Growth Of A Nation Flashcards
The Erie Canal
Connects New York City, makes it most important city
Thomas Jeffersons Revolution of 1800
First time 1 group gives up power on the bases of an election
The 49th parallel represents
The longest unfortified border in the world
The Supreme Court Chief Justice who carried out the ideas of Alexander Hamilton and Federalists (strengthening the national government)
John Marshall
Results of the Louisiana Purchase
Doubled US size
Vast natural resources
Gain control of the Mississippi River
Strengthened the natural government by setting a precedent of purchased land
The Monroe Doctrine States
The U.S. Will not interfere with existing European colonies
Any further European interference would be considered unfriendly and dangerous to the U.S
US will not interfere with European affairs
Henry Clay’s American System included
Bank of US
Federally fund roads, bridges, and canals
Industrialization in the northeast, south becomes a cash crop economy
Marbury vs. Madison 1803
Judicial review
Cohens vs. Virginia 1821
State law was reviewed by the court
Rush-Bagot Treaty 1817
First disarmament no warships on the Great Lakes
Adams Onis Treaty 1819
Purchase a Florida
Russo American treaty 1824
54 40N
Webster-Ashburton 1841
Masabi iron ore range (largest iron ore deposit)
No slavery in territories North of the line
36 30 N.
US/British Canadian border
49 N.
Southern boundary of Russia-owned Alaska
54 40N.
Sense of unity based on pridein one’s nation, race, or ethnic group
State voiding a national law
Speech that urges resistance
Napoleon Sold Louisiana to the US primarily because
To keep it away from the English
Thomas Jefferson objected to Hamiltons plan for the national Bank because
Power should be for state, build alliance with wealthy
Washington’s farewell address
Beware of political parties Beware of sectionalism Call for isolationism Avoid all alliances Present should only served two terms
The two federalist presidents of the US were
John Adams
George Washington
Nullification Crisis
“States have the right to nullify federal laws”
South Carolina Exposition and Protest
Nullification, Calhoun
Webster-Hayne Debates
Webster predicated nullification would lead to succession and disunion
Sectional Economics
American system, cash crops in the south, Northeast manufacturing
Clay’s compromise
Gradual lowering of tariff until 1816 level
Didn’t answer the nullification question
Missouri compromise
Missouri admitted as a slave state
Main comes in free to balance Missouri
Slavery forbidden north of 36 30 line
Forces of Nationalism
Rush Bagot Convention of 1818 Admas Onis Russo American Webster Ashburton Monroe Doctrine
War of 1812 as second war for independence
Freedom of the seas
Emerican ersentment of the British
Eli Whitney’s effect on slavery
Made a demand for it
Noah Webster
Americanized the English language
Francis Scott Key
Wrote the star spangled banner
Sam Houston
Horseshoe Bend
Andrew Jackson
Battle of New Orleans
Hartford Convention
Last gasp of the federalists, they threatened to succeed
Treaty of Ghent
Ended the war of 1812
Transcendentalists stressed ideas of
Self reliance
Democratic Individuality
The Seneca Falls convention called for
Equal work and the right to vote for women
Leaves of Grass, Laureate of Deomcracy
Walt Witman
Liberal religious belief
What did the early American Utopian experiments focus on?
Communal economics
Alternative marriage arrangements
Who pushed for national parks
George Catlin
Major supporter of an effective tax supported school system for children
Horace Mann
Know Nothing party objective
restriction of the rights of immigrants
America’s passion for equality and individualism arose as a result of
an abstinence of aristocracy
Seneca Falls was a protest against
The unequal treatment of woman
Frederick Jackson Turner focused on the importance of
unsettled land is shaping our fronteir
The second great awakening…
reversed the tendency toward rationalism and indifference in religion
Washington Irving and James Cooper…
Wrote about early life in America
Pioneer in the campaign for woman’s suffrage was
Elizabeth Stanton
Doctrine by Henry Thoreau that influenced ghnadi
Civil Disobedience
Experiment in Massachusetts based on “plain living and high thinking”
brook farm
Who was the Mormon Moses?
Neil Young
Important result of the Tariff of Abominations in 1828 was
South Carolina exposition and protest nullification
This statement best reflects views of
Andrew Jackson
Argued states should have the ultimate authority to decide constitutional laws.
Dorthea Dix
better treatment of the mentally ill
Gained followers among the common people of the west and south
Methodists and baptists
Cohens v Virginia 1821
Supreme Court reviewed state court decision
Fletcher v Peck 1810
Supreme Court reviewed a state law
Convention of 1818
Established US/Canadian border
Sam Houston
Horseshoe bend
Andrew Jackson battle
Battle of New Orleans
Two woman noted for their work in founding schools
Mary Lyon
Emma Willard
Lewis and Clark expedition
Missouri River
At Louis river
Scientific expedition