Mersey Nuc Med Flashcards
Radioactive Decay
- Radioactive atoms have unstable nuclei
- Radioactive decay is a spontaneous attempt by a nucleus
to become more stable - The arrangement of protons & neutrons in the nucleus is restructured to achieve a more stable configuration and ionising radiation (energetic particles and/or high energy EM radiation) is emitted
- The emitted radiation is easily detected and can be used
to form an image.
Radioactive Decay modes
Beta minus decay
MASS number does not change just atomic number increases by one
Isomeric transition
Tc99m decays via isomeric transition into Tc99 with the emission of a 140keV gamma ray
Internal Conversion (IC)
Excess energy in nucleus is TRANSFERRED TO K SHELL electron - then emitted
Positron Decay
MASS number does not change just atomic number DECREASES by one
Electron Capture (EC)
➢ a proton-rich nucleus captures a K-shell
electron to neutralise its excess positive
- A radioactive sample contains millions of unstable atoms.
- Each second some of these atoms will undergo a radioactive disintegration into a “daughter” atom and give off radiation.
- The activity of a sample is how many disintegrations occur each second.
- Activity is measured in units of “becquerel” (Bq)
- 1 Bq = 1 disintegration/sec
- 1 MBq (mega-becquerel) = 1 million dis/sec
Radioactive Decay Constant
* Radioactive atoms don’t all disintegrate at once.
* In any sample, only a fraction of the atoms disintegrate each second.
* This fraction is called the decay constant, λ
* λ changes from one substance to another.
- This is a measure of how quickly the activity of a
source diminishes with time. - It is the time needed for half the activity to disappear.
- After 1 half-life the activity drops to 50%
- After 2 half-lives the activity drops to 25%
- After 3 half-lives the activity drops to 12.5%
- The most common radionuclide in nuclear medicine
(Tc99m) has a half-life of 6 hours.
How the activity of a source changes with time
Radiopharmaceuticals (RPs)
- RPs are radioactive drugs (“tracers”) given to patients
- Radiopharmaceutical = drug + radionuclide
- Drug – determines where the RP will localise in the body
- Radionuclide – produces a detectable signal (diagnostic study) or delivers a radiation dose (therapy)
Technetium-99m (Tc99m)
- Short half-life (6 hours)
- Only emits gamma radiation
- Decays into a “mildly” radioactive daughter
- Easily obtainable
- Can be attached to a wide range of drugs to make radiopharmaceuticals
GAMMA RAYS with a photon energy of 140 keV
Mo99/Tc99m Generator
- A fresh supply of Tc99m is needed each morning.
- Molybdenum99 (Mo99) is radioactive and decays into Tc99m with a half-life of 66 hours.
- A Mo99/Tc99m generator contains a glass tube filled with tiny spheres coated
with alumina & Mo99.
- As Mo99 decays, Tc99m builds up in the tube
- The 2 radionuclides are in
- Passing saline through the glass tube extracts the Tc99m but not the Mo99
- Optimum delay between successive elutions of the generator is 23hr
Mo99/Tc99m Generator
- Tc99m can be added to commercial pharmaceutical kits to make
specific radiopharmaceuticals. - Different radiopharmaceuticals are needed to study different
organ systems.
Nuclear Medicine Imaging
The Gamma Camera
- Generates an image of the pattern of gamma radiation emitted from a patient injected with a radiopharmaceutical
- It consists of:
➢ A collimator – forms an image of the activity distribution in the patient
➢ A scintillation crystal – absorbs g-rays & emits light
➢ An array of photomultiplier tubes – detects light emitted by the crystal
➢ Pulse processing electronics – produces spatial X,Y coordinates and an energy signal (Z)
Pulse Height Analysis
- Scatter degrades contrast – so need to reject it
- Scattered radiation has a lower energy than primary (unscattered) radiation
- Analyse the size of the Z (energy) pulses detected
- Only accept Z pulses that lie within a preset range
- This is the pulse height analyser window
- Window width is typically ±10% of the γ ray energy
- For Tc99m window is from 126-154 keV
- The collimator does not reject scatter
PHA Window Placement
Because of limited energy resolution there will always be some scattered
radiation accepted by the PHA window. Using a narrow window will reject
more scatter but will also reject some primary events too (again due to limited
energy resolution).
Nuclear Medicine Image Quality
- Spatial resolution
➢ The ability to distinguish two adjacent objects in the patient as separate
➢ Nuclear Medicine images have low resolution due to the collimator properties
- Contrast
➢ Difference in signal strength between target and background
➢ Contrast in nuclear medicine is due to the bio-distribution of the
➢ Reflects patient physiology rather than anatomy