MET: Anatomy Practical 1 Flashcards
label 1-3

- oral proper cavity: space inside the teeth (mostly occupied by tongue)
- vestibule: space between cheecks and teeth
- frenelum: attaches to tongue to the floor of the oral cavity

label 1-3

1: posterior belly of digastric muscle
2: mylohyoid muscle (cut)
3: geniohydoid muscle
pharnynx muscles:
- the pharynx consists of which three extrinsic muscles?
- the pharynx consists of which three constrictor muscles?
The pharynx consists of three extrinsic muscles; stylopharyngeus, palatopharyngeus and salpingopharyngues muscles.
the pharynx consists of three constrictor muscles: superior, middle and inferior

- *sublingual** glands:
- location?
- function?
- secrete into?
- duct runs from where / to?
sublingual glands:
- location: floor of the oral cavity: form a shallow groove on the medial surface of the mandible known as the sublingual fossa.
- function: produces a thick mucinous fluid and lubricates the oral cavity
- secrete into: oral cavity. Secretions drain into the oral cavity by minor sublingual ducts, each opening out onto the sublingual folds. Each sublingual fold extends from a posterolateral position and traverses anteriorly to join the sublingual papillae at the midline, either side of the lingual frenulum.
- duct runs from where / to: They open with separate ducts on the sublingual fold (plica sublingualis), a fold of mucous membrane between the tongue and the body of the mandible.

- *parotid glands:**
- location?
- function?
- secrete into?
- duct runs from where / to?
parotid glands:
- location: large salivary glands located in front of each ear
- function: secrete saliva
- secrete into: into oral cavity
- duct: runs from anterior surface of the gland, pierces the buccinator and opens onto oral cavity near second upper molar

You suspect a patients muscles of mastication may be affected.
What tests would you perform to assess this?
ask to open mouth agaisnt resistance

Which cranial nerve innervates stylopharyngeus?
The glossopharyngeal nerve
whats 1-5?

1: soft palate: roof of th eoral cavity
2. uvula: midleine extension of the mucosa of the soft palate
3 palatine tonsil: found between the two arches of mucosa that project down from soft palate
4 palatopharyngeal arch: lie postierior to palatine tonsils
- palaoglossal arch: lies anterior to palatine tonsils

name the three papillae in the tongue
which have taste buds (2)
- fungiform papillae: located anteriorly
- filiform papillae: loacted centrally
- circumvallate papillae: located posteriorly
fungiform and circumvallate = taste buds

1: superior longitudinal muscles
2: inferior longitudinal muscles
3: transverse muscles
4: vertical muscles

label 1-4 of the suprahyoid

1: thyrohyoid muscle
2: sternothryoid muscle
3: sternohyoid muscle
4: omohyoid muscle

what is the differnece in the role of the intrisic and extrinsic muscles of mouth?
what level does the pharnyx extend to?
where do the naso-p, oro-p and larngo-p lie between?
intrinsic muscle: change shape
extrinsic muscle: change position
pharynx extends to: C6
- *nasopharynx:** base of skull -> soft palate
- *oropharnyx:** soft palate -> epiglottis
- *larnygopharynx:** up to larnygeal opening

There are two groups of muscles that attach to the hyoid bone:
The ?? muscles (lie above the hyoid bone) and the ?? muscles (lie below the hyoid bone).
name each of ??
There are two groups of muscles that attach to the hyoid bone:
The suprahyoid muscles (lie above the hyoid bone)
- mylohyoid muscle: mandible –> hyoid
- digastric muscle: digastric fossa –> hyoid
- geniohyoid - narrow muscle superior to mylohyoid
and the infrahyoid muscles (lie below the hyoid bone):
- thyrohyoid muscle: hyoid -> thyroid
- sternothyroid muscle: sternum -> thyroid
- sternohyoid muscle: sternum -> hyoid
- omohyoid muscle
parotid gland recieves parasympathetic innervation from which nerve?
Which cranial nerve does not innervate the Parotid gland but is closely associated to the gland?
parotid gland recieves parasympathetic innervation from glossopharyngeal nerve
Which cranial nerve does not innervate the Parotid gland but is closely associated to the gland = The facial nerve (cranial nerve VII), gives rise to five terminal branches within the parotid gland. These branches go on to innervate the muscles of facial expression.
what is the arrow pointing to?

uvula: central point of soft palate
function: can be elevated to prevent food moving into nasal passage
upper oesophageal sphincter is made from which muscle?
EOS: cricopharnyngeus muscle
label left to right
What is the innervation to these muscles?

**1. temporalis muscle
- masseter muscle
3, medial pterygoid
4: lateral pterygoid**
innervation = mandibular branch (v3) of the trigeminal nerve

submanidublar gland recieves parasympathetic innervation from which nerve?
- submanidublar gland recieves parasympathetic innervation from facial nerve (CN VII) nerve
Which muscle of mastication opens the mouth?
Which muscles of mastication close the mouth?
- Lateral pterygoid muscles: open the mouth
- the temporalis, massester and medial pterygoid muscles help close the mouth
The infratemporal fossa:
The infratemporal fossa
- location: depression located beneath the temporal bone.
- function: associated with the muscles of mastication. It also forms an important passage for the mandibular nerve.
What is the motor nerve supply to the oesophagus?
vagal nerve
sublinguil gland recieves parasympathetic innervation from which nerve?
sublinguil gland recieves parasympathetic innervation from facial nerve (CN VII) nerve
for anterior 2/3 tongue:
which nerve supplies the
a) special sensory (taste)
b) general sensory (pressure etc)
c) motor sensory?
anterior 2/3 tongue:
nerve supplies the
a) special sensory (taste): CN VII - facial nerve
b) general sensory (pressure etc): CN V - trigeminal nerve (V3, mandibular nerve)
c) motor sensory: hypoglossal nerve - CN XII
for posterior 1/3 tongue:
nerve supplies the
a) special sensory (taste): glossopharnyngeal nerve (CN IX)
b) general sensory (pressure etc): glossopharnyngeal nerve (CN IX)
c) motor sensory: hypoglossal nerve - CN XII
what is difference between upper and lower oesphageal sphincter?
upper oesphageal sphincter:
- anatomical sphincter
- skeletal muscle (but not vol. control)
lower oesphageal sphincter:
- physiological sphincter: enters stomach at acute angle & ‘pinch-cock’ effect from diaphragm
- smooth muscle
label 1-5

1: posterior 1/3 tongue
2: anterior 2/3 tongue / body
3: sulcus terminalis
4: **median sulcus
5 foramen cecum**

what are the 3 constrictions of the oesph?
what level is each one found at?
- first (cervical) constriction = **cricoid cartilage and is found at the level of C5/6
second (thoracic) constriction = aortic arch and the left main bronchus cross the oesophagus and occurs at the level of T4/5
3: The third (abdominal) constriction is located at the oesophageal hiatus in the diaphragm and can be found at vertebral level T10/11
where is the orifice of the parotid duct?
where are the orifices of the submanidublar gland ducts in relation to the frenulum of the tongue?
orifice of the parotid duct: upper second molar
orifices of the submanidublar gland ducts in relation to the frenulum of the tongue: either side

Which part of the pharynx do you find the opening of the eustachian tube?

all the muscles that move that mandible are supplied by which nerve?
what are the 3 salivary glands?
manidublar nerve V3
- *salivary glands:**
- parotid
- submandibular
- sublingual

which structure connects the nasopharnyx to the middle ear?
The eustachian tube
The motor nerve supply to ALL of the muscles of the tongue EXCEPT for palatoglossus is the ?? nerve? Palatoglossus is supplied by ?? NERVE (CN X).
The motor nerve supply to ALL of the muscles of the tongue EXCEPT for palatoglossus is the HYPOGLOSSAL NERVE (CN XII). Palatoglossus is supplied by VAGUS NERVE (CN X).
what vert. levels does the oesphagus run from / to? function of upper and lower oesophagul sphincter?
oesphagus: C6 - 10
_upper oesophageal sphincte_r: to protect against reflux of food into the trachea as well as prevent entry of air into the digestive tract.
_lower oesophageal sphincte_r: to serve as a physical barrier against the occurrence of gastroesophageal reflux (GER) (
whats the role of the soft palate?
soft palate: elevates during swallowing to prevent food moving into nasal cavity
whats this guy?

hard palate

the muscles in the pharynx are innervated by which nerve, except for the stylopharnygeal muscle - which is innervated by which nerve?
- all pharynx muscles innervated by: vagus nerve
- stylopharyngeus muscles which is innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve (CNIX).
label these extrinsic muscles of the tongue
what are their functions? (need to know?)

1: palatoglossus: elevates posterior tongue
2: styloglossus: retracts and elevates tongue
3. genioglossus: tip of tongue movement, protude and depress tongue
4 hyoglossus: depresses and retracts tongue
what are the 4 muscles of mastication?
Temporalis Muscle.
Medial Pterygoid.
Lateral Pterygoid.

- There is a transition from skeletal to smooth muscle as you move in which direction?
- in the oesophagus, there is an inner ?? layer - contraction of this muscle cause what?
- There is also an outer ?? layer of muscle, contraction of which causes what?
- There is a transition from skeletal to smooth muscle as you move distally.
- There is an inner circular layer - contraction of this muscle increases luminal pressure.
- There is also an outer longitudinal layer of muscle, contraction of which causes shortening of the oesophagus.
label 1-2

1: mylohyoid muscle
2: anterior belly of digastric muscle
which level of body is this? how can u tell by oesph?

inferior thorax: oesphagus sits to right
which nerves supply the tongue ? (4)
CN V: trigerminal nerve
CN VII: facial nerve
CN IX: glossopharnyngeal nerve
CN XII: hypoglossal nerve