Midterm - Cranial Nerve more Flashcards
Olfactory nerve
Sensory: ability to smell
CN I test
Odor recognition
Amosmia vs hyposmia
Anosmia = complete loss of sense of smell Hyposmia = diminished sense of smell
Loss of smell is commonly (bilateral/unilateral) and due to _____
Chronic rhinitis, fracture to cribiform plate, etc
Anosmia that is a new onset and unilateral is
Most concerning. Suggests possible intracranial mass
Difficulty identifying odors. A CN I problem
*considered idiopathic
Hallucination of an odor when none present. A CN I problem
*implies a problem in the olfactory cortex
Optic nerve
Sensory only: vision & afferent portion of pupil constriction
CN II tests
- Visual acuity
- Peripheral vision
- Pupillary light reflexes (affarent portion)
- Visualize optic disc
Primary open angle glaucoma can cause
Globally narrowed visual fields (high pressure in the eye damages the optic nerve)
What is Normal response to light?
And what is direct and consensual response?
Miosis = pupil constriction
Direct response = pupil with the light source constricts
Consensual = constriction fo the pupil in the eye opposite from the light source
How does light coming in one eye constrict both pupils?
Light come in one eye, travel along CN II which synapses with CN III. CN III generates efferent motor response bilaterally, causing pupil constriction
Oculomotor nerve. Efferent motor.
Innervates the levator palpebrea superioris muscle which causes eyelid elevation
Controls 4/6 muscles involved in moving the eye: inferior oblique, inferior superior and medial rectus
CN III tests
- Pupillary light reflex - motor component of pupil constriction
- Check for intact eyelid elevation
- Assess cardinal fields of gaze (evaluates CN III, IV, VI)
- also corneal light reflection & cover/ uncover tests for strabismus - Accommodation
Abnormal CN III function
Droopy eyelid (ptosis)
Dysconjugate gaze
Eyes that don’t move in parallel
Usually indicates paresis (weakness) or paralysis of extra-ocular muscles
End point nystagmus is ______ whereas involuntary nystagmus through the cardinal fields of gaze is ______
Normal, abnormal
Lateral rectus m is innervated by ____ and does _____
CN VI, eye abduction
Superior oblique is innervated by ____ and does ____
CN IV, moves eyes down and in
Signs of complete right CN III palsy
Dilated pupil (mydriasis), ptosis, can’t move the R eye medically