Blood Supply to Gut Flashcards
- coeliac trunk arises from the abdominal aorta at which vertebral level?
- what does it trifurfacte into? (3)
- coeliac trunk arises from the abdominal aorta at T12
- trifurcates into:
i) left gastric artery
ii) splenic artery
iii) common hepatic artery
desribe the pathway of the left gastric artery, splenic artery and common hepatic artery
left gastric -> supplies the lesser curvature of the stomach, gives off oesphogeal branhces
splenic artery --> short gastric arteries (supplies the fundus), left gastric epiploic (runs around greater curvature of stomach), terminates at spleen
- *common hepatic artery** –> gastroduodenal artery, which branches to give right gastroepiploic artery - which anastamoses with left gastroepiploic artery.
- -> right gastric artery (goes to less curvature of stomach). anastamoes with left gastric artery
- –> after these two have gone, becomes the hepatic artery proper

describe pathway of common hepatic artery –> hepatic artery proper —> ?? :)
common hepatic artery: branches into
- gastroduodenal artery, which branches to give right gastroepiploic artery - which anastamoses with left gastroepiploic artery.
- right gastric artery (goes to less curvature of stomach). anastamoes with left gastric artery
after these two: becomes the hepatic artery proper; branches into:
- **right hepatic artery –> cystic artery (gall bladder)
- left hepatic artery**

what is the name of the artery outlined in green?

cysteic artery
the spleen is the site of ? (2)
is it intraperitoneal / retroperiotneal? why is the answer clincally significant?
lymphocyte proliferation (1)
rbc filtration, destruction and storage(1)
spleen is intraperitoneal. able to move around. means that during blunt trauma to peritoneum, can be torn away from the splenic artery and cause internal bleeding

A: coeliac trunk
B: splenic artery
C: hepatic artery proper
D: gastroduodenal
where does the midgut start? and run to?
supplied by?
2nd part of duodenum –> 2/3 of transverse colon
supplied by SMA
describe the branches of the SMA (6)
- inferior pancreaticoduedenal artery
- jejnunal and ileal branches
3 middle colic artery
- right colic artery
- ileocolic artery -> appendicular artery

- jejnunal and ileal branches of SMA are found where??
- is this photo from jejunum or ileum? how do u tell

jejnunal and ileal branches of SMA are found in the mesentary?
- photo = jejunum

A: jenunal
B: superior mesentric
C ileocolic
what are the 3 branches of the IMA?
what connects the SMA & IMA?
inferior mesenteric artery branches:
- left colic artery
- sigmoidal artery
- superior rectal artery
- SMA & IMA connected by marginal artery

rectal blood supply:
rectum gets supply from which 3 main arteries? where do each of these come from?
- superior rectal artery: from SMA
- *- middle rectal artery:** internal iliac artery
- *- inferior rectal artery:** from pudendal artery

what happens to all of the blood from your gut? (for / mid / hind)
goes to
foregut -> splenic vein
midgut -> Superior mesenteric vein
hindgut -> inferior mesenteric vein
= all go into the hepatic portal vein -> liver (blood is filtered) –> IVC

which veins dont go to liver & directly drain into IVC? (4)
- gonadal vein
- renal vein
- internal iliac vein
- external iliac vein

explain the Para and sympathetic nerve supply to the gut. what do they normally do
(motor component (Parasymp and Sym) of autonomic:)
sympathetic nerves effect (T1-L2)
- pass through sympathetic trunk & synapse in the abdomen = splachnic nerves
- inhibits digestion
**parasym nerves (CN III, VII, IX, X & s2-s4)
- vagus nerve**
runs up to 2/3 transvers colon. after which sacral nerves take over and supply the hindgut: pelvic splachnic nerves - salivation
- stimulates digestion
- colon motility
- urinatin / defecation
the splanchinc and pelvic splachnic nerves contribute to the nerve supply of the gut. which one is from parasympathetic and which is sympathetic?
splanchnic nerves are sympathetic ! S4S
pelvic splachnic nerves are paraysm ! P4P!
what are the 3 locations of the ganglia where splachnic nerves (sympathetic NS) synapse?
(ie for foregut ? midgut? hindhut?)
if innervating the:
foregut -> coelaic ganglia
midgut -> superior mesenteric ganglia
hindut -> inferior mesenteric ganglia

hepatic artery proper and hepatic portal vein

A: left colic
B: sigmoidal
C: superior rectal