MESS Anatomy: MET Flashcards
soft palate is innervated by which nerve? [1]
what happens to soft palate when swallowing? [1]
soft palate is innervated by vagus nerve !
what happens to soft palate when swallowing? [1]
elevates to during swallowing to prevent food from entering nasal cavity
which salivary gland has ducts that open either side of the frenelum? [1]
which salivary gland has ducts that open either side of the frenelum? [1]
submandibular !
which salivary gland has ducts opening along the plica subligualise? [1]
which salivary gland has ducts opening along the plica subligualise? [1]
Parotid gland is innervated by which nerve? [1]
submandibular and sublingual nerves are innervated by which nerve? [1]
Parotid: Glossopharyngeal nerve CN IX (via auriculotemporal nerve (V3))
Submandibular and sublingual: Facial nerve CN VII (chorda tympani branch which travels in lingual nerve (V3))
what divdes the anterior and posterior portion of the tongue? [1]
what is found at the point of ^ V shape? [1]
what divdes the anterior and posterior portion of the tongue? [1]
sulcus terminalis
what is found at the point of ^ V shape? [1]
foramen cecum
4 intrinsic tongue muscles? [4[
innervated by? [1]
Superior longitudinal
Inferior longitudinal
Innervation = hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
which muscles of mastication help to close the mouth? [3]
which muscles of mastication help to open the mouth?[1]
which nerve innervates the muscles of mastication? [1]
which muscles of mastication help to close the mouth? [3]
- Temporalis
- Masseter
- Medial pterygoid
which muscles of mastication help to close the mouth?[1]
- lateral pterygoid
which nerve innervates the muscles of mastication? [1]
what is the function of the buccinator? [1]
Function = pulls back the angle of the mouth and to flatten the cheek area
This is important in chewing as it keeps the food in the correct position in the mouth BUT it is not a muscle of mastication
what are the 5 branches of the facial nerve? [5]
Temporal Zygomatic Buccal Mandibular Cervical
Two Zulus Bit My Cat
which nerve innervates sensation to the face?
a) trigeminal nerve
b) facial nerve
c) glossopharnyngeal
d) vagus nerve
e) hypoglossal
what are the three sensory portions? [3]
which nerve innervates sensation to the face?
- *a) trigeminal nerve**
b) facial nerve
c) glossopharnyngeal
d) vagus nerve
e) hypoglossal
V1: opthamalic
V3: mandibular
which nerves innervate the following parts of the pharnyx?
which muscle acts as the upper oesophogeal sphincter (OUS)? [1]
what is the innervation like for this muscle? [1]
which muscle acts as the upper oesophogeal sphincter (OUS)? [1]
what is the innervation like for this muscle? [1]
vagus nerve
* which muscle of the pharynx elevates the pharnyx during swallowing? *
which nerve innervates this muscle?
* which muscle of the pharynx elevates the pharnyx during swallowing? *
which nerve innervates this muscle?