Conjugal roles - grid Flashcards
Name a classic study that believed domestic labour is becoming more equal:
Willmott and Young - March of Progress theorists
What is a flaw to Willmott and Young’s study?
Conducted a structured interview between married man and woman together, in same room.
High possibility answers were dishonest - fear of abuse?
What did Willmott and Young find out about domestic labour in the family?
It was becoming more equal, joint conjugal roles seen and symmetrical family emerged.
Believed symmetrical family was more common in young, rich couples.
Name a classic theorist that states domestic labour is not becoming more equal:
Ann Oakley - criticised Willmott and Young.
What did Oakley say about unequal domestic labour?
Believed that even if men did 10 mins of domestic labour - still not equal.
Symmetry is exaggerated - housewife role is still very dominated for women.
What reason did Oakley give for women not working in factories?
They were seen as too weak - excluded, made to be a housewife instead.
What method did Oakley use to conduct her study?
semi-structured interview, man and woman interviewed separately.
Responses more likely to be honest.
Studied 40 couples, found that low male participation from males when doing domestic work.
Greater equality in m/c families, but only in childcare department.
Name a classic theory that states domestic labour is becoming more equal.
Future Foundation’s
Study of 1000 adults highlighted change in housework.
60% of men claimed to do more than father, 75% women do less than mother,
Name a contemporary theory that states domestic labour is not becoming equal:
British Social Attitudes:
Found that men on average did 8 hours of housework - women did 13 a week.
Men spent 10 hours caring for family - women spent 23
Overall, women did twice as much.
Name a 2nd classic study that said domestic labour is becoming more equal:
Elisabeth Bott
2 types of roles within family - segregated conjugal roles (division of labour)
joint conjugal roles (sharing tasks and leisure time)
Joint conjugal roles are more apparent in a modern society.
Name a 2nd classic study that states domestic labour is not becoming more equal;
Elisabeth Bott:
Only m/c households can share labour equally - technology decreases the amount of time spent on labour activities.
Men do no more work, women’s load is just lightened.
W/C family can’t afford device so workload stays the same.
Name a classic theory that shows women in paid work is becoming more equal:
Study showed wives who worked full time did less housework.
Claims there is a cultural lag in society - we slowly adapt to women working full time.
Although men are doing more, still do male tasks e.g. DIY
Name a classic study that says women in paid work is not equal:
Little evidence of “new man”
Women in paid work have dual burden - undertake paid work and domestic work.
Family remains patriarchal and only benefits the men.
More pressure on woman.
Name a contemporary theorist who says women in paid work is equal:
Man-Yee Kan :
Income, employment, age and education affected how much work a woman did.
Higher wage, younger = less housework
Lower wage, less educated, older = more housework
Younger men realise if shes working, theres less time for domestic tasks so he chips in more
Name a contemporary theorist that says women in paid work is not equal:
Crompton and Lyonette:
More dual income households as more women work.
Men aren’t doing more housework in line with women are doing.
Women’s load is cut short because of technology - not because men do more
Women can’t compete with men in the workplace as time is taken up with domestic chores.
Name a 2nd classic study that says women in paid work is equal
Studied 37 cohabitating lesbian couples - found symmetry as shared housework and childcare equally
Lack of gender scripts leads to increase in equality
Name a 2nd classic theory that says women in paid work is not equal:
Heterosexual couples under pressure to conform to gender scripts so male does less housework, even if woman is doing double shift
Name a theory that shows the family finances, resources and decision making is becoming equal
M/C husbands dominated decision making - cars, moving house, finances.
Decisions with kids education and holidays are joint.
Wives had less important decisions - home decor, clothes, food.
Name a contemporary theory that shows the family finances, resources and decision making is NOT becoming equal
Invisible work:
Women are shown to think about family issues more than men - dinner, shopping lists, birthday etc.
Takes energy that men dont think about
Name a theory that shows the family finances, resources and decision making is NOT becoming equal
Inequalities in decision making are not simply result of inequalities in earning - down to patriarchal standards of men.
Instilled in society through gender socialisation.
Name a contemporary theory that shows the family finances, resources and decision making is becoming equal
Weeks et al:
Typical pattern of pooling some money aside for household spendings
Separate accounts for personal spending allows for co-independence.
There is sharing as well as retaining - developed amongst cohabitating couples
Name a 2nd contemporary theory that shows the family finances, resources and decision making is becoming equal
Focuses on the meanings couples give to who controls money. General assumption is controlling of money is inequal.
How does Smart criticise PLP?
Some homosexuals attached no importance to who controlled money and were happy to let partners deal with.
Greater freedom for same-sex couples - do not enter traditional or gendered relationship
Name a 2nd classic theory that shows the family finances, resources and decision making is NOT becoming equal
Barret and McIntosh:
Men gain more in domestic work than they give to their wives,
Men make final decision on money, and any they give to wives often has strings attached.
Name a classic theory that shows the emotional work is becoming equal
existence of new man shows how modern young men are emotional and do want to do apart of their child’s life.
Some men choose to be SAH dads and take on expressive role
Name a classic theory that shows emotional work is not becoming equal:
Duncombe and Marsden:
Women expected to work triple shift.
Women keep family running smoothly, men never realised there were problems and saw their role strictly as breadwinner.
What did contemporary theorist DEX AND BELL say?
Only 1% of fathers cared for their children when they are sick.
Name a theory that shows domestic violence in the family is becoming equal:
Faith Robert Elliot:
Reject radical fem view that all men benefit from violence against women.
Not all men are violent/aggressive, most opposed to domestic violence.
Radical fems fail to explain female violence
Name a theory that shows domestic violence in the family is NOT becoming equal:
Fran Ansley:
Women are the takers of shit.
Domestic violence is product of capitalism.
Male workers are exploited and take it out on their wives.
Name a contemporary theory that shows domestic violence in the family is becoming equal:
Existence of new man shows modern man is more emotionally aware and sensitive.
Cares in a loving way.
Name a classic theory that shows domestic violence in the family is NOT becoming equal:
Millett and Firestone:
See DV as result of patriarchy.
Men oppress and exploit women through family where they benefit from women’s unpaid services.
Threat of DV enables women to be controlled by men.