Migration and Gloablisation Flashcards
Define immigration
Movement into a country or area
Define migration:
Movement of people from one area to another
Define emmigration
Movement out of a country or area
What was the migration pattern in 1950-1970s?
Immigration from Black and Asian commonwealth encouraged to solve labour shortage in unskilled, low wage jobs.
What happened in 2020 that affected migration patterns?
BREXIT - controlled number of EU migrants who can enter UK, does not affect other migrants from other countries
How has migration of Asians affected britain?
Increased birth rate - more fertile years, marry early
What are PUSH factors for migration?
Low living standard
Lack of opportunities
What are PULL factors for migration?
job opportunities
higher living standard
political freedom
joining relatives
Define net migration
Total number of people leaving in proportion to total number of people entering
Why can’t Britain cope with migration?
2020 = 313,000 net increase
Not enough housing
NHS collapse
Job shortages
Racism increase/more hate crimes
What is population size and age influenced by?
Natural change (births and deaths) and migration (net)
How does the media create a moral panic?
Uses words like ‘swarming’
What has globalisation led to?
Increased international migration
What are the trends in global migration?
Feminisation of Migration
Explain acceleration of migration:
Rate of migration sped up
2000-2013 international migration increased by 33%
Explain differentiation of migration:
Globalisation is increasing diversity of types of migrants e.g. students, permanent settlers, temporary workers, spouses etc
What does Vertovic believe?
Experiencing ‘super-diversity’
migrants come from wider range of countries and vary in legal status, religion, culture and location.
What are the class differences Cohen note in migrants?
- CITIZENS - full citizenship rights and welfare, can vote. Taxed, helps dependency ratio. MUST PASS CITIZENSHIP TEST
- Denizens - privileged foreign nationals, welcomed by state due to economic input - INCREASE HOUSE CRISIS BUT CAN CREATE COMPANIES AND JOBS. don’t pay tax
- HELOTS - slaves, most exploited migrants, disposable units of labour - cheap pay, below min. wage. INCREASE IN CRIME
What is the feminisation of migration?
Almost half of migrants are female - referred to as globalisation of gender division of labour.
Female migrants able to fit into patriarchal stereotypes and take on roles such as carers and prostitution
What do EHRENREICH AND HOCHSCHILD say about migration?
Care work, domestic work and sex work in western countries is carried out by women from poor countries.
What is the global transfer of emotional services?
migrants leave their own children behind to take up nanny duties for Western couples.
Migrant women become ‘mail-order brides’ or illegally trafficked sex workers
What type of identity do migrants adopt?
HYBRID IDENTITIES - mixture of identities from different cultures.
Creates tension in society with migrants being accused of not fitting in.
What did Eriksen say about identities?
Increase in transnational identities - migrants who have back and fourth movements rather than permanent settlement.
Less likely to belong to country or culture so hold no loyalty.
What are 2 state policies on migration?
What is the ASSIMILATION policy?
aimed to encourage migrants to adopt language, values, customs of host culture.
What are issues with assimilation?
Those with hybrid identities are unwilling to assimilate and show loyalty.
What does CASTLES state about assimilation policies?
They label minority groups as the other and backwards - lead to migrant minorities emphasising their differences which creates tensions - marginalisation.
What is the MULTICULTURALISM policy?
Accepts that migrants may wish to retain a separate identity in addition to host identity
What are issues with the MULTICULTURALISM policy?
Only celebrate shallow diversity and fails to address deeper problems such as racism
What does ERIKSEN say is an issue with multiculturalism policies?
Government accepts superficial diversity more than stronger types of cultural identity
e.g. shallow diversity - food such as tikka masala is acceptable to share
deep diversity - cultural/religious customs (veiling, arranged marriages) are unacceptable
What issues are raised by immigration?
Creates culturally diverse society - greater diversity
Mixing of larger groups of culture
Media creates more moral panics
Creates racism and stereotypes
Identify 3 ways migration may impact UK population structure:
Affects size of population - increasing annually due to high net migration, natural increases (births exceeding deaths)
Affects UK age structure - lowers average age of UK population. Immigrants are generally younger lowering average passport age, as well as being more fertile
Affects dependency ratio - immigrants likely to be working age, reducing ratio.
Have more babies - immediately increases ratio but will join labour force and lower it.