Midterm 1 Content Flashcards
Lecture 1:
What are 3 types of Muscle Tissue?
1.) Skeletal Muscle
2.) Cardiac Muscle
3.) Smooth Muscle
Lecture 1:
What is Skeletal Muscle?
Generates force production to move limbs & is under voluntary control & has striated muscle fibres
main focus of the course
Lecture 1:
What is Cardiac Muscle?
Striated muscle proteins but not under voluntary control as muscle generates own rhythm
Lecture 1:
What is Smooth Muscle?
Muscle fibres contract involuntarily
- vessels constrict/dilate to regulate blood flow
Lecture 1:
What are Myofibrils?
Muscle proteins that are the smallest unit of the muscle (muscle —> fasciculi—>muscle fibre —> myofibril)
Hundreds of thousands of them per muscle fibre
Lecture 1:
What are Sarcomeres?
The basic contractile element of skeletal muscle & go end to end for full myofibril length
The individual functional units of a muscle fibre with the power stroke cross bridge cycling that shortens the muscle
Lecture 1:
When discussing Sarcomeres, what are the different bands/zones that cause the striations (striped appearance)?
A-bands - dark stripes (contain both actin & myosin)
I-bands - light stripes (only actin here when relaxed)
H-zone - middle of A-band
M-line - middle of H-zone (where myosin group together)
Lecture 1:
What are the 2 types of Protein Filaments in Sarcomeres?
- describe each & what zone/band they are
1.) Actin (thin filaments)
- lighter under microscope & form the I-band
- composed of globular proteins joined together to make a chain
2.) Myosin (thick filaments)
- darker under microscope & forms the H-zone
*A-band contains both actin & myosin filaments
Lecture 1:
What does Myosin look like?
2 intertwined filaments with globular heads 360degs out of the thick filament axis & interact with actin for contraction
Lecture 1:
What are the 3 proteins that actin is composed of?
1.) Actin - contains myosin-binding site
2.) Tropomyosin - covers active site (for myosin head) at rest
3.) Troponin (anchored to actin) - moves tropomyosin when muscle is ready for muscle contraction
Lecture 1:
What is Titan & a few points on it
Third myofilament that acts like a spring (tension increases with muscle activation & force)
- attaches myosin to the Z-disk of actin
- Calcium binds to titan to increase muscle force when stretched
- stabilizes sarcomeres, centers myosin, & prevents overstretching
Lecture 1:
What is a Motor Unit?
Consists of a single motor neuron & all fibres it innervates (the nerve & the muscle fibres)
- more operating motor units = more contractile force
Lecture 1:
What is the Neuromuscular Junction?
Consists of the synapse between a motor neuron & muscle fibre (between nerve & motor unit connection)
- site of communication between a neuron & muscle
Lecture 1:
When discussing Muscle fibre contraction, What is Excitation-Contraction Coupling?
The combined process of turning a nerve on (exciting it) to the contraction of proteins in a muscle fibre
Lecture 1:
What are the 6 main steps of Excitation-Contraction Coupling?
1.) Action Potential (AP) develops in the brain
2.) AP arrives at the axon terminal & releases Acetylcholine (ACh)
3.) ACh crosses the synapse & binds to ACh receptors on plasmalemma
4.) AP travels down Plasmalemma & T-tubules
5.) triggers release of Ca2+ from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
6.) Ca2+ enables actin-myosin contraction & muscle movement occurs
Lecture 1:
What is the role of Calcium in Muscle Fibres?
Calcium is an ion that causes muscle contraction as it signals muscle proteins to contract
- Calcium is released into SR & bind to troponin on thin filament to move tropomyosin and reveal the sites on actin for myosin heads to binds to
Lecture 1:
In the sliding filament theory, What happens in relaxed vs contracted states?
1.) Relaxed State - no actin-myosin interaction occurs at binding sites & myofilaments only overlap a little
- no calcium as binding sites covered by troponin
2.)Contracted State - myosin head pulls actin towards sarcomere center (power stroke) & filaments slide past eachother
- sarcomeres, myofibrils, & muscle fiber all shorten
Lecture 1:
In the sliding filament theory, what happens after the power stroke ends?
After power stroke ends, myosin detaches from active sites & myosin head rotates back to original position
- myosin attaches to another active site farther down
Lecture 1:
What causes the sliding filament theory to end?
Either the Z-disk reaches myosin filaments or AP stops & Calcium is pumped back into sarcoplasmic reticulum
Lecture 1:
What is the energy source for muscle contractions?
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) is necessary for muscle contraction
- it binds to the myosin head & ATP becomes ADP + Pi + energy
Lecture 1:
What are the 3 main types of muscle fibres?
1.) Type I
2.) Type IIa
3.) Type IIx
Lecture 1:
What percentage of muscle fibres does type I make & what is its peak tension?
- type of twitch?
Approx 50% of fibres in an average muscle & peak tension is 110ms
- slow twitch fibres as take a long time to reach peak force production (slow oxidative fibres)
Lecture 1:
What percentage of muscle fibres does type II make & what is its peak tension?
- type of twitch?
Type IIa & IIx both make up approx 25% of fibres in average muscle & peak muscle tension is 50ms
- fast twitch muscle fibres as they are fast to contract but quicker to fatigue
- IIa = fast oxidative fibre & IIx = fast glycolytic fibre
Lecture 1:
What are Gel Electrophoresis?
Type I & II fibres have different types of myosin so this process separates types of myosin by size
Lecture 1:
What is the difference in the Sarcoplasm Reticulum’s of Type I vs Type II fibres?
Type II fibres have a more highly developed SR & the calcium release is faster & Vo is 3-5times faster
Lecture 1:
What is the difference in motor units in Type I vs Type II muscle fibres?
Type I motor units have smaller neurons with <300 fibres & type II motor units have larger neurons with >300 fibres
- more units in type II, meaning more connections to the brain
Lecture 1:
How are fibre types distributed?
Each person has a unique ratio that is mostly based on genetics
- arm & leg ratios are similar in one person
- typically more type I in endurance athletes & more type II in power athletes
Lecture 1:
What is the only muscle in the body that is 100% type I fibres in everyone?
The Soleus is type I in everyone
Lecture 1:
What happens to Type I muscle fibres during exercise?
The possess high aerobic endurance & maintain prolonged exercise
- require oxygen for ATP production
- recruited for low-intensity aerobic exercise & DPA
- ATP efficiently produced from fat & carbs
Lecture 1:
What happens to Type II muscle fibres during exercise?
- in general, Type IIa, & type IIx
In general, they fatigue quickly as poor aerobic endurance & produce ATP anaerobically
- Type IIa: produce more force & fatigue slower than I
- Type IIx: seldom used for everyday activities
Lecture 1:
When are Type IIa vs Type IIx muscle fibres used?
IIa - used for short, intense endurance (1,600m run)
IIx - used for short, explosive sprints (100m)
Lecture 1:
What are 2 main determinants of fibre type?
- explain each
1.) Genetics - determine which motor neurons innervate fibres & differentiate based on neuron
2.) Training - differentiate endurance, strength, & detraining. Training can induce small fibre type changes (10%)
Lecture 1:
What effect does aging have on muscle fibre type?
Aging causes a loss of type II motor units as they begin behaving like type I fibres
Lecture 1:
What is Motor Unit Recruitment?
- what order are units recruited in?
A method used for altering force production
- recruitment order = Type I, Type IIa, Type IIx
Lecture 1:
When discussing motor unit recruitment, how is force production altered?
- less force production = fewer/smaller motor units
- more force production = more/larger motor units
- type I units are smaller than type II
Lecture 1:
What are the 2 main types of Muscle Contraction?
1.) Static (isometric)
2.) Dynamic
Lecture 1:
What is Static Muscle Contraction?
Isometric contraction where muscle produces force but doesn’t change length
- joint angle doesn’t change & myosin cross-bridges form & recycle with no sliding
Lecture 1:
What is Dynamic Muscle Contraction?
Muscle produces force & changes length
- joint movement is produced. Muscle lengthens/shortens
Lecture 1:
What are the 2 types of Dynamic Muscle Contractions?
1.) Concentric (most common) - muscle shortens as sarcomere shortens & filaments slide towards eachother
2.) Eccentric - muscle lengthens as cross-bridges form but sarcomere lengthens (eg; lowering heavy weight)
Lecture 2:
What are Substrates?
Fuel sources we make energy from (eg; adenosine triphosphate ATP)
Macronutrients absorbed from the diet - carbs, proteins, & fat (lipids)
Lecture 2:
What is Bioenergetics?
The process that converts substrates into energy
- a cellular-level process
Lecture 2:
What is Metabolism?
Chemical reactions that occur in the body
Lecture 2:
How is energy release measured?
Calculated from heat production
- calculated in calories — 1cal = heat energy req’d to raise 1g of water from 14.5 degrees to 15.5
Lecture 2:
what is 1,000 calories equal to?
1,000 cal = 1 kcal = 1 Calorie (dietary)
Lecture 2:
What are the 3 main substrates used as fuel for exercise?
- what are the key organic molecules they have?
1.) Carbohydrates
2.) Fat
3.) Protein
- all contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, &/or nitrogen
Lecture 2:
What type of substrate is used for short exercise? Which for long exercise?
Short = more carbohydrate
Long = carbohydrate & fat
Lecture 2:
What are Carbs converted into to be used as energy?
All carbs are converted to glucose & yield about 4.1kcal/g
Lecture 2:
Approximately how many kcals of glucose are stored in the body?
Lecture 2:
Where is extra glucose stored in the body & what is it stored as?
Extra glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver & muscles
- glycogen converted back to glucose when needed to make more ATP
Lecture 2:
How much energy does fat yield?
Fat yields almost double the amount of energy as carbs as it makes 9.4kcal/g
- yields high net ATP but slow ATP production
Lecture 2:
How much fat substrate can be stored in the body?
70,000+ kcal of fat stored in the body
Lecture 2:
What does fat get broken down into when used for energy?
Broken down into free fatty acids (FFAs) & glycerol
**only FFAs are used to make ATP
Lecture 2:
When is protein used for energy?
- how much energy does it yield?
Used for energy during starvation & yields 4.1kcal/g
Lecture 2:
How are proteins broken down & what are they broken down into?
Need to be broken down into individual amino acids & then into glucose in order to be used.
- convert into FFAs through lipogenesis for energy storage and cellular energy substrate
Lecture 2:
How is energy rate production controlled?
Energy is released at a controlled rate based on availability of primary substrate
Lecture 2:
What is the Mass Action Effect when discussing rate of energy production?
Explain how substrate availability affects metabolic rate
- more substrate available = higher pathway activity
- excess of given substrate = cells rely on that substrate more than others
Lecture 2:
How do enzymes control rate of energy production?
Energy release rate is controlled by enzyme activity in the metabolic pathway
- more enzymes = more ATP produced
Lecture 2:
What are Enzymes?
They facilitate breakdown (catabolism) of substrates & catalyze individual reactions to produce more ATP
- they can speed up or slow down reactions based on ATP requirements
- they lower the activation energy for a chemical reaction
- end with suffix “-ase”
Lecture 2:
What is PFK Enzyme?
Facilitates production of glucose when turned on or reduces rate of production when turned off
- used in glycolysis
Lecture 2:
What is Rate-Limiting Enzyme?
Can create a bottleneck effect at an early step
- activity is influenced by negative feedback & slows overall reaction to prevent runaway reaction
Lecture 2:
How is ATP stored?
- where & how much
ATP is stored in small amounts until needed & stored in phosphate bonds in muscle
Lecture 2:
When ATP is used for energy, how is it broken down to release energy?
ATP is broken down to release energy by using ATPase enzymes
ATP + Water + ATPase —> ADP + Pi + energy
*ADP is a lower-energy compound that is less useful
Lecture 2:
How is ATP formed from by-products?
ATP is synthesized through phosphorylation & can occur in either absence or presence of Oxygen
ADP + Pi + energy —> ATP
Lecture 2:
What are the three ATP synthesis Pathways?
1.) ATP-PCr System ~ anaerobic metabolism
2.) Glycolytic System ~ anaerobic metabolism
3.) Oxidative System ~ aerobic metabolism
Lecture 2:
What is the ATP-PCr System?
- oxygen required?
- ATP yield?
- duration?
Anaerobic system (no oxygen) with substrate-level metabolism and also called the Phosphate Creatine system
- ATP Yield = 1 ATP/1 PCr
- Duration = 3-15s
- Pathway is used to reassemble ATP because ATP stores are very limited
Lecture 2:
What is PCr?
- how is it broken down in the ATP-PCr System?
PCr = phosphocreatine & used for ATP recycling
- PCr + creatine kinase —> Cr + Pi + energy
- PCr energy cannot be used for cellular work but can be used to reassemble ATP
- it replenishes ATP stores @ rest & recycles ATP during exercise until used up
Lecture 2:
What is the main enzyme used in the ATP-PCr System?
PCr breakdown is cataloged by the CK enzyme (creatine kinase)
- CK controls rate of ATP production based on negative feedback
*low ATP & high ADP causes CK activity to increase
* high ATP levels cause CK activity to decrease
Lecture 2:
What is the Glycolytic System?
- oxygen required?
- ATP yield?
- Duration?
An anaerobic system for ATP synthesis that does not require oxygen
- ATP yield = 2-3 mol ATP/ 1 mol substrate
- Duration = 15s - 2min
- breaks down glucose via glycolysis
Lecture 2:
What substrate is used in the Glycolytic System?
Uses glucose or glycogen as its substrate
- costs 1 ATP for glucose & 0 ATP for glycogen
- must convert to glucose-6-phosphate
Lecture 2:
What is the Pathway for the Glycolytic System?
- where does it occur?
- ATP yield?
Pathway starts with glucose-6-phosphate & ends with pyruvic acid
- 10-12 enzymatic reactions total
- all steps occur int eh cytoplasm
- ATP Yield: 2 ATP for glucose & 3 for glycogen
Lecture 2:
What are 3 Cons of the Glycolytic System?
1.) low ATP yield & inefficient use of substrate
2.) lack of O2 converts pyruvic acid to lactic acid
3.) lactic acid impairs glycolysis & muscle contraction as it impairs ability to produce ATP
Lecture 2:
What are 2 Pro’s of the Glycolytic System?
1.) Allows muscles to contract when O2 is limited
2.) Permits shorter-term, high-intensity exercise than oxidative metabolism can sustain
Lecture 2:
In the Glycolytic System, What enzyme is used & how?
Phosphofructokinase (PFK) is a rate-limiting enzyme that regulates ATP production.
- lower ATP = higher PFK activity… higher ATP = lower PFK activity **PFK levels also regulated by products of Krebs cycle
- Glycolysis = ~2mins max exercise… need another pathway for longer durations
Lecture 2:
What is the Oxidative System?
- Oxygen required?
- ATP yield?
- Duration?
- location?
Aerobic system that yields way more ATP than other systems & is less intense as ATP is produced slowly
- ATP Yield is dependent on substrate… 32-33ATP/1g glucose & 100+ ATP/1 FFA
- Duration = steady supply for hours
- Location = mitochondria (not cytoplasm)
- most complex system of the 3 bioenergetic systems
Lecture 2:
What are the 3 stages of the Oxidation System when Oxidizing a Carbohydrate?
1.) Glycolysis
2.) Krebs Cycle
3.) Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
Lecture 2:
Explain the Electron Transport Chain
H+ & electrons are carried to the ETC via NADH & FADH2 molecules
- H+ & electrons travel down the chain….
1.) H+ combines with O2 & forms H2O
2.) Electrons & O2 help form ATP
3.) 2.5 ATP per NADH & 1.5 ATP per FADH2
Lecture 2:
How is Fat Oxidized in the Oxidative System?
- rate of entry into muscle?
- ATP yield compared to glucose?
- slower or faster than glucose oxidation?
Triglycerides (major fat energy source) are broken down into 1 glycerol & 3 FFAs through lipolysis (carried out by lipases)
- Rate of FFAs entry into muscle is dependent on concentration gradient
- Yields 3-4 times more ATP than glucose
- slower than glucose oxidation
Lecture 2:
What is the b-Oxidation (beta-oxidation) of fat?
- how much ATP used?
The process converting FFAs (fatty acids) to acetylene-CoA before entering Krebs Cycle
- uses 2 ATP right away
Lecture 2:
How many steps in the beta-Oxidation of fat?
of steps depends on # of carbons on FFA (fatty acids)
- 16-carbon FFA yields 8 acetyl-CoA compared to 1 glucose yielding 2 acetyl-CoA
- fat oxidation required more O2 at beginning & yields far more ATP later
Lecture 2:
When discussing fat oxidation… how does the Krebs cycle & ETC work?
Acetyl-CoA enters Krebs cycle & follows same path as glucose oxidation
- different fatty acids have different #’s of carbons meaning they… yield different #’s of acetyl-CoA molecules, & Yield different ATP
Lecture 2:
What is the Oxidation process of a protein?
- how is energy yield determined?
Protein rarely used as a substrate but can be converted to glucose & Acetyl-CoA
- energy yield not easy to determine as nitrogen presence is unique & excretion requires ATP
Lecture 2:
What are the 3 key ways that muscle can use lactate?
Lactate is an important fuel during exercise & can be used by muscles in 3 ways…
1.) lactate produced in cytoplasm is taken up by mitochondria (of same muscle fibre) & oxidized
2.) lactate transported via MCP transporters to another cell & oxidized there (lactate shuttle)
3.) lactate recirculates back to liver & reconverted to pyruvate & then glucose through gluconeogenesis
Lecture 2:
How do the 3 energy systems interact with eachother?
All 3 systems interact for all activities as no single system contributes 100% but one system will often dominate
- cooperation between systems increases during transition periods
Lecture 2:
What is the Crossover Concept?
- at rest vs at intensity & their intersection
**Cross-over point is the intersection of these 2, which is affected by exercise intensity & endurance training
- at rest & exercise below 60% VO2max lipids are the primary substrate
- at high intensity & above 75% VO2max carbohydrates are the primary substrate
Lecture 2:
What are the 3 main factors that determine Oxidative Capacity of a Muscle?
Not all muscles have maximal oxidative capability’s but can be determined by…
1.) Enzyme activity
2.) Fibre type composition & endurance training
3.) O2 availability versus need
Lecture 2:
Enzyme activity & Oxidative Capacity…. What are some representative enzymes?
Not all muscles exhibit optimal activity of oxidative enzymes
- representative enzymes include; succinate dehydrogenase & citrate synthase
- levels differ in endurance-trained vs untrained individuals
Lecture 3:
What is a Neuron?
The basic structural unit of nervous system also called a nerve & is an excitable tissue that sends nerve impulses down cellular membranes
Lecture 3:
What are the 3 major regions of the Neuron?
1.) Cell body (soma)
2.) Dendrites
3.) Axon
Lecture 3:
What 2 things speed up the propagation of action potentials?
Myelin speeds up propagation & axons with a larger diameter speed propagation as well
Lecture 3:
What is myelin & How does myelin speed up action potentials?
Myelin can be a fatty sheath around the axon & called Schwann cells or not continuous layers that are called nodes of Ranvier
- saltitory conduction
Lecture 3:
Schwann Cells vs Nodes of Ranvier
Schwann cells = continuous fatty myelin sheath around the axon made of glial cells
Nodes of Ranvier = non continuous myelination
Lecture 3:
What is the Synapse & its purpose?
The junction/gap between neuron’s that serves as a site of neuron-to-neuron communication
*AP must jump across the synapse
Lecture 3:
What is the pathway of Action Potential to the synapse?
Axon —> synapse —> dendrites
Presynaptic cell —> synaptic cleft —> postsynaptic cell
**signal changes form across synapse
Electrical —> Chemical —> Electrical
Lecture 3:
How do AP’s transmit across the Synapse?
AP can only move in one direction & axon terminals contain neurotransmitters that serve as chemical messengers
- they carry electrical AP across synaptic cleft
- bind to receptor on postsynaptic surface
- stimulate GP’s in postsynaptic neuron
Lecture 3:
What are Neurotransmitters?
50+ are known
- ACh & Noepinephrine (NE) govern exercise which increases acetylcholine (ACh)
Lecture 3:
What is the role of ACh neurotransmitter?
Governs exercise & stimulates skeletal muscle contraction, & mediates parasympathetic nervous system effects
Lecture 3:
What is the role of Noepinephrine (NE) neurotransmitter?
NE mediates sympathetic nervous system effects
Lecture 3:
What is the real name of the PGC-1a neurotransmitter?
Peroxisome Profilferator-activated receptor-y coactivator 1a
Lecture 3:
What are the 4 key points of the PGC-1a neurotransmitter?
A molecule that is more available during exercise
1.) increases branching of the presynaptic terminal motor neuron
2.) increases the # of presynaptic vesicles containing acetylcholine
3.) increase the # of acetylcholine receptors on the cell membrane
4.) decreases the size of the motor end plate
Lecture 3:
What are the 2 types of Postsynaptic responses?
1.) Excitatory Postsynaptic Potential (EPSP)
2.) Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential (IPSP)
Lecture 3:
What is the Excitatory Postsynaptic Potential (EPSP) response?
This is a depolarization, excitatory response that promotes Action Potentials
- More EPSPs = more depolarization
- if you reach threshold depolarization that AP occurs
Lecture 3:
What is the Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential (IPSP) response?
This is a hyperpolarization, inhibitory response that prevents Action Potentials
- multiple IPSPs = more hyperpolarizing
Lecture 3:
What sections of the brain form the Cerebrum?
- Frontal lobe
- Parietal lobe
- Occipital lobe
- Temporal lobe
*basal ganglia
Lecture 3:
What is the primary motor cortex of the cerebrum?
Frontal lobe = primary motor cortex
- responsible for conscious control of muscle movement
- pathway = pyramidal cells > Corticospinal tract > spinal cord
Lecture 3:
What is the primary sensory cortex of the cerebrum?
Parietal lobe
Lecture 3:
What is the Basal ganglia in the cerebrum?
The cerebral white matter that include clusters of cell bodies deep in the cerebral cortex & initiate sustained or repetitive movements
Eg; walking, running, posture, muscle tone, etc
Lecture 3:
What are the 2 portions that form the Diencephalon?
1.) Thalamus
2.) Hypothalamus
Lecture 3:
What is the role of the Thalamus in the Diencephalon?
Serves as a major sensory relay center that determines what we are consciously aware of
Lecture 3:
What is the role of the Hypothalamus in the Diencephalon?
Maintains homeostasis & regulates internal environment using neuroendocrine control
- eg; appetite, thirst, fluid balance, sleep, blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, temperature, etc.
- controls systems typically under involuntary control
Lecture 3:
What is the role of the Cerebellum?
Controls rapid/complex movements & coordinates timing/sequence of the movements
- compares movements with intentions & initiated corrections
- accounts for body position & muscle status
- receives input from primary motor cortex (frontal lobe) to help execute/refine movements
Lecture 3:
What are the 3 sections that form the Brain Stem?
1.) Midbrain
2.) Pons
3.) Medulla Oblongata
Lecture 3:
What is the key role of the Brainstem?
To relay information between the brain & spinal cord
Lecture 3:
What is the purpose of Reticular Formation in the Brainstem?
To coordinate skeletal muscle formation/tone & control cardiovascular/respirator functions
Lecture 3:
What is the purpose of Analgesia System in the Brainstem?
Where pain is modulated by opioid substances as b-endorphins are released here with exercise
Lecture 3:
What is the Spinal Cord?
- location
Tract of nerve fibres that permit 2-way conduction of nerve impulses that is continuous with the medulla oblongata
Lecture 3:
What are the 2 tracts in the spinal cord?
1.) Ascending Afferent (sensory) fibres
2.) Descending Efferent (motor) fibres
Lecture 3:
What is the Peripheral Nervous System?
- how many cranial nerves?
- how many spinal nerves?
PNS is connected to brain & spinal cord
- 12 pairs of cranial nerves (connected to brain)
- 31 pairs of spinal nerves (connected to spinal cord)
*both types directly supply skeletal muscles
Lecture 3:
What are the 2 major divisions of the PNS?
1.) Sensory (Afferent) division
2.) Motor (efferent) division
Lecture 3:
What is the role of the Sensory Division of the PNS?
Transmits information from periphery to the brain & includes major families of sensory receptors
Lecture 3:
What are the 5 major families of sensory receptors in the PNS?
1.) Mechanoreceptors - physical forces
2.) Thermoreceptors - temperature
3.) Nociceptors - pain
4.) Photoreceptors - light
5.) Chemoreceptors - chemical stimuli (changes in o2 levels etc)
Lecture 3:
In the sensory division of the PNS, what are Joint Kinesthetics Receptors?
Receptors sensitive to joint angles & rate of angle change (degrees of flexion or extension)
- they sense joint position & movement
Lecture 3:
In the sensory division of the PNS, what are Muscle Spindle Receptors?
- specialized intramural muscle fibres innervated by g-motor neurons
Sensory fibres/nerve clusters sensitive to muscle length & rate of change - they sense muscle stretch and rate/amount of stretch
Lecture 3:
In the sensory division of the PNS, what are Golgi Tendon Organ Receptors?
They are sensitive to tension in the tendons & sense strength of contractions
Lecture 3:
What is the role of the Motor Division of the PNS?
- 2 subdivisions
Transmit information from the brain to periphery & has 2 subdivisions:
1.) Autonomic - regulates visceral activity
2.) Somatic - stimulates skeletal muscle activity
Lecture 3:
In the Motor Division of the PNS, what is the Autonomic Nervous System?
Regulates visceral activity & controls involuntary internal functions
- helps with exercise-related autonomic regulation such as heart rate, blood pressure, & lung functions
Lecture 3:
What are the 2 complimentary divisions of the Autonomic Nervous system?
- one key point on each
1.) Sympathetic Nervous System - fight or flight (prepares body for exercise)
2.) Parasympathetic Nervous System - rest & digest (state of conserving energy)
Lecture 3:
What is the Sympathetic Nervous System of the ANS?
- what happens when stimulation increases?
The fight or flight response in preparation for exercise… when stimulation increases…
- heart rate & blood pressure increase
- blood flow to muscles increase
- airway diameter increases (bronchodilation)
- metabolic rate, glucose levels, and FFA levels increase
Lecture 3:
What is the Parasympathetic Nervous System of the ANS?
- what happens when stimulation increases?
The rest & digest activity that opposes sympathetic effects as trying to conserve energy for next sympathetic event
- digestion & urination increases
- heart rate decreases
- diameter of vessels & airways decreases
Lecture 3:
What is Sensory-Motor Integration?
The communication & interaction between sensory & motor systems
Lecture 3:
What are the 5 Sequential Steps of Sensory-Motor Integration?
1.) Stimulus sensed by sensory receptor
2.) Sensory AP sent to sensory neurons in CNS
3.) CNS interprets sensory info & sends out response
4.) Motor AP sent out on alpha-motor neurons
5.) arrives at skeletal muscle & response occurs
Lecture 3:
What happens when level of control moves from spinal cord to cerebral cortex?
As level of control moves from spinal cord to cerebral cortex, movement complexity increases
Lecture 3:
What is the motor reflex activity like during sensory-motor integration?
Motor reflex is an instant, preprogrammed response to stimulus & is identical each time
- occurs before conscious awareness
- impulse is integrated at lower, simple levels
Lecture 4:
What is the role of the Endocrine System?
It’s a chemical communication system that maintains homeostasis via hormones
Lecture 4:
What is the speed of the endocrine system compared to the nervous system?
endocrine system is slower to respond than the nervous system but is longer lasting
Lecture 4:
What are the 2 key ways the endocrine system maintains homeostasis?
1.) controls substrate metabolism
2.) regulates fluid & electrolyte balance
Lecture 4:
What are the 4 key organs of the endocrine system we are going to look at?
Thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, & kidneys
Lecture 4:
What are steroid hormones?
- derived from what & soluble or not?
Derived from cholesterol & are lipid soluble as they can diffuse through membranes
- aldosterone is an important for fluid balance
Lecture 4:
What are the 4 major glands that secrete Steroid Hormones?
- & what hormone is secreted?
1.) Adrenal Cortex - cortisol & aldosterone
2.) Ovaries - estrogen & progesterone
3.) Testes - testosterone
4.) Placenta - estrogen & progesterone
Lecture 4:
What are Non-steroidal Hormones & their 2 types?
Non lipid-soluble hormones that are unable to cross membranes & include 2 types; Protein/Peptides & Amino-Acid Derived
Lecture 4:
What are the Protein/Peptide Non-Steroidal hormones?
The most common type of non-steroidal hormones that are secreted from the pancreas, hypothalamus, & pituitary glands