Midterm- Week 3: Flashcards
Upper chamber of the <3:
Lower chamber of the <3:
Valve between the R atrium and ventricle:
Tricuspid Valve
Inner lining of the heart:
Type of HTN caused by another disease:
Backflow of blood from the left ventricle to the left atrium:
Mitral Reguration
Below normal plood pressure:
Drop in BP upon rising to a standing position:
Orthostatic Hypotension
A term for chest pain:
Angina Pectoris
Difficult of painful breathing:
Rapid heartbeat:
Myocardial Infection “ Heart attack”
A recording of electrical impulses of the heart:
This artifact occurs when the electrodes are old or poor skin prep:
Wandering Baseline
Angle of routine venpuncture:
Winged infusion set is called:
Butterfly wing assembly
Most common site for phlebotomy is:
Antecubital space/site
Color top tube for coagulation is:
Light Blue
Tubes that contain thixotropic gel:
Light Green, & Green Gray
Order of Draw:
- Sterile
- Light Blue
- Red, Gold, Tiger
- Green
- Lavender
- Gray
Major cause of specimen rejection:
RBC are also called:
Red Blood Cells
Another term for platelets:
Thrombocytes- PLT
Cells that are key in the immune system:
Process of blood clotting:
Stopping bleeding:
Universal donor:
Process of blood formation:
In blood antigens are termed:
Type of anemia that has crescent shaped RBC’s:
Sickle Cell
A test that determines the time for mature RBC to settle out of a blood sample:
Test that measures the time it takes for blood to clot:
Prothrombin time (PT)
Test used to help dx mono:
Mismatch between mother & fetus causes HDN:
Rh factor
Pathogen that causes mono:
EBV- Epstein Barr Virus
Formed elements make up __ of blood volume:
reduced white blood cells
low wbc
too many WBC’s
It is frequently a sign of an inflammatory response, most commonly the result of infection, but may also occur following certain parasitic infections or bone tumors as well as leukemia. It may also occur after strenuous exercise, convulsions such as epilepsy, emotional stress, pregnancy and labor, anesthesia, as a side effect of medication, and epinephrine administration.
Slant at the open end of a needle:
Needle size for infant/elderly:
Waste product excreted by lungs:
Carbon dioxide
Society ultimately rewards those who find their unique contribution and exhibit positive qualities.
The need to obtain happiness and peace of mind that comes from making a positive contribution to others through meaningful work is known as:
Career Calling
Which question does NOT help you identify your career power?
I can interrupt organizational behavior
When you discover your true purpose, you will feel yourself gaining confidence and power, without a true purpose you will:
Experience more stress and often feel overwhelmed
What percentage of people truly loves their work?
Having a strong enough “why” behind your motivation is more important than having a strong enough “what.”
Critical reflection teaches you how to get in touch with your:
Getting to Know Yourself Narrative lists six barriers to living your passion, choose three barriers that are incorrect:
Persistence, Profitability, Power
What are the 5P’s?
Passion, Purpose, Power, Profit, Peace of Mind
When describing yourself to a professional contact which of the following information should NOT be shared?
Dating History
If your subconscious thermostat is not set for career success, there is no technique or strategy you can learn that will make a difference.
Managing Change & Your Attitude Narrative states, Aristotle who originally adopted the belief that the most powerful and compelling objective of every human being is the desire for:
When career seekers try to be someone who they are not and lose touch with their authentic-self this is referred to as:
Identity Crisis
There are two types of change. Cyclical changes are referred to variable changes that are normal and natural like the weather. The other type of change is known as:
What are the four barriers to change?
Laziness, Anxiety, Ignorance, Confusion
___________ belief serves as a filter of your reality.
Attitude is not evident in word choice, tone of voice, and gestures.
The ideal attitude while searching for employment is a neutral attitude
What is the most common reason a job seeker resists change?
Fear of the unknown
Which veins carry oxygenated blood?
Pulmonary Vein
Which test is used for anticoagulant therapy and heart disease: