Buntus Cainte 2 Flashcards
Would you like to play a game of cards? (Plural)
I would
Ar mhaith libh cluiche cartai a imirt?
Ba mhaith
I dont know where they are
Here they are
Nil fhios agam ca bhfuil siad
Seo iad
I deal
Tugaim amach iad
About three a clock
Thart faoi tri
Timpeal a tri
WhAt happened
Ca de a tharla!
What did you get from the shop?
Ca de a fuair tu on siopa?
He gave it to me
Thug se dom e
I left it on the table
D’fhag me ar an tabla e
It will be dry later on
Beidh se tirim ar ball
What will you have?
Ca de a bheidh agat?
We will have fish for dinner
Beidh iasc againn le haghaidh an dinneir
I shall not be back at work until September
Ni bheidh me ar ais ag obair go dti mheann fomhair
It was lying behind the door
Bhi se ina lui taobh thiar den doras
That will do
That will suit
Deanfaidh se sin gno
I didnt see you
Ni fhaca me thu
The grass is to be cut
Ta an fear le baint
Will you give me those books please?
An dtabharfaidh tu na leabhair sin dom, le do thoil
He caught a mouse
Rug se ar an luch
Is nt it hard to please you!
Nach deacair thu a shasamh!
I havent much choice
Nil moran rogha agam
Do you think the rain will come?
An doigh leat go dtiocfaidh an fhearthainn?
Look at those clouds
Feach ar na scamaill sin!
Duine ar bith
The coal
An gual
I met a first cousin of mine
Bhuail me le col ceathrar dom
Im surprised Greg hasnt come before this
Ta ionadh orm nar thainig Greg roimhe seo
Go beo
Go curamach
I burnt my thumb on it
Dhoigh me mo ordog air
D’ioc me as
In vront of
Os comhair
He continued drinking
Lann se de bheith ag ol
Here and there
Thall agus awus
This side
That side
Awus (Abhus)
Its not worth me sitting. Ill only stay a minute
Ni few dom sui. Ni fanfaidh me ach bomainte
Isnt it cold today?
Nach e ata fuar innui
I would say it will be wet today
Jereen go mbeidh se fliuch innui
Dearfainn - I would say
They would be
They wouldnt be
Ni vedeesh
They would be cheaper there
Vedeesh sin seera ann
You would think
You wouldnt think
Ni heelfa
You would think more people would go there
Heelfa go rachaid nios mo duinne ann
That was cheap enough
Bhi sin seer go leor
Used to be
Ni veer
He used to be late to school each morning
Veer se jeranach ar scoil gach maidin
You would get
You would get them in that place
Yofa san ait sin iad
You wouldnt get
Ni whyfa
You wouldnt get them in that place
Ni whyfa san ait sin iad
You would see
You wouldnt see
Ni eckfa
You would see them in any shop
Jeckfa i siopa ar bith iad
You would buy
You wouldnt buy
Ni hyannofa
You wouldnt buy one as cheap as that
Ni hyannofa ceann chomh seer leis sin
They would put/send
They wouldnt put/send
Ni hurhedeesh
You would think they would send it to you
Heelfa go guradeesh chugat e
Shilfeá go gcuirfidis chugat e
Wouldnt you think they would come?
Nach sheelfa go juckadeesh?
Nach silfea go dtiocfaidis
I didnt hear from him in a long while
Sceala ar bith nior thainig oohoo (uatha) le fada
They used to be
They used to live in the city
Veedeesh ina gconai sa chathair
I think they used to be better than that
Heel me go meedeesh nios jesha na sin
Shil me go mbidis nios deise na sin
You would be Would you be? That youde be You wouldnt be Wouldnt you be?
Vefa. Bheifea An mefa? Go mefa Ni vefa Nach mefa?
It is Wednesday today
An Cheadaoin ata ann innui
The bedroom
An seomra colata
The sitting room
An seomra sitcha
The dining room
An seomra bia
The bedroom
An seomra folca
You used to be
Did you used to be?
You used not to be
Didnt you used to be?
Veeo sibh. Bhiodh
An meeo sibh?
Ni veeo sibh
Nach meeo sibh?
Werent you in the library?
Didnt you used to be in the library?
Nach meeo tu sa leabharlaan?
He used to come
He didnt used to come
Haga se
Ni haga se
Thagadh se
Ni thagadh se
He used to go
He didnt used to go
Heya se
Ni heya se
Théadh se
Ni theadh se
He used to run
He didnt use to run
Rih yo se
Ni rih yo se
I came home often
I used to come home often
Thagadh me abhaile go minic
I was away from home when he came
Veeo me as baile nuair a thagadh se
The easter holidays
Laethanta saoire na Casca
It wont be long until Easter now
Ni fada go mbeidh an Chaisc ann anois
In another couple of weeks
Igyun cupla seachtaine eile
I gceann
At the end of
I gceann
The weather will be fine later on
Beidh an aimsir go brea ar ball
There used not to be many people there
Ni veeo moran duine ann
I see andy has come home from england
Feicim go bhfuil andy tagtha abhaile on sasanach
We would be in bed about midnight
Bheimis inar lui thart fa mhean oiche
We would be up at 8 in the morning
Bheimis inar sui ar a hocht ar maidin
We would be earlier if …..
Bheimis nios luaithe murach gur…..
I think we shall go to Derry
Is doigh liom go rachaimid go Daoire
They are big enough now
Ta siad mor go leor anois
Doesnt she like…
Nach maith lihi
Dont you like teaching
Nach maith leat an mhuinteoireact?
Dont you like cooking?
Nach maith leat an chocaireacht?
Dont you like shopping?
Nach maith leat an tsiopadoireacht
You should have brought the dogs in
Ba cheart duit na madi a tabhairt isteach
I suppose you woulnt like to come with me?
Is docha nar mhaith leat teacht in éineacht liom?
I saw an accident on the road this morning
Chonaic me timpiste ar an mbothar ar maidin
Were the dogs fed yet?
Ar tugadh bia do na madi fosta?
Thats good news
Is maith an sceal e sin
I was told nothing about the course
Ni dhúradh rud eigin liom i dtaobh an cursa
No one was killed thank god
Nior maraiodh duine ar bith buiochas le Dia