MIL Summative 1 Flashcards
Skills in determining accurate information
- Look for facts
- Cross-reference with other sources for consistency
- Determine the reason for writing and publishing the information
5 categories of media convergence
- Economic: when a company controls over several products within the same industry
- Cultural: stories from different cultures flowing across media platforms
- Global: influence of geographically distant places to another place
- Organic: natural multitasking
- Technical/Technological: different kinds of technology being used at the same time (ex: when streaming)
What is technology?
Synthesized tools that serve to apply knowledge to perform certain tasks
Cite media used in Pre-historic, pre-industrial, industrial, electronic, and information/digital age
- Pre-historic: Cave paintings, wood & stone carvings, papyrus, hieroglyphics
- Pre-industrial: smoke signal, pigeon post, pony express
- Industrial: phonograph, kinetoscope, typewriter, punched card, Gutenberg printing press
- Electronic: Radio, telephone, television, early computers
- Information: Internet, advanced tech, computer, smartphones, laptop
What is media and information literacy?
Set of competencies that empowers citizens to
- access
- understand
- use
- share
- retrieve
- evaluate and
- create
information critically, ethically, and effectively
Three types of media
Print, broadcast, new
5 things to consider in evaluating information
- Reliability: reliable if it can be verified and evaluated
- Accuracy: closeness of the report to actual data (ex: forecasts, financial predictions)
- Value: if it aids the user in making decisions
- Authority: is the author/source credible?
- Timeliness: relates to reliability, accuracy, and value throughout history
Four major types of libraries
- Academic: serves for colleges & universities
- Public: serves cities and towns of all types
- School: serves from K to 12
- Special: are in specialized environments such as hospitals, museums, military, private business, corporations, gov., etc.
Cite some examples of sources of information
Internet, social media, libraries, archives, museums, indigenous media, and our own experiences
Differentiate Media Literacy, Information Literacy, and Technology Literacy
- Both media and information literacy are concerned with the use of messages from various media platforms, but media literacy focuses on understanding, using, and creating messages from different media, while information literacy is the ability to effectively and sensibly find, evaluate, and utilize information
- Technology literacy pertains to the effective and responsible use of tools or social networks to access, evaluate, and generate messages/info.
What is media?
Source of credible information where content is provided through a process determined by journalistic values
It is a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols
Which age is marked with the use of steam engines, production of irons and various products such as books, etc.?
Industrial age
Differentiate print, broadcast, new media
- Print: more on written documents, either hard or soft copy, but traditionally pertaining to documents written with pen and paper (newspapers, books, e-books, magazines, brochures, comics)
- Broadcast: can be heard and seen, print media can only be seen. It uses airwaves as medium for transmission (radio, television, green screen stream, obs, satellite, movie/film
- New Media: anything related to the use of digital platforms (internet, social media)
What is literacy?
Ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, and compute materials associated with varying contexts
Also called a record player, reproducing sounds by means of vibration of a stylus, following a groove on a rotating disc
What is indigenous knowledge?
It is the local knowledge that is unique to a specific culture or society; most often is not written down
Refers to what an individual recognizes as desired information, whether personal or professional, that will serve as a basis for making decisions
Information needs
(According to Google, this is an individual or a group’s desire to locate and obtain information to satisfy a conscious or unconscious need)
What is communication?
The process of exchanging information from one to another, using words, signs, behaviors and actions that results in understanding
Five things to consider for us to be a responsible media information user
- Be aware of emotions: do not cause negative emotions or trigger someone when posting
- Don’t plagiarize: plagiarism os not only by copying of exact words, but also includes lack of citation or credit to sources
- Know your sources: support your claims with your sources
- Avoid sharing personal details: it is not necessary to include those details. It will only make you vulnerable and be a target of malicious acts
- Be mindful of the rules: all apps have rules to abide with. Do not cross over the line and respect the boundary; this is to ensure a proper community, and to avoid chaos
What is indigenous media?
Media that is originating or produced naturally in a particular locality
What is media convergence?
Happens when two or more media sources join together, allowing media texts to be produced and distributed on multiple media devices
Forms of indigenous media
- Folk/traditional Media
- Gatherings and social organizations
- Direct observation
- Records (written, carved, oral)
- Oral instruction
Forms of indigenous media
- Folk/traditional Media
- Gatherings and social organizations
- Direct observation
- Records (written, carved, oral)
- Oral instruction
Who said “Convergence isn’t an end result, but instead a process that changes how media is both consumed and produced”
Media Theorist Henry Jenkins
Media convergence usually occurs on various platforms such as
Social networks, learning management systems, product advertisement, multimedia personality, news agency
What is the name of the pigeon who saved the “lost battalion”?
Cher Ami (Dear Friend in French)
Two types of communication
Verbal (oral and written) and Non-verbal (signs, symbols, body language, color, gesture, facial expressions)
The real inventor of the telephone, but was accredited to Alexander Graham Bell
Italian Antonio Meucci
Media Literacy
Ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of forms
Information Literacy
Ability to recognize when information is needed
Who invented the typewriter and when?
Christopher Latham, 1867
Technology Literacy
Ability of an individual to use technology tools responsibly and effectively
What is information?
Processed data and knowledge derived from studies, experiences, instructions, signals, and symbols
Which invention ushered in the electronic age?
Four things to consider in evaluating information found on the internet
Authorship, publishing body, accuracy and verifiability, and currency
It is the transmission of information through local channels or forms; it is a means by which the culture is preserved, handed down, and adapted.
Indigenous communication
Characteristics of a media and information literate individual
- Independent
- Critical with Information
- Knowledgeable
- Tech-savvy
- Responsive
- Considerate
Parts of the communication model
- Source/sender: Delivers the message
- Message: verbal/non-verbal information conveyed from one to another
- Medium: the means used for sending and receiving messages; the channel used where message is coursed
- Receiver: receives the message
- Effect: response of the receiver
- Feedback: indicates how effective the communication was and confirms mutual understanding of both parties. It is also the response
- Noise/Barriers: disruptions in the communication process
Differentiate Misinformation and Disinformation
Misinformation: incorrect or misleading information
Disinformation: misinformation that is intentionally spread