MGMT 310 EXAM 4 Flashcards
When someone works less hard because they are in a team setting is called ___ ___
social loafing
team cohesiveness always leads to high performance TF
___ ___ ___ have social and political awareness of the team and build trust and take care of them
superior team leaders
a subordinate goal is a high level goal that takes priority over specific individual or group goals TF
shared beliefs about how people should think and behave in a group or team is called ___
___ - A small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, a set of performance goals, and an approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable
___ - A collection of people who interact to undertake a task but do not necessarily perform as a unit or achieve significant performance improvements
___ ___ - Teams that are physically dispersed and communicate electronically more than face-to-face
virtual teams
___ ___ - Teams with the responsibilities of autonomous work groups, plus control over hiring, firing, and deciding what tasks members perform. Has the highest level of autonomy
Self-designing teams
Stages of Team Development
forming, storming, norming, and performing
___ - group members lay the ground rules for what types of behavior are acceptable
___ - group members agree on their shared goals, and norms and closer relationships develop
___ - the group channels its energies into performing its tasks
___ - hostility and conflict arise and people jockey for positions of power and status
what type of leaderships is it?
-direct people
-explain decisions
-train individuals
-manage one-on-one
-contain conflict
-react to change
supervisory leadership
what type of leaderships it?
-build trust and inspire teamwork
-facilitate and support team decisions
-expand team capabilities
-create a team identity
-leverage team differences
-anticipate and influence change
team leadership
Team effectiveness is defined by three criteria
-Productive output of the team meets or exceeds standards of quantity and quality.
-Team members realize satisfaction of their personal needs.
-Team members remain committed to working together again
___ ___ - Working less hard and being less productive when in a group
Social loafing
___ ___ ___ - Working harder when in a group than when working alone
Teamwork is motivated by tying rewards to team performance
-Only effective when people are truly interdependent
-If team member rewards are different, then team members should decide them
Social facilitation effect
___ - Shared beliefs about how people should think and behave
___ refers to how attractive the team is to its members, how motivated members are to remain in the team, and the degree to which team members influence one another
Cohesiveness is important because 2 things
-It contributes to member satisfaction
-It has a major impact on performance
_-type conflict – problems and issues related to differences of opinion. Usually good.
C-type conflict (c for cognitive)
_-type conflict – disagreements due to individual or personal issues. Usually bad.
A-type conflict (a for affective)
___ ___ - Higher-level goals taking priority over specific individual or group goals
Superordinate goals
___-___ ___ is a process in which information flows in only one direction—from the sender to the receiver, with no feedback loop
One-way communication
___-___ ___ is a process in which information flows in two directions: receiver provides feedback, and sender is receptive to the feedback
Two-way communication
___: The communication process begins when the source or sender selects words, symbols, pictures and the like, to represent the message that will be delivered to the receiver(s).
___: translating the message from its sign format into meaning. It means converting a message into thoughts by translating the received stimuli into an interpreted meaning in order to understand the message communicated.
___: interference in the system that blocks perfect understanding. It could be anything that interferes with accurate communication: ringing telephones, thoughts about other things, or simple fatigue or stress
___ is the process of receiving and interpreting information
___ is the process of withholding, ignoring, or distorting information
___ ___ ___ – some types of media work better for certain tasks than others
Media richness theory
___ is special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand
___: Movements of the body and face
___: Pitch, rate, tone, volume, and speaking pattern of one’s voice