Midterm- Performance Skill Definition Flashcards
What are the 3 types of performance skills?
1) motor skills
2) process skills
3) social interaction skills
What is the definition of align under motor skills?
Interacts with task objects without persistent propping or persistent leaning
What is the definition of stabilizes under motor skills?
Moves through task environment and interacts with task objects without momentary propping or loss of balance
What is the definition of position under motor skills?
Positions self an effective distance from task objects
No awkward body positioning
What is the definition of reaches under motor skills?
Effectively extends arm and bends trunk (when needed) to effectively grasp or place object out of reach
What is the definition of bends under motor skills?
Forced or rotates trunk to grasp or place objects out of reach or when sitting
What is the definition of grips under motor skills?
Effectively pinches or grabs objects and does not slip between finger or teeth or etc
What is the definition of manipulates under motor skills?
Uses dexterous finger movements, without fumbling when manipulating objects
What is the definition of coordinates under motor skills?
Uses two or more body parts to manipulate, hold or stabilize object without fumbling or slipping from grasp
What is the definition of moves under motor skills?
Effectively pushed or pulls objects along a supporting surface
Pulls to open or pushes to close doors and draws
Pushes on wheels to propel wheelchair
What is the definition of lifts under motor skills?
Effectively raises or lifts objects without increased effort
What is the definition of walks under motor skills?
During task walks on level surfaces without shuffling feet, becoming unstable, propping or using assistive devices
What is the definition of transports under motor skills?
Carriers object from one place to another while walking or moving in a wheelchair
What is the definition of calibrates under motor skills?
Uses movement if appropriate force, speed, or extent what interacting with objects
What is the definition of flows under motor skills?
Uses smooth and fluid arm and waist movements when interacting with task objects
What is the definition of endures under motor skills?
Persists and completes the task without obvious physical fatigue, pausing to rest of stopping to catch breath
What is the definition of paces under motor skills?
Maintains a consistent and effective rate or tempo of performance through task
What is the definition of pace under process skills?
Maintains a consistent and effective rate or tempo of performance throughout the entire task
What is the definition of attends under process skills?
Does not look away from what he is she is doing, interrupting the ongoing task progression
What is the definition of heeds under process skills?
Carries it and completes the task originally agreed on it specified by another
What is the definition of chooses under process skills?
Selects necessary and appropriate type and number of tools and materials for the task, including the tools and materials that the person was directed to use or specified he or she would use
What is the definition of uses under process skills?
Applies tools and material as they are intended
What is the definition of handles under process skills?
Supports or stabilized tools and materials in an appropriate manner, protecting them from being damaged, slipping, moving and falling
What is the definition of inquires under process skills?
Seeks needed verbal or written info by asking questions of reading directions or labels
Does not ask for info when he or she was fully oriented to the task and environment and had immediate prior awareness of the answer
What is the definition of initiates under process skills?
Starts or begins the next action or step without hesitation