Manifest Destiny and the Road to Civil War Flashcards
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Stephen Douglas;
Settlers can decide whether to allow slavery;
Bleeding Kansas
Rise of Republican Party
Election of 1860
Abraham Lincoln(R)
Stephen Douglas and John C Breckenridge (D)
John Bell (CU);
November election, December South Carolina secedes;
7 states secede(SC,GA,FL,AL,Mississippi,Louisiana,Texas)
Mexican Cession
Region Mexico Seceded to the US
Guadalupe Hidalgo
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Stereo typed all southerners as cruel slave holders
Written by Harriet Beecher Stowk
The Impending Crisis of the South
Addressed the scam of slavery, lowered salary of southerners
Written by Hinton Helper
Bleeding Kansas
Civil war in Kansas
John Brown believed he was put on earth to end slavery violently
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Traveled Illinois debating with eachother
Freeport Doctrine
Compromise of 1850
Last attempt by Clay to save the union
California enters as free state
Upsets balance of states
Texas gets 10 million for losing territory
Slave trade banned in Washington DC
Fugitive Slave Law
Utah and New Mexico open to popular sovereignty
Dread Scott Decision
Slavery couldn’t be outlawed anywhere
Webster-Hayne Debates
Webster predicated nullification would lead to succession and disunion
John Brown’s Raid
Stereotyped northerners as abolitionists
Roger B. Taney
Judge during Dred Scott case
Any law that outlaws slavery is against the 5th amendment and unconstitutional;
A black man has no rights a white man would have to respect
John C. Calhoun
South Carolina Exposition and Protest
John C. Fremont
Bear Flag Republic
Stephen Douglas
Made popular sovereignty
David Wilmot
Wrote Wilmot Proviso
Harriet Beecher
Wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin
William Lloyd Garrison
Wrote the Liberator
Elijah P. Lovejoy
Important Abolitionist
Shot defending printing press
Popular Sovereignty
Last say belongs to the people
Power of the state’s citizens to decide avout slavery
Stephen Douglas
Missouri Compromise
Missouri as a slave state
Main comes in as a free state
Slavery forbidden north of 36 30’
3/5 Compromise
Wrote slavery into the constitution
Padded southern voice in the federal government
Jefferson could not have been elected
Ostend Manifesto
US proposes to take Cuba to balance California
Winfield Scott
Hero of the Mexican War
Sam Houston
Hero of Horseshoe Bend
Opposed Mexican War
Harriet Tubman
Underground Railroad
James K. Polk
Election of 1844
Spot Resolution
Mexican War
Show were the blood was spilled
Henry David Thoreau
Civil Disobedience
54 40’ or Fight!
James K Polk
36 30’
Conspiracy to add a territory south of 36 30’
Webster-Ashburton treaty of 1842
Mesabi Iron ore range
Gadsden Purchase
Puchase top bit of Mexico for 10 million
America has a conscience
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
Ended the Mexican War
Explosion of Sectionalism
Zachary Taylor
A hero of the Mexican War
Won election of 1848 over Louis Cass
49 North
James K Polk settled for border
Willamette Valley
Oregon Trail
20 thousand Ameicans settle
Boundary needs to be established
Fugitive Slave Law
Federal crime to assist a runaway ($1000)
Requirement to return slaves to the South
Lone Star Republic
Bear Flag Republic
Seneca Falls
Equal work and the right to vote for women
Election of 1844/Liberty Party
James K. Polk
Buy California
Annex Texas
54 40’ or Fight
7th of March Speech
Daniel Webster
Compromise if better than disunion
Mesabi Iron Ore Range
Minnesota iron ore deposit
Free Port Doctrine
Asked how popular sovereignty acted on Dred Scott Case
“People cannot outlaw slavery,they can refuse to practice it” - Douglas
California Gold Rush
Urgent Statehood
Compromise of 1850
Effect of slavery on pre-civil war religion
Split religions
Garrison’s stance on slavery
Implicit uncompensated emancipation of slaves
Rise of the Republican party
Kansas Nebraska Act
Influence of Clay on Lincoln
Clay opposed abolitionist and slaveholders because of their eagerness to divide the union and their denial of the meaning of the declaration
Influence of Webster on Lincoln
Provided Lincoln with arguments and reasoning on the concept of union
The Constitution is an attempt to embody the ideals of the declaration of independence
Believed to be the best speech
Henry clay
Great compromiser
The Alamo
Battle cry for Texas war for independence
Transcontinental railroad
Kansas Nebraska act
Convention of 1846
49 N
Rio grande
Disputed territory
Republican platform
Opposed westward expansion of slavery
Compact theory
South seceded because they believed they had the right to
Wilmot proviso
Proposal to ban slavery in Mexican territories
Frederick Douglas
Leading black abolitionist
Frederick Douglas on Lincoln
Union first
Slavery second
Why did the south secede
No voice in the house Hate each other Different cultures More money Since they created the union they can uncreated it
Nat turner
Fear in the south