1920's and WW1 Flashcards
Causes of the Dust Bowl
High winds
Dry farming
Overproduction of crops
Important style of music characterized by use of improvisation (breaking the rules)
Prohibition resulted in
Rise of organized crime
Corruption and lax enforcement by state and local authorities
Substantial decrease in drinking in some regions of the country
Increase in drinking among women in eastern cities
Contributed to the liberation of women in the 20’s
Household appliances
19th amendment
In the 1920’s financial success meant
Bad loans, shrewd investments, and getting rich quick
Created through the glass steagall act, improved banking system by protecting peoples savings against loss
Writers of the 20’s criticized
American materialism
“Get rich quick” is best illustrated by
The stock market
A practice of short-term investment in which a person buys a commodity purely for the purpose of selling it for a profit
Calvin Coolidge became national figure during
Boston Police Strike
Scopes trial
A collision between modern science and old fundamentalist values
Allowed people to buy now and pay later
Installment plan
Ideal american according the the KKK
A person who sells makes or smuggles illegal alcohol
What drove the price of cars down during the 20s
Contributed to the speculation fever
Another word for speculation
Woolworths and Piggly Wiggly among the first
Chain stores
Washing machines
Among many of the household appliances introduced during the 20s
Past after the Glass-Steagall
Monitors the stock market and enforces laws regarding the sale of stocks and bonds
Babe Ruth
Sultan of swat
baseball hero of the 20s
Marcus Garvey
Leader of the black identity; started a movement for black pride even though his back to Africa plan failed
Sacco and Vanzetti
Italian immigrants executed for murder and robbery, but many believe they were framed because of the radical political view
Langston Hughes
Consider the poet laureate of the black race
Al capone
Chicago gangster
the most famous bootlegger of the Prohibition era
Louis Armstrong
Jazz musician who is credited with bringing the jazz sound of north from New Orleans to Chicago and St. Louis
John scopes
Arrested in Tennessee for teaching the theory of evolution
Warren G Harding
President whose administration was riddled with scandals
Al Smith
Democratic nominee for president in 1928
First Catholic to run
For the first time, southern states voted Republican
Ernest Hemingway
American writer who emerged from the lost generation to be one of the century’s greatest… Authoring a farewell to arms , the old man and the sea and many more classics
T.S. Eliot
“We are the Hollow men”
Edna St. Vincent Millay
My candle burns at both ends
A group of people in Central Eastern and southeastern Europe whose languages come from the same root
Zimmerman note
A telegram from the German for minister, proposing that Mexico attack the US in event of war
A British passenger ship caring ammunition as a cargo that was sunk by Germany in 1915
Sedition acts of 1918
The most severe restriction on free speech in American history
Freedom of the seas
The right of every nation to navigate the ocean without interference
Sussex pledge
A German promise to end unrestricted submarine warfare
Feelings of pride, unity, and loyalty in one’s country or ethnic group
The policy of avoiding all alliances with other nations
Name of the American army sent to France to fight World War I
Expensing up of one nation over others politically, economically, and militarily.
Committee for public info
Government agency which employed hundreds of writers to sell the war to the American public propaganda
After the assassination of franz Ferdinand, Austria Hungary invaded this country, which began World War I
The invasion of this country, who had proclaimed neutrality, cause hostility toward Germany in the US
This group seized power in Russia in November 1917 and pulled rush out of the war causing the US to be very angry with Russia to this day
League of Nations
The basis for Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points was an international peacekeeping organization
Event that started World War I
The assassination of Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary
At the beginning of the war in Europe, in 1914, President Wilson
Declared the US neutral neutral
Which country withdrew from the war in 1917 and made a separate peace with Germany
Wilson try to establish a lasting peace by
Disarming all nations
The group that did not get it independence as a result of the Treaty of Versailles
The Irish
Easter rising
Name for the failed Irish revolt against Britain