Midline structure development Flashcards
From where does Rathke’s pouch grow and in which direction?
Ectoderm (stomatodeum)
Dorsally towards the developing forebrain and the infundibulum which is growing ventrally
What causes Rathke’s pouch to no longer be connected to the oropharynx?
Ossification of the bone sphenoid bone pinches it off
What is the sulcus terminalis?
Marks the boundary between the anterior 2/3 and posterior 1/3 of the tongue
Where are the 3 median lingual swellings found and name them.
Tuberculum impar- arch 1
Cupola - 2/3/4
Epiglottis swelling - 4
What does the foramen caecum mark?
The point of origin of the descent of the thyroid
What is Treacher-Collin’s syndrome?
Autosomal dominant condition characterised by hypoplasia of the mandible and facial bones.
Haploinsufficiency of Treacle involved in ribosomal DNA gene transcription -> ribosomal biogenesis affected -> neural crest cells migration affected
What embryonic structures are affected in Di-George syndrome?
3rd and 4th
What is Charge syndrome a mutation in and what are its clinical signs and manifestations?
CHD7 mutation Coloboma Heart defects Choanal Atresia Growth and Developmental Retardation Genital hypoplasia Ear defects
What do Treacher-Collins syndromes, CHARGE syndrome and Di-George syndrome all have in common?
Affect neural crest cells