Metaethical Moral Relativism Flashcards
The statement “Murder is wrong” may be true in one culture but false in another.
Note that this IS NOT THE SAME as saying good is non-cognitive.
Example of argument
In Utah (let’s say) “Murder is wrong” is not true!
In Hong Kong “Murder is wrong” is true!
This what the metaethical moral relativist argues.
Another example
P: In Botswana Rain is seen as a blessing
P: In Hong Kong Black Rain is seen as a halt to life
C: Rain doesnt mean the same thing in these two cultures
Cultural relativism
However, if the argument is like
Walking up the left side of the escalator in Hong Kong is good, but walking up the left side of the escalator in Japan is bad -> this is culutral relativism
what’s right for one culture could be wrong for another