Metal properties Flashcards
Coeffiecent of thermal expansion
how muhc a metla expands when exposed to heat
Modulus of elasticity
A materials resistant to elastic deformation.nstres/ strain relationship
Galavanic corrosion
when two dismmialr metals are in the presence of an eloctoryte, one metal gives up an ion to the other metal causing it corrode
the ability of a metal to be joiiend by flux.
what type of metal is more corrosive resitant
non ferrous metals
Toughness and Impact strenght
the ability to resit shock
Shear strenght
the ease at which a material can resits a sliding together motion
The most common measure of ductility
% elongation. Elongation strian (cghnage in lengght)/length
Torsational strenght
the ability to reists a load in a turning motion
the deformation of a material
relating to a change from the original lengght. L .Deformation/Orginal Strength. measured in epsilon.
Elastic and plastic Deformation
the material is given a load and then released, but returns to it’s original lenght. Plastic: the material is given a load and then released, but retains a permanent deformation
Impact strenght
the ability to resit constant forces such as fracutruign and shock force as well as plastic deformation
The ability to resit a constant load over a period of time.
Flexural strength. Draw diagram
the ability of a material to bend before it yields. Or the amount of stress before it bends.
the abiltiy fo a material to resit a change in shape and penetration . includes resitantacne to wear, tear, scracthing
the measure of a constant load/force on a material over a certain area. Force/cross-sectional area. measure in pounds per sq in or pascals.
Shear Strenght
the ability of two objects to resits sling toghether
Torsional Streghtn
the ability to resit twistign material
Tensile Strenght
the force of being streched out and elongated
Compression strength
the force of being pushed in
how much a metal can resist slow deterioration over time. depends on hardness
Proportional limit
the point at which a material wicthes from elastic to plastic deformation. calculated with a stress strain diagram or young modulus.
Occurs slightly over time when metal exposed to a constant load. More prominent in higher temperatures
Proportional limit
The point separating elastic and plastic deformation in graph
carbon in steels and ductility relationship
low carbon more ductile. high carbon more brittle, has higher hardness