Microbiology Exam 1 Flashcards
what are microorganisms that are not living, nor prokaryotic or eukaryotic
do not replicate solely, and must need a host in order to replicate
have no metabolism and are dormant (don’t take energy or nutrients)
contain a capsid (a membrane like structure that contains genetic material) but aren’t cellular
how can microbes be beneficial?
aid in food digestion, protecting us from harmful invaders, helping crops grow
these are biological processess at the microscopic level; too small to be seen
what is the study of microbes called?
a microbe capable of causing disease
all living organissms contain these 4 macromolecules?
nucleic acids, lipids, proteins and sugar
constitute a large cohort of prokaryotic microorganisms; common in every day human life; have a variety of shapes
bacteria or Eubacteria (true bacteria)
prokaryotic microraganisms that can survive extremely harsh conditions (high temps, oxygen-poor conditions, acid conditions, high salt levels)
also known as extremophiles based on which extreme environments they are found in
share similiar characteristics as Eubacteria, but contain different genetic composition
a diverse category that consists of a wide range of microorganisms
have a membrane-bound nuclear region within cells that makes it unique
microorganisms can be classified as plantae, animalia, fungi or protista
Eukarya ( true kernel “nucleus”)
consists of multiccellular eukaryotic organisms that include animals and humans;
heterotrophic and have motility
incapable of producing their own energy
multicellular eukaryotic organisms that can obtain energy from sunlight via photosynthesis
mulitcellular or unicellular microorganisms that are heterotrophic that contain chitin (a derivative in glucose)
i.e. mushrooms, yeast, mold
are unicellular microorganisms that form as colonies (dont form tissue layers)
classified as any microorganisms that doesn’t fit the criteria for being an animal, plant or fungi
i.e. algae, amoeba
all cells share a central dogma that is…
genetic info (DNA) that’s transcribed into RNA > proteins
unicellular, highly diversified group of cells with feaures that cause virulence (pathologie)
cell wall is semi rigid peptidogylcan layer that gives it shape, attachment for flagella and prevents rupture
prokayrotic cells (before kernel (nucleus))
gel-like sugar protein coating that can protect against human attack
circular DNA molecules that are distinct from a cells chromosome
is the combo of the cell membrane and outer membrane (cell wall)
cell envelope
is also known as the plamsma or cytoplasmic membrane that has a semi-impermeable barrier
surrounds the cells cytoplasm and allows certain substances to pass inside, yet, acts as a barrier to outside environment
Has a bilayer made of amphipathic phospholipids that contain a polar hydrophilic head group and a non-polar hydrophobic tail.
has a high degree of fluidity that allows it to move freely within two layers that depends on the lipids present, environmental temperuature and prescenc of additional molecules
cell membrane
defining organelle of all eukaryotic cells defined by a orous double lipid layer that has genomic content of cell DNA
command center of the cell
membrane-enclosed structures that perform specifc functions
all exclusive to eukaryotic cells except ribosomes
consistitudes open volume within a cell that is made mostly of water and dissolved substances that help the cell to function
organelles are enclosed in here
are organelles responsible for protein synthesis. They are located in the cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells and are found attached to the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotic cells.
a series of membrane-enclosed sacs and interconnected tubes (lumen) that is continuous with the nuclear membrane
made of smooth ER and rough ER which gets its appearnace from the studded surface
endoplasmic reticulum
is a series of flattened sacs (“cristae”) that interconnect between the nucleus and cytoplasmic membrane
it serves as the distribution center for cells
where the proteins undergo changes before distrubuted
produce certaiin macromolecules
golgi complex
membrane-enclosed organelles that have hydrolytic enzymes that degrade unwanted cell depris (proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and polysaccharides)
serve as the waste disposal of the cell
is a double membrane enclosed organelle is the power house of the cell that is responsible for making ATP energy
it has tightly packed folded membranes called cristae to increase its surface area for chemical reactions
the mumber of these organelles differe btw cells (0 in RBC to 2000 in liver cells)
is the site of robosome synthesis which is found in the center of the nucleus
are double membrane enclosed organelles specific to algae and plants that contain the photosynthetic pgiment called chlorophyll
site of where plants undergo photosynthesis to convert sunlight to usable energy such as ATP and NADPH
a large molecule made by covalently linking monomers
small subunit that can be covalently linked to similar subunits to build a larger molecule
organic monomers with a carboxy group (-COOH) and amino (NH2)
amino acids
the smallest most basic biological unit of life
a cell
complex molecules that are made of smaller subunits/building blocks that are smal pieces that form one large complex structure
polymers of amino acids that have a variety of functions in a cell
- facilitate movment of materials in and out of a cell (filaments)
- act as enzymes that catalyze or speed up biochemical processes
- may play a structural role
- are diversifed by the varying combinations of amino acids
-has its own unique sequence of amino acids
primary strucutre of a protein
largest protein that is made up of 33,000 amino acids
of the 20, 9 are considered this, as the body cannot produce them but they must be ingested from other sources
essential amino acids
chemical molecules that carry genetic info within a cell
contain 2 major types: DNA and RNA
nucleic acids
contains a vast amount of hereditary info made from nucleotides
contains deoxyribose sugar
responsible for inheritable characteristics of living organisms
sugar and phosphate portions form doublehelix held together by hydrgoen bonding
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
responsible for desciphering hereditary info in DNA and syntheiszing proteins
made of nucleotides that contains sugar ribose
contains uracil which pairs with adenine, not thymine
Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
contains a nitrogenous base, deoxyribose sugar and phosphate group
four kinds of nitrogenous bases that can occur in DNA nucleotides
adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine
composed mianly of hydrophobic hydrocarbons
function in forming foundation of plasma membrane
serves as cell barrier that seprates in and outside cells from environment
restircts movement of materials (Water, nutrients, etc.), allowing a cell to keep what it needs (influx) and prevents escape (out flux) of essential nutrients
two layers of lipids stacked on top of each other, hydrophobic tail regions pointing inward
means “watered carbon”, molecule made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (CH2O)n
classified into 3 groups based on # of monomers of sugar present
contains 1 single sugar unit
i.e. glucose, fructose, galactose
can exist as either linear or ring structures for molelikes such as DNA, RNA, and storage molecules
contains 2 monosaccharides joined togeter
i. e. sucrose (C12H22O11) is glucose and fructose molecules together
ie. maltose and lactose
can be broken into monosaccharides by hydrolysis reactions
contains 3 or more monosaccharides linked together
made of glucose molecules important for cellular energy
i.e. starch in plants; glycogen in animals
play a role in cellular strucutre
cellulose in plants and sugar chitin in fungal cell walls
primary structural component of fungal cell walls
structural cell walls in plants are called this
polysaccharide cellulose
bacterial cell walls are made of polysaccharide modified by amino acids that result in this
peptidoglycan molecule
varied chemical group that gives rise to each amino acid its characteristics
guide the structure, function and location of a protein
R group (Side chain)
a eukaryotic cell engulfed a prokaryotic cell –> both survived and reproduced
endosymbiotic theory