Meteorologic Information Flashcards
World area forecast system
~world area forecast centres (upper air,SIGWX charts)
~Meteorological offices (TAF)
~meteorological stations(METAR)
~meteorological watch offices(SIGMENT,AIRMENT)
~volcanic ash advisory centres(VAAC)
~Tropical cyclone advisory centre (TCAC
Sigment»is a warning dangerous meterological conditoin issued /prepared by a meteorological watch office
Upper level valid 4/6 hours
Airmet» low level below fl100/150 valid 4hours
Wafcw (world area forecast centres)
Provide upper air gridded forecast
Issueing significant weather chart eveyr 6 /9 hours
Low level beleow fl100/150 in ountains area
Gridded forecast
Gridded datasets for a range of parametres
Can be merged with data relayed from a/c or pilot reports
Issued every 3 or 6 hours,valid for between 6 and 30 hours
LOW level area forecast every 6 hours by GAMET if required
~METAR,Issued every 30 or 60min
~SPECI as required interim METAR due significant change
~TREND/LANDING FORECAST. Valid 2 hours (mini forecast)
~SNOWTAM ,warning of airfield condition due to snow/slush/ice VALID up to 8 hours
~AERODORME WARNING (ADW), warning of conditions affecting a/c ,vehicles and facilties on the ground
~RED ALERT» eruption over FL250
YELLOW»active volcano from time to time but not yet dangerous
GREEN»volcanio activity have ceased
~TROPICAL CYCLONE (TC with +34 winds)
~severe turbulence
~severe icing (inc SEV due FZRA)
~severe mountain waves
~heavy sand or dust storm (SS DS)
~volcanic ash and radioactive cloud (VA and RDOACT)
Mean wind
10min if in metar
And 2 min if its ATS
1 min ATC
NOSIG: no significant change from reported weather
NSW:no signifcant weather after bad weather passed
Temp:temporary fluctuation in conditions ,lasting less than one hours in each instance ,in aggregate,covering less than half the TEMPO period
BECMG : conditions becoming between set time ,permanent change
FM: certain condition will prevail at specific time (similar to BECMG)
PROB:indicates the probability that a certain change or value
will occur
TX=MAX (and at what time)
TN=MIN temp
CAVOK: cloud and visility ok ,used in both metar and taf
No cloud,below 5000ft(aal) or MSA which ever is higher
Visibility higher than10km
No CB or TCU at any height
No significant weather pheonomena
Weather reports and forecasts in flight .primarily on HF radio (oceanic),but some area on VHF(europe)
VHF volmet normally broadcast a continous loop
HF volmet normally on a published schedule with five min allocated to each station
Take off and landing report prepared by atc at controlles aerodromes
Issued whenever a change occurs,issued with the next letter of alphabet
Wind direction is magnetic
Pilot report required weather condiotns exprienced in flight to the nearst ats ~wind shear ~volcanic activity ~mod to sev turb ~mod to severe icing ~mod to sevre mountain waves ~thunderstorms Heavy dust /sand storm
Aerodrome warning
~conditions that could adversely affect a/c on the ground
Issued by meterological offices
~TAF: Issued every 3 or 6 hours ,valid between 6 and 30hours
~GAMET: low level forecast every 6 hours if required
Issued by meteorological station
~METAR: every 30 min or 60 min,(Met station reports it)
~SPECI: if there is significant change in weather before a METAR is due
~TREND:valid 2 hours (mini forecast)
~SNOWTAM:warning airfield due to snow/ice ,valid UP TO 8HOURS
~AERODROME WARNING (ADW):warning of conditions on the ground
Issued by meteorological watch offices
~SIGMENT:upper level valid 4 (if includes Volcanic or TRS activity then is valid 6hours)
~AIRMET: low level ,FL100/150 ,VALID 4 HOURS
~ASHTAM:volcanic activity and ash clouds,valid up to 24 hours
~VAA,TCA: both issued in graphical and text form
~VOLMET:weather reports and forecast in flight (can provide TAF,SIGMENT, METAR)
~ATIS: take off,landing reports at an aerodrome
~PIREP(AIREP/ARS):pilot reports
~SIGWX CHART:significant weather chart for low,medium and high levels (LOW belowFL100,medium FL100/FL250,high level FL250 to FL630) (europe FL100/FL450)
~WIND AND TEMPERATURE CHARTS:wind speed ,direction and temperature at specific levels