Midterm review Flashcards
Why the war of 1812 was called the second war for independence.
Gained respect
Freedom of the seas
The result of British Merchantalism
Rise of free market capitalism
Louisiana purchase
Double US size
Vast natural resources
Mississippi river
Precedent for purchased land
Monroe Doctrine
US will not interfere with existing European colonies
Any further European interference would be considered unfriendly and dangerous
Us will not interfere with European affairs
Spoils system
Giving government jobs to friends and supporters
Webster-Hayne Debate
Webster claimed nullification would lead to disunion
Missouri compromise
Missouri admitted as slave state
Main admitted as a free state
No slaver above 36 30
Great compromise at the constitutional convention 1787
Roger Sherman
Equal representation in the senate
Revenue bills begin in the house of representatives
Emerson’s concord hymn
Lexington and concord - Shot heard around the world
Turning point in the American war for independence
is independence
Importance of French in revolution
Formed a blockade at yorktown
What did the founding fathers fear most?
Father of the constitution
James Madison
Common Sense
Thomas Paine
Argued for independence from Britain
Hamilton’s financial plan favored the
Bankers, creditors, and wealthy
Transcendentalist writers
“Self reliance and inner truth”
Seneca falls
Convention for the equal treatment of woman
Leaves of grass
Walt Witman’s collection of poetry
Garrison favored
“The immediate uncompensated emancipation of the slave”
Amount of white southerners who owned slaves
Uncle Tom’s cabin
Stereotyped southerners as cruel slave holders
Free-port debate
Douglas says nothing and alienates everyone
Result of Lincoln’s election
South secedes
Why did the south secede?
Lost voice in the Government
Thought they could do better financially
Already like different countries
Believed they had the choice
Dred Scott decision
“A black man has no rights a white man should have to respect”
Southern advantages in civil war
Needed a draw to win
New the land
Hopes for foreign aid
Why did confederates invade the north twice, even though they were fighting a defensive war?
Thought a northern win would win them the war
Getting choked by blockades
Desperate to end the war
Turning point in the war
Day 2 - Chamberlain
Day 3 - Picket’s charge
Long term result of Sherman’s march to the sea
Lingering resentment for the north in the south
Results of the Emancipation Proclomation
War to free the slaves
Keep British out of the war
Why was Antietam so important to Lincoln?
Allowed for the proposal of the emancipation proclomation
The father of waters again flows unvexed to the sea
Underground Railroad / Fugitive slave law
Loose network of houses to move slaves up north / Illegal to assist a runaway
Supporter of the Compromise 1820-1850
Henry Clay
Compromise of 1850
California enters free
Utah and New Mexico for popular sovereignty
Frederick Douglas split because
Garrison started speaking about disunion from slave holders
Erie Canal
Connected New York City
Makes it the most important city
Trail of tears
Cherokee forced off land
Thousands die walking to a reservation
Forty Ninth Parallel
Longest unfortified border in the world
Border between United States and Canada
John Marshall
Judge in major court cases
“We are not enemies, bur friends”
First Inaugural Speech
“With malice towards none, with Charity for all”
“Fondly do we hope”
Second Inaugural Speech
“Four score”
Gettysburg Speech
“I cannot spare this man, he fights”
On Grant
Marbury v Madison
Judicial review
Cohens v Virginia
State Law reviewed by court
Fletcher v Peck
Supreme court ruled state law unconstituional
Civil war event order
Ft Sumter Antietam Emancipation Proclamation Gettysburg Appomattox
“War is all hell”
Roger B Taney
Judge in Dred Scott case
Political Results of civil war
“Before plural, after singular”
Established federal supremacy
Abolition of slavery
Economic Results of civil war
“Northern prosperity, southern ruin”
Expansion of factory system
National banking act ‘63
Morrill Tariff ‘61
Homestead act ‘62
Gave free farm land to those who would cultivate it for 5 years
Morrill Tariff ‘61
Protective tariff against foreign competition
National banking act ‘63
Created a network of National Banks ensuring stable currency
Morrill Land Grant Act ‘62
Donated land for educational prupose
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Alice Paul
Seneca falls
Woman suffragist
Spoils system and Garfield
Shot by an office seeker
Credit Moblier
Created to overcharge the government
Congress men were stockholders
Scare crow
Farmer who had been taken advantage of by bankers and railroad workers
Tin man
Factory workers who were more machine then man
Coal deposits
Laissez Faire
“Hands off” policy
Tools required to expand a business
Pennsylvania, Texas
Major oil depostits
Business where fractions are sold to raise capitals and limit liability
Profit motive
Desire to improve one’s material well being
Nebraska, Kansas, Great Plains
Corn and Wheat belt
Hub of railroads
Mesabi iron ore range
Policy to move Indians
Cattle kingdom
Associated with long drives and range wars
Green bay, Chicago, KC
Meat packing cities
Minneapolis, Buffalo
Wheat mills and flour cities
Pittsburgh, Birmingham
Steel cities
Gospel of wealth
Use of religion to justify wealth of successful undustrialists
Philanthropy examples
Social Darwinism
Herbert Spencer
Helping the poor interfered with he laws of nature
Survival of the fittest in the economic marketplace
3 views of big business
Robber barrons
Industrial statesmen
Your opinion
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Andrew Carnagie
Eli Whitney
Interchangeable parts
Thomas Nast
Cartoonist who called attention to corruption
John D Rockefeller
Oil monopolist
Which American named “The gilded age”?
Mark Twain
Protective tariff
Greatly limits competition from imports
Plain Indians (Nomads)
Grand army of the republic
Republican former soldiers
Republican party
Big business
Wasps (White Anglo Saxon)
Waving the bloody shirt
Campaign technique reminding civil war hatred
Little big horn
Custard’s last stand
Sitting Bull
Crazy horse
Wounded knee
150 Cheyenne and Arapaho men, women, and children killed in 1864
Sitting bull killed
Political machine
Political organization who controls the political party through graft and corruption
Ghost dance
Religous ritual that promised the Native American’s land be restored
Great plains
Last frontier
Treeless prairie with fertile soil
Samuel Slater
First textile mill
Charles Goodyear
Vulcanization of rubber
Eli Whitney
Interchangeable parts
Christopher Sholes
John Deere
Stainless steel plow
Thomas Edison
Power Plant
Edwin Drake
First oil well
George Pullman
Dining/Sleeping car in trains
Henry Ford
Assembly line
George Westinghouse
Air brake
Alexander Graham Bell
Elias Howe
Sewing machine
Samuel Morse
Henry Bessemer
Process to create low cost steel
“A Century of Dishonor”
Helen Hunt Jackson
Emotional impact close to Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Made congress pass a law to turn Indians into Americans
Pendleton Act
First reform of the spoils system
Immigration explosion
Population tripled during the gilded age
Elimination of compromise
By stating abolishing slavery is against the 5th amendment, slavery couldn’t be compromised on.
Two self evident truths
All men created equal with unalienable rights
Source of human rights
Our creator
Purpose of government
To serve the people
Government gets its rights from
the people
What can the people do if a government becomes undesirable?
Abolish it
The process of people moving to towns and cities as people begin working in central areas
Shot heard around the world
Ballad of William sycamore
“His words were oaks and acorns”
Spoke at Lincoln memorial
“Chicago, hog butcher of the nation”
“I went to the woods to live deliberately”
“Oh captain my captain”
Forces of industrialization
Amendment 1
Freedom of religion
Amendment 2
Right to weapons
Amendment 3
Quartering of soldiers
Amendment 4
Protection against illegal searches
Amendment 5
Right to remain silence, double jeopardy
Amendment 6
Jury trial and lawyer
Amendment 8
No cruel or usual punishment
Amendment 9
You have rights not listed
Amendment 10
Rights not in constitution left up to states