA—fracture below lesser trochanter

Type IB—fracture involves lesser trochanter; greater trochanter intact

Type IIA—greater trochanter involved; lesser trochanter intact

Type IIB—greater and lesser trochanters involved


General principles

Restore limb length alignment and rotation.

Indirect reduction techniques obviate the need for bone grafting in acute fractures.

Operative treatment: implant must withstand high medial compressive loads and high lateral tensile loads.

IM fixation

Indirect reduction preserves biologic environment.

Standard proximal interlocking for fractures with intact lesser trochanter

Reconstruction interlocking for fractures with involvement of lesser trochanter

Piriformis entry nail contraindicated for fractures involving piriformis fossa

Apex anterior and varus angulation are the most common deformities.

The psoas and abductors lead to flexion, abduction, and external rotation of the proximal fragment.

Open or percutaneous reduction indicated when closed reduction inadequate (frequent); union rates same as with closed reduction

Lateral positioning allows easier alignment of the distal segment to the flexed proximal segment.

Fixed-angle plate fixation/proximal femoral locking plates

Indicated for fractures with proximal comminution and nonunion

95-degree devices

Devices of 135 degrees contraindicated

Must avoid soft tissue stripping

Acute bone grafting usually not required when biologic plating techniques are used


Nonunion—minimized with IM nailing and biologic plating

Malalignment—varus and apex anterior angulation with IM nailing. Consider adjunctive reduction aids and percutaneous reduction.

Infection—associated with increased soft tissue dissection


Review Femoral shaft fractures



Mechanism of injury: often high-energy

Associated fractures and other injuries are common.

Associated neck fractures are uncommon (<10%), but when present, they are often missed (up to 50%). Any patient who complains of hip pain during the early postoperative period following treatment of a femoral shaft fracture should receive dedicated hip x-rays.

Plain radiographs

AP and lateral views of femur

AP and cross-table lateral hip to rule out femoral neck fracture

CT scan to rule out occult femoral neck fracture

If the scan is obtained for abdominal or pelvic evaluation, it should be reviewed for femoral problems.

Dedicated thin-cut CT should be considered.


General principles

Restore limb length, alignment, and rotation.

Early stabilization reduces systemic complications associated with multiply injured patients.

Nonoperative treatment (rarely indicated)

Long-leg cast or brace for nondisplaced distal shaft fracture

Pillow splint for nonambulatory individuals

Operative treatment—indicated for most fractures

IM nail

Indicated for most femoral shaft fractures

High union rates (>95%)

More hip problems with antegrade than retrograde insertion (pain/weakness).

Quadriceps and abductors are weakest after antegrade femoral nailing.

More knee problems with retrograde than with antegrade insertion (pain and chondral injury to patella if nail left proud)

Relative indications for retrograde femoral nail: morbid obesity, bilateral femoral shaft fractures (can be done without need to reposition patient), pregnancy (reduced abdominal radiation), ipsilateral tibial shaft fracture that will be treated with an IM nail, displaced ipsilateral femoral neck fracture that will be fixed with ORIF, ipsilateral acetabular fracture (to avoid contaminating acetabular surgical approach), multiply injured patient

Piriformis entry contraindicated when fracture extends to piriformis fossa

Anterior starting point in piriformis fossa associated with increased hoop stress and risk of iatrogenic comminution

Trochanteric starting point risks (1) medial comminution of shaft due to off-axis starting point and (2) varus if straight (no trochanteric bend) nail used

Static interlocking for most fractures

Reamed nailing for most fractures

Higher union rates than with unreamed nails

Unreamed nails associated with decreased fat embolization rate; clinical relevance unclear

Appropriate reaming technique includes sharp reamers, slow advancement, less heat generation, and less embolization.

Minimum cortical reaming preferred

Nail diameter 1–2 mm smaller than largest reamer

Multiply injured patients may benefit from delayed nailing with immediate provisional external fixation (damage control principles).

Benefits include reductions in blood loss, hypothermia, and inflammatory mediator release.

External fixation

Indicated for provisional fixation

Application of damage control principles

Severe contamination requiring repeated access to medullary canal

Vascular injury

Safely converted to IM nail in absence of pin tract infection up to at least 3 weeks after injury with equal union and infection rates

Plate fixation

Indicated for periprosthetic fractures

Indicated for shaft component of associated neck-shaft fractures

Reduced union rate, higher infection and implant failure rates, and longer time to weight bearing than with use of IM nail


Infection—less than 5% of closed fractures

Nonunion—less than 5% of closed fractures

Exchange nailing less successful than repair with plate and screws and bone grafting

Delayed union—less than 5% of closed fractures

Dynamization less successful than exchange nailing


Proximal fracture more often malaligned with retrograde than with antegrade nailing

Distal fractures more often malaligned with antegrade than with retrograde nailing

Malunion (rotation and length) is the most common complication following IM nailing of highly comminuted femoral shaft fractures.

Malrotation difficult to diagnose, especially with comminuted fractures

Should be compared with contralateral limb before patient leaves operating room

Supine nailing has a higher incidence of internal rotation.

Lateral nailing has a higher incidence of external rotation.

Use of a fracture table has a higher incidence of internal rotation than manual traction.

Leg or limb length discrepancy (LLD) is associated with comminuted fractures.

Hip pain/weakness is associated with antegrade nailing.

Knee pain is associated with retrograde nailing.

Patellar chondral injury is associated with retrograde nailing, if nail left protruding into the knee joint.

Pudendal nerve injury is associated with excessive traction.

HO is associated with antegrade nailing (rarely clinically relevant).

Osteonecrosis in adolescents with open physes treated with piriformis-starting IM nails

Significant shortening (i.e., 4 cm) results in medial mechanical axis deviation.

Special circumstances

Obese patients

Higher complication rates with piriformis nailing

Relative indication for retrograde nailing

Ipsilateral femoral neck and shaft fractures

Uncommon (<10%), but when present, missed in up to 50% of cases

Neck fracture management has the highest priority and should be fixed first, generally followed by retrograde femoral IM nail or plate fixation for treatment of shaft fracture.

Neck fracture often nondisplaced, vertical, and basicervical

Use of 135-degree sliding hip screw or parallel screws preferred for femoral neck

Reconstruction nail can be used for nondisplaced neck fractures or associated intertrochanteric and shaft fractures.

Use of a cephalomedullary IM nail for fixation of displaced ipsilateral femoral neck and shaft fractures is associated with increased risk of femoral neck malreduction and AVN.

Multiply injured patient—damage control principles must be considered.

Provisional external fixator with conversion to IM nail when stable (within 3 weeks)

May be more applicable with associated lung/chest injury


Review Supracondylar fracture



Mechanism of injury—high-energy in young patients and low-energy in older patients


If intracondylar extension

Coronal fracture (Hoffa fracture) incidence—40%

Lateral femoral condyle fracture incidence—80%

Plain radiographs frequently miss this injury.


General principles

Restore articular congruity.

Rigid stabilization of articular fracture

Indirect reduction of metaphyseal component to preserve vascularity to fracture fragments

Stable (not necessarily rigid) fixation of articular block to shaft

Early knee ROM

Nonoperative treatment—indicated for nondisplaced fractures

Brace or knee immobilized

Full-time bracing for 6–8 weeks

Closed-chain ROM exercises at 3–4 weeks

Operative treatment—indicated for most displaced fractures

Plate fixation—indicated for most fractures

Fixed-angle plates required for metaphyseal comminution

Traditional 95-degree devices are limited by number and location of distal fixation(s) and are contraindicated in cases of associated Hoffa fractures.

Locked plates offer multiple fixed-angle points of fixation in distal fragment in multiple planes and offer the advantage of use in cases with associated coronal (Hoffa) fractures.

Non–fixed-angle plates prone to varus collapse, especially in metaphyseal comminution

High union rates (>80%) with indirect reduction technique without bone graft

Lateral approach—indirect reduction of metaphyseal fracture and arthrotomy with direct reduction of articular component

Sagittal intraarticular split most common

Condyles are malrotated in sagittal plane with respect to each other.

Coronal (Hoffa) fractures require interfragmentary lag screws.

Laterally applied condylar plate spans fracture (locked plate preferred).

Retrograde IM nail

Indicated for extraarticular fractures and simple intraarticular fractures

Reduced stability compared with plate fixation for osteoporotic fractures, especially those with wide metaphyseal flares

Blocking screws can help provide reduction and improved stability.

Fixed-angle distal interlocking screws may provide improved stability.

Long nails that cross the femoral isthmus are preferred to short “supracondylar” nails.


Indicated in patient with preexisting joint arthropathy and in selected cases in which stable internal fixation is not achievable

Usually requires distal femoral replacement prosthesis

Reduced longevity compared with internal fixation

Allows immediate weight bearing


Nonunion—associated with soft tissue stripping in metaphyseal region


Valgus malreduction most common (plate fixation) in coronal plane; hyperextension malreduction most common in sagittal plane

Malalignment more common with IM nails

Loss of fixation

Varus collapse most common

Plate fixation associated with toggle of distal non–fixed-angle screws used for comminuted metaphyseal fractures

IM nail fixation

Proximal (diaphyseal) screw failure associated with short plates and nonlocked diaphyseal fixation. Plate fixation is associated with toggle of distal non–fixed-angle screws used for comminuted metaphyseal fractures.

Infection—occurs in diabetic patients, especially those with active foot ulcers

Knee pain/stiffness

Painful hardware—prominent medial screws should be avoided.


Treatment plan for knee dislocation:


Schenck anatomic classification of knee dislocation (KD)

KD I—dislocation with either anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) still intact (variable collateral involvement)


KD III—most common

Torn ACL/PCL and either posterolateral corner (PLC–KD IIIL) or posteromedial corner (PMC–KD IIIM) injury


KD V—fracture-dislocation

More than 50% reduced at presentation (easily missed diagnosis)

Vascular injury—rate 5%–15% in newer studies

Selective arteriography with use of a physical examination (including ABI) rather than an immediate arteriogram is now the standard of care.

Most common finding in patients with vascular injury is a diminished or absent pedal pulse.

Significant soft tissue injuries


Emergent reduction if patient did not present with fracture reduced

Revascularization within 6 hours if there is significant arterial injury.

Care for soft tissue injuries (open-knee dislocations)

Ligament repair or reconstruction

Reconstruction with allograft becoming the most common

Immediate reconstruction may be better than delayed reconstruction.

Early motion rehabilitation

Possible role for hinged external fixator


Vascular injury—highest with KD IV; ABI greater than 0.9 associated with an intact artery

Neurologic injury—peroneal nerve injury common (≈25%), but up to 50% recover at least partially; may benefit from neurolysis.

Stiffness/arthrofibrosis—most common complication (38%)

Ligamentous laxity also very common (37%)


How to place tibial blocking screws…

proximal tibia fractures


Tibial Plateau fractures:



Type I—split

Type II—split depression

Type III—pure depression (rare)

Type IV—medial tibial (highest risk of associated vascular injury)

Type V—bicondylar with intact metaphysis

Type VI—bicondylar with metaphyseal/diaphyseal dissociation

MRI changes treatment or classification in most cases.

Soft tissue injury is demonstrated (50%–90% incidence).

MCL and ACL injuries in 30%–50%

Meniscus tears in over 50% of cases

Lateral tears more common medial tears

Lateral meniscus tears most common in split depression (Schatzker type II) fractures

Peripheral tears most common type

Order of frequency—lateral greater than bicondylar greater than medial (think knee dislocation with medial plateau fractures)

The elderly osteoporotic patient is less likely to suffer associated ligamentous injury, because the bone fails before the ligament.

The lateral plateau is more convex and situated more proximal than the medial plateau, which is more concave.


Nonoperative treatment indicated in stable knees (<10 degrees coronal plane instability with the knee in full extension) with <3-mm articular step-off. Cast brace, early ROM, and delayed weight bearing for at least 4–6 weeks.

Operative treatment indicated with articular step-off more than 3 mm, condylar widening more than 5 mm, instability of the knee, and all medial and bicondylar plateau fractures.

The goal of treatment is restoration of normal alignment.

Maintenance of mechanical axis correlates most with a satisfactory clinical outcome.

Development of arthritis does not correlate with articular step-off.


Plate fixation with early motion

Posteromedial coronal fragment may not be captured via a lateral plate. Usea separate posteromedial incision and posteromedial plate.

Use of bone void fillers

Calcium phosphate cement has highest compressive strength.

Lower rate of subsidence compared with autograft or allograft

Best treatment to prevent loss of articular reduction in a split-depression tibial plateau fracture consists of a lateral plate, rafting screws, and calcium phosphate cement.

External fixation—ring fixation useful for bicondylar fractures with severe soft tissue injuries. Small wires must be kept at least 15 mm from the joint to avoid a septic joint.

Spanning external fixators—used temporarily in selected high-energy injuries to allow for a reduction in soft tissue swelling before definitive fixation

Complications: DJD, infection (surgical approach the most important factor), malunion (varus collapse with nonoperative or conventional plates in severe bicondylar fractures), ligament instability (left untreated, has an adverse impact on outcome), peroneal nerve injury

Compartment syndrome—increased risk with more proximal fractures. Anterior and lateral compartments are at highest risk.


Review Tibia Shaft Fractures



Mechanism of injury


Spiral oblique fracture

Tibia and fibula at different levels

Closed fracture with minor soft tissue trauma

There is a high association of posterior malleolus fractures with spiral distal tibia fractures.


Comminuted fracture

Tibia and fibula at same level

Transverse fracture pattern

Diastasis between tibia and fibula

Segmental fracture

Open fracture or closed with significant soft tissue trauma

Most common long bone fracture

Often associated with soft tissue injuries

Soft tissue management critical to outcome

Open fractures may require repeated incision and drainage.

Number of débridement sessions, type of irrigation, and pressure of irrigant controversial

Sharp débridement of nonviable soft tissue and bone the most important aspect of incision and drainage

Severity of muscle injury has the highest impact on need for amputation.


General principles

With nonoperative management, the extent of shortening and translation seen on injury radiographs can be expected to be present at union.

Angular and rotational alignment well controlled with cast

Shortening is most difficult to control with nonoperative treatment in oblique and comminuted fractures involving both tibia and fibula.

Timely and thorough soft tissue management critical to outcome

Restoration of limb length, alignment, and rotation

Stable fixation

Early ROM of knee and ankle

Prompt administration (within 3 hours of injury) of antibiotics for open fractures is the most important factor in minimizing the risk of infection.

Use of bone morphogenic protein type 2 (BMP-2) is approved for open tibia fractures treated with IM fixation and has been shown to lead to fewer reoperations in acute open tibia fractures.

BMP-7 is approved for treatment of tibial nonunion when autogenous bone graft is not feasible.

Nonoperative treatment


Low-energy fractures

Shortening less than 1 or 2 cm

Cortical apposition more than 50%

Angulation maintained with cast

Varus—valgus less than 5 degrees

Flexion—extension less than 10 degrees

Long-leg cast

Can control varus/valgus, flexion/extension, and rotation

Shortening and cortical apposition seen on injury radiograph are equivalent to shortening at union.

Converted to functional brace at 4–6 weeks.

Non–weight-bearing status for 4–6 weeks

IM nailing

Shorter immobilization time than cast management

Earlier weight bearing than that achieved with cast

Union rate more than 80% for closed injuries

Reamed nailing achieves higher union rates than nonreamed nailing

Reamed nailing safe for open fractures

Severity of soft tissue injury more prognostic than reaming status

Static interlocking indicated for stable and unstable fractures

Dynamic interlocking indicated only for stable fracture (Winquist I or II)

Gaps at fracture site associated with nonunion

Proximal-third tibial fractures associated with valgus and apex anterior angulation

Avoidance of malreduction of proximal-third fractures achieved by the following:

Ensuring a laterally based starting point and anterior insertion angle; entry site should be in line with medial border of lateral tibial eminence.

Blocking screws placed in the metaphyseal segment at the concave side of the deformity narrow the available intramedullary space and direct the nail toward a more centralized position (Fig. 11.20).

To prevent an apex anterior deformity, a blocking screw can be placed posterior to the nail in the proximal fracture.

Provisional unicortical plates

Semiextended position for nailing

External fixation

Temporary during application of damage control principles

Temporary or definitive for highly contaminated fractures

For type III open tibia fractures, significantly longer time to union and poorer functional outcomes seen after definitive fixation with external fixation than after IM nailing.

Higher incidence of malalignment than IM nails

Circular frames indicated for very proximal and distal shaft fractures and when these fractures are associated with severe soft tissue injury

Can be safely converted to IM nail within 7–21 days (newer studies show longer than 7-day delay acceptable, but exact safe timing unknown)

Plate fixation

For extreme proximal and distal shaft fractures

Higher infection risk than that for IM nailing in open fractures

Use of a long 13-hole percutaneous plate places the superficial peroneal nerve at risk during percutaneous screw insertion for holes 11, 12, and 13. A larger incision with blunt dissection should be used for insertion of screws in this region.



Infection must be ruled out.

Dynamization if axially stable

Reamed-exchange nailing is preferred treatment for middiaphyseal tibial nonunions.

Bone graft for bone defects


Most common with proximal-third fractures

Valgus and apex anterior

May increase long-term risk of arthrosis, particularly in the ankle

More common with varus deformity

Rotational malalignment is common with distal-third fractures.

Delayed union

Risk factors for reoperation to achieve bony union within first postinjury year:

Transverse fracture pattern

Open fracture

Cortical contact less than 50%


Risk rises with increasing severity of soft tissue injury and longer time to soft tissue coverage

Use of vacuum-assisted closure for wound does not alter risk of infection.

Compartment syndrome, which can occur even with open fractures

Anterior knee pain—occurs in more than 30% of cases treated with IM nailing; resolves with removal of nail in 50% of cases

Ipsilateral femoral shaft and tibial shaft fractures (floating knee) —treated with retrograde femoral nailing and antegrade tibial nailing


Review child abuse:



One must always be alert for the battered child.

All states now require physicians to report suspected child abuse. For any abused child for whom the abuse is not diagnosed and reported, there is a 30%–50% chance of repeat abuse and a 5%–10% chance of death from subsequent abuse.

Suspicion should rise when fractures are seen in children who are younger than 5 years (90% of fractures due to abuse occur in children <5 years), or who have multiple healing bruises, skin marks, burns, unreasonable histories, or signs of neglect, among other indications.

Abuse accounts for 50% of fractures in children younger than 1 year and 30% of fractures in children younger than 3 years.

The most common cause of femur fractures in nonambulatory children is abuse.

Osteogenesis imperfecta is often in the differential diagnosis in a child with multiple fractures.

Fracture location

The most common locations of fractures in abused children are the humerus, tibia, and femur, in that order.

Spiral humerus fractures and distal humeral physeal separations are highly suggestive of child abuse.

Spiral femur fractures in nonambulatory children are also highly suspicious.

If suspicion is high, skeletal surveys are appropriate in children with delayed development and in some with metaphyseal and spiral fractures.

Corner fractures (at junction of metaphysis and physis) and posterior rib fractures are described as pathognomonic for abuse.

However, diaphyseal fractures are more common in abuse cases (four times as likely as metaphyseal fractures).

Skeletal surveys are not as helpful in children older than 5 years. Instead, bone scanning may be done as an alternative or adjunctive study.

Nonorthopaedic injuries found in the abused child include skin injuries, head injuries, burns, and blunt abdominal visceral injuries.


In addition to normal fracture care, early involvement of social workers and pediatricians is essential to evaluate for possibility of child abuse and initiate necessary protective actions.


Review Growth Plates



Fracture of the physis, or growth plate, is more likely than injury to attached ligaments; thus, a fracture of the physis should be assumed until evidence proves otherwise (young children rarely get sprains).


Although physeal fractures are classically thought to be through the zone of provisional calcification (within the zone of hypertrophy) of the growth plate, the fracture can be through many different layers.

Blood supply of epiphysis is tenuous, and injuries can disrupt small physeal vessels supplying the growth center. This can lead to many complications associated with these injuries (e.g., LLD, malunion, bony bars).

Most common physeal injuries occur in distal radius, followed by distal tibia


The Salter-Harris (SH) classification modified by Rang is the gold standard for physeal injuries (Fig. 11.21; Table 11.6).

It can be recalled using the mnemonic SALTR

I—slipped—separation physis

II—above—metaphysis and physis

III—lower—epiphysis and physis

IV—through—metaphysis, physis, epiphysis

V—ruined—crushed physis

SH I fracture is through the zone of hypertrophic cells of the physis.

Treatment and results

Gentle reduction should be attempted initially for SH I and II fractures, sometimes with use of conscious sedation protocols. With reduction and immobilization, these fractures do well without a significant amount of growth arrest (except in the distal femur).

SH III and IV fractures are intraarticular by definition and usually require ORIF. Follow-up radiographs are required for all physeal injuries.

Remodeling is also common in pediatric fractures (up to 20 degrees), depending on the location of the fracture and the age of the patient.

Harris-Park growth arrest lines (transverse radiodense lines) may be the only evidence of a physeal injury on follow-up radiographs.

Partial growth arrest

Physeal bars or bridges occur from growth plate injuries that arrest a part of the physis and leave the uninjured physis to grow normally resulting in angular growth and deformity.

Physeal bridge resection with interposition of a fat graft or artificial material is reserved for patients with more than 2 cm of growth remaining and less than 50% physeal involvement.

Treatment of smaller peripheral bars in young patients has the highest success rate.

MRI and CT can help define the location and amount of physeal closure.

Arrest involving more than 50% of the physis should be treated with ipsilateral completion of the arrest and contralateral epiphysiodesis or ipsilateral limb lengthening.


Elbow Ossification


Secondary ossification centers in order of ossification can be recalled using the mnemonic Come Rub my Tree of Love, and age at ossification of these centers can be roughly estimated on the basis of odd numbers 1–11 (e.g., capitellum at 1 year):


Radial head

Medial epicondyle



Lateral epicondyle

Radial head, trochlea, and olecranon may appear as multiple ossification sites.


How to radiographically evaluate the pediatric elbow xray:

  1. Proximal radius should align with capitellum in all views.
  2. Long axis of ulna should align and be slightly medial to humerus on AP radiograph.
  3. Anterior humeral line should bisect capitellum on true lateral radiograph.
  4. Humeral-capitellar (Baumann) angle should be in valgus and fall between 9 and 26 degrees.
  5. Soft tissue shadows may demonstrate an anatomic anterior fat pad.