Mersey MRI Flashcards
Magnetic Resonance (MR)
* Unpaired protons (or neutrons) in the atomic nucleus have
a net magnetisation. Unpaired protons can be found in
hydrogen nuclei.
* These magnetic properties can be stimulated to produce a
measurable signal, but only at a specific (resonant)
- MR signals can be generated from cellular water and/or fat
molecules - To generate an MR signal:
– Place the patient in a strong magnetic field, Bo
– Expose the patient to a burst of EM energy at the resonant
or Larmor frequency (this is known as an RF pulse)
– Measure the signal (voltage induced in a coil of wire)
Magnetic Properties of Protons
* All protons are associated with a tiny magnetic field
* The magnetic moment, determines the magnitude and direction
of this magnetic force
* In the nucleus protons are paired with their magnetic moments in
opposite directions – which cancels out the magnetisation.
- Nuclei with unpaired protons will have a net magnetic moment
which can be exploited to produce an MR signal/image - Hydrogen nuclei comprise single unpaired protons & are the source
of MR signal in clinical imaging
Magnetic Moments are Vectors….
The magnetic moment of a proton is a vector quantity. This means both
its magnitude & direction are important.
We can represent the magnetic moment as an arrow: the length of the
arrow is proportional to the magnitude, while the arrow head gives the
direction of the vector..
Combining Vectors
When vectors are combined both the
direction & magnitude must be considered.
In these examples the yellow vector is the
sum of the 2 blue vectors
In the same way, the magnetic
moments from a group of protons
can be combined into a single net
Placing protons (water/fat) in a magnetic field
Protons in a magnetic field
Placing protons (water/fat) in a magnetic field
Bulk Magnetisation Vector, Mo
RF Pulses
The strength & duration of the RF pulse
controls the flip angle. Any size of flip angle can be achieved.
A 90 degree pulse rotates Mo
through 90 degrees
into the transverse plane
A 180o pulse inverts Mo
Magnetisation Vectors
RF Pulses
- Need to stimulate Mo (get it to absorb energy) to generate an MR signal
- Electromagnetic (EM) radiation consists of rapidly oscillating electric & magnetic & fields
- So, exposing the sample/patient to a short burst of EM energy should stimulate Mo
- Mo only interacts with the EM radiation at 1 specific frequency: the Larmor frequency
- The Larmor frequency is the precession frequency of the protons
- For protons in a 1T field, Larmor freq = 42MHz, which is in the radio wave section of the EM spectrum
- Hence the stimulating EM radiation is referred to as an RF (Radio Frequency) pulse
The MR Signal
MR Relaxation
T2 Relaxation
(Spin-spin relaxation)
After the RF pulse the protons in the
sample are spinning in phase (they are in
step with each other).
Spins quickly lose coherence and get out
of step with each other due to local
variations in magnetic field strength. Mxy
(ie the MR signal) gets smaller.
The rate at which the signal decreases
with time depends on the T2 of the tissue
T2 is the time taken for the signal to
reduce to 37% of its original value.
T1 Relaxation
(Spin-lattice relaxation)
A 90o RF pulse causes some
protons to flip from “spin up” to
“spin down”. Afterwards these
protons slowly flip back causing
Mz to get bigger.
The rate at which Mz recovers is governed by the T1 relaxation
time of the tissue.
T1 is the time taken for Mz
to reach 63% of its full value.
Larmor Frequency
- The Larmor Frequency is the resonant frequency at which energy is
absorbed by protons & also the frequency of the MR signal. - Larmor Freq = γB, where
– γ is the gyromagnetic ratio for the nucleus
– B is the net magnetic field experienced by the nuclei
- The net magnetic field experienced by protons in the body
depends on:
Includes susceptibility effects at tissue boundaries
Dipole-Dipole Interactions
Magnetic dipole of a proton
extends into space around it
In a water molecule the magnetic dipoles of the protons can interact with each other causing a local variation in magnetic field strength and therefore a change in the Larmor frequency.
This is an example of an intramolecular dipole-dipole interaction.
Unpaired electrons and/or protons in other molecules can interact with the proton dipoles in the molecules generating the MR signal.
Due to molecular motion and rotation these interactions are random (unpredictable). The rate of molecular motion affects MR relaxation
times. Large molecules produce slowly varying magnetic fluctuations at the molecular level.
Dipole-Dipole Interactions
The rapid movement of small molecules (ie unbound water molecules) creates rapid fluctuations in the magnetic environment at the molecular level. These fluctuations are too rapid to cause T2 relaxation (dephasing of the MR signal) and too rapid to stimulate protons to flip between energy states (T1 relaxation)
T2 Relaxation (1)
Immediately after a 90o RF pulse the protons precess in phase to
produce the MR signal
* Dipole-dipole interactions cause local variations in magnetic field
strength which quickly causes different precessional frequencies
across the spin population (remember, the Larmor frequency is
proportional to the net magnetic field at any point)
- With the protons spinning at different rates they quickly get out
of step with each other (ie they lose phase coherence) - Consequently, the MR signal diminishes
- Phase coherence is lost most readily if the surrounding molecular
motions or vibrations are relatively slow - Phase coherence is also affected by inhomogeneitiesin the main
magnetic field strength, Bo
T2 Relaxation (2)
- T2 relaxation occurs due to protons precessing at different rates
resulting in a gradual loss of phase coherence. Hence it is also known as
“spin-spin relaxation” - Molecular motion in water (& other small molecules) is relatively fast
and creates rapidly changing local magnetic fields - Hence, water & CSF have relatively long T2 relaxation times
- Protons in fat molecules, or those that are bound to protein molecules
will experience slower molecular vibrations - Hence, fat has a relatively short T2 relaxation time
- Spin-spin relaxation due to molecular motion is characterised by the
T2 relaxation time - Spin-spin relaxation due to molecular motion & non-uniformities in Bo
is characterised by the T2* relaxation time
T2 Relaxation Times
T2 relaxation times govern how quickly the MR signal diminishes from a particular tissue.
Because T2 relaxation varies with tissue type, the MR signal will decay at
different rates – this can be exploited to produce image contrast.
T2 vs T2*
The loss in MR signal with time is due to loss of phase coherence caused by:
* Magnetic interactions at the molecular level (spin-spin relaxation)
* Static differences in the magnetic field that remain constant over time within
a specific location (caused by the patient’s body as well as inhomogeneities of
the main magnet)
* T2 represents signal loss due to spin-spin relaxation only
* T2* is a combination of spin-spin relaxation & magnetic field inhomogeneity
T1 Relaxation (1)
- During an RF pulse the spin (proton) population absorbs energy
- The spins must lose this energy to return to their equilibrium state
- Protons in tissue are exposed to constantly varying local magnetic
fields due to random molecular motion. - These fluctuations are caused by the rapid movement of magnetic
dipole fields from unpaired protons in the nuclei of neighbouring
- These tiny magnetic variations are superimposed on top of the main
external field, Bo - Those molecular vibrations that occur at the Larmor Frequency will
act like mini RF pulses and will stimulate the protons to lose energy
to their surroundings.
T1 Relaxation (2)
T1 Relaxation Times
Because T1 relaxation varies with tissue type, Mz will recover at
different rates – this can be exploited to produce image
MR Relaxation Times
Spin-lattice (T1) relaxation requires molecular motion/vibration close to the Larmor
frequency, which changes with field strength. It follows that T1 relaxation time for
tissues will also depend on Bo
. T1 increases with Bo
T2 relaxation requires slowly varying molecular magnetic interactions regardless of Bo
T1 weighted Images
A short TR prevents full recovery of Mz
between repeated pulses and generates
MR signals that depend on the T1
relaxation times of the tissues.
A short TE prevents the signals
decreasing as a result of T2
relaxation before the echo
signal is readout.
The MR Pulse Sequence
The MR Pulse Sequence
Parameters for Controlling Image Contrast
T2 weighted Images
A long TR allows full recovery of
Mz between repeated pulses
and generates MR signals that
are independent of each tissue’s
T1 relaxation
A long TE allows the MR
signals to diminish according
to the T2 relaxation time of
each tissue before the echo signal is readout.
Proton Density Image
A long TR allows full recovery of
Mz between repeated pulses
and generates MR signals that
are independent of each tissue’s
T1 relaxation time.
A short TE prevents the
signals decreasing as a result
of T2 relaxation before the
echo signal is readout.
Image Contrast in T1 & T2 weighted images