Climatology Flashcards
~tropical rain climate >equator to 20 latitude
~tropical climate»_space;20 to 40 latitude
~the mid latitude climate»_space;warm temperate rain climate (40 and 70 latitude)
~subarctic climate» cold snow forest climate,50 to 70 latitude N
~the snow climate»polar climate,70 to 90 latitude
Tropical rain climate
highest annual rainfall of any area earth
divided into 2 sub zones
~tropical rain forest from 0 to 10 latitude
~tropical savanaha climate from 10 to 20 latitude
Tropical raain> Rain season (march ,sep) bc of ITCZ Tep 25-35 high humidity Convective clouds and heavy Light surface wind (doldrums)
Tropical svanaha»
~dry trade wind conditions in winter
~avg temp above 18 c all year
~transition climate (dry and wet season)
( tropical savanaha climate)
~little cloud,with very little or no precipitation
~huge diurnal temperature range with frequent inversion
~dry climates are subdivided into desert and steppe:
Desert: regions have less precipitation ,some area can have several years with zero precipitation
Steppe: regions have a slight higher amount of rainfall,production low growin vegetation
Mid latitude climate
~warm temperate zone the lower end of this latitude
~cool temperature zone the higher end of the latitude band and is the larger
Mid latitude climate
Warm temperature zone
~winter :generally mild and wet (cloder inland)
~summer :hot annd dry ,high pressure over Atlantic
Mid latitude climate
Cool temperate
~winter :mild and wet
~summer coolan ddryer
Westerly wind predominatly ,passage of frontal depression,
Subartic climate
Tundra an permafrost
~long ,cold,dry winter (-20 /-40)
~hot summer (in excess of 60)
Avg temp 0 for long period time
Snow climate
Extreme cold
Periods of darkness or daylight
Little or no precipitation
Tropical region makes up a significant area of the gobe streching from 30 n to 30 s
Avg temp 18 c or greater
~hot avg temp
~highly monthy precipation (min 60mm/month,2000mm/month)
~high RH all yar around
Hot avg temp
RH low (dry season),very high (wet season /monsoon)
Tropical wet and dry (savanaha)
~hot avg temp
~precipiation can reach than 60mm/month less tyan 1000mm/year
~seasonal rainfall
Ex.cantral india ,centra africa
Light winds»doldrums and horse latitude
Trade winds
Outflow from high pressure systems towards the equatioral trough produces a steady low level wind ( below 8000ft)
Southerly easterly in sh hemp, north easterly in nhhemispher -trade winds
Mesoscale convective systems (MCS)
Groups of cb cu ,sometime so part of the equotiral trough
100 to 1000km across
Most last 1-2days
Indian monsoon
~wet monsoon»_space;mid october ,humid and torrential rainfall(souwest monsoon)
~dry monsoon»_space; bewteen october and april
Cool dry air (north east monsooN)
Cold air drop
Deep cold air aloft (10000/30000)ft
If cold air lies over warm air,very unstable condition can develope.
Lasats couple of days
300/600nm diameter