Mi Mheheamh Flashcards
In August
Faoi lunasa
He can run fast
Tig leis rith go gasta
Go slow
Gabh go mall
She has an ugly dog
Ta madadh granna aici
She has beautiful brown eyes
Ta soolya galanta donna aici
Give it to me
Tor doo e
He is playing hide and seek
Ta sha ag deanamh na wollacan
He has sharp teeth
Ta na fearcla gayre aige
Whats this?
Ca de a seo?
I was only joking
Ni raibh me ach ag magoo
We should be out of doors
Ba cheart duinn a bheith amuigh
You ought to speak to him
Ba cheart duit labhait leis
Thats a nice smell in here
Ta boladh brea istigh anseo
I hope you are hungry
Ta suil agam go bhfuil ocras ort
What about the dinner?
Ca de faoin dinnear?
But I promised him I would go home
Ach gheall me do go rachainn abhaile
I will hurry
Deanfidh me deifir
Yanaa ma. I ill do make
I am doing my best
Ta me ag Deanamh mo dhiceall
I must say that was the nicest lunch i have had in a long time
Caithfidh me a ra gurb shin an lon is deise a bhi agam le blianta fada
It was delicious
Bhi sha go halainn ar fad ar fad
Nothing else?
Dada eile?
Rud ar bith eile?
I hope im not disturbing you?
T’sool agam nach bhfuil me ag cur isteach ort?
Thnk you for coming
Go raibh maith agat as theacht
I will see you tomorrow then?
Chiffee me amarach thu mar sin?
I am trying to talk to you about something
Ta me ag iarriadh labhairt leat faoin rud eigin
Iyou wd think that it was urgent
Shilfea go bhfuil se prainneach
You wd think
Do you know that woman there?
An n-aithnionn tu an bhean sin?
Call me
Cuir scairt orm
Dont say anything to alex
Na habhair a dhath le alex
Rud ar bith leis
Are you cracked?
An bhfuil to craicealta?
Thats why i was a little crabby
Sin e an tigga go raibh me cineal cantalach
Thats perfect
Ta sha sin foreefa
Do you mind if i open a window?
An miste leat e da n-oscloinn an fhuinneog?
Will you be good enough to come?
Ar mhiste leat teacht?
I am stopping in 21 Antrim Rd, Belfast
Ta me ag stoppadh in uimhir fiche a haon, Bothar Aontoma, Beil Feirste
What time is it?
Cad e an tam e?
It is half past three
It is quarter to five
Ta se leath in ndiadh a tri
Ta se ceathru go dti a cuig
Welcome home
Failte romhat abhaile
Its nice to be back
Is deas bheith ar ais
We can go shopping in the centre
Thig linn dul ag siopodirech sa bhaile mor
Excuse me
Go me lascal
He isnt here at the moment
Nil se anseo faoi lather
Come out here!
Goitse amach!
He is out in the car
Ta se ar shiul sa charr
Call her
Glaoigh uirthi
Dant do that!
Na dean sin!
Come in and sit down at the fire
Tar isteach agus suigh sios ag an tine
I am exhausted
Ta me marbh tuirseach
I have been travelling since morning
Ta me ag taisteal o mhaidin
The coffee is welcome
Ta failte reev an chaife
I have a good heavy coat on
Ta cota brea trom orm
I am starving with hunger
I am dying of thirst
Ta me stooka leis an ocras / ta ocras mhor agam
Ta me stooka leis an tart / ta tort mhor agam
I got some books
Fuair me rinch lyure
I did not get any breakfast
Ni bhfuair me aon bricfeasta
I will get the drinks
Yowhee me na deochanna
Will i get?
An weehee me
I will not get dinner tonight
Ni wheehee me dinnear anocht
I dont get sick often
Ni fhaighim tinne go minic
Ni eye him Chin