Mental State Examination Flashcards
What are the main components to an MSE?
Appearance and behaviour Speech Mood and Affect - incl. suicidality Thoughts (form and content) Perception Cognition Insight
What aspects of Appearance are worthy of note?
Age Physique clothing effort with appearance tattoos posture facial expressions physical features of alcohol/drug abuse
What aspects of behaviour should be commented on?
What the patient is doing and the appropriateness for the situation
psychomotor agitation/retardation
eye contact
Name aspects of speech in an MSE
form of speech pressure or poverty spontaneous speech latency rate volume tone articulation vocabulary stammer/dysarthria
What is mood?
patients subjective description of their emotional state
Describe aspects of a patients affect in MSE?
intensity - normal, blunted, exaggerated, flat, heightened
extent of change - restricted, labile, reactive
Is suicidality important to ask about in an MSE?
Yes - your questions will not make anyone feel suicidal
What kind of thoughts can indicate intentions of self-harm?
life not worth living
wanting to self harm
What is psychosis?
a mental health problem that causes people to perceive or interpret things differently from those around them - may involved hallucinations or delusions
What is flight of ideas?
words associated together inappropriately because of their meaning or rhyme so that speech loses its aim and the patient wanders from the original theme.
the patient jumps from topic to topic but with a recognisable theme
What is Formal Thought Disorder?
There is evidence from the patient’s speech or writing that there is an abnormality in the way their thoughts are linked together.
Disturbance in organisation, control and processing of thoughts.
Loosening of associations?
Patients speech is muddled, illogical, difficult to follow and cannot be clarified.
the patient talks freely but so vaguely that no information is given despite how many words
Knights move thinking?
jumps from topic to topic with no connection between them.
What is tangential thinking?
wandering from topic and never returning to it or providing the information requested
What is circumstantiality?
inability to answer a question without giving excessive, unnecessary detail
how does circumstantiality differ from tangential thinking?
in circumstantiality the patient will eventually return to the original point
What are neologisms?
An abnormality of speech where a patient makes up a new word or uses existing words in bizarre ways which have idiosyncratic meaning to the patient - e.g. hat = headshoe
What is a preoccupation?
not fixed, false or intrusive but have an undue prominence in the persons mind
What is an overvalued idea?
an unreasonable, sustained belief that is held with less than delusional intensity
What is an obsession?
an undesired, unpleasant intrusive thought that cannot be suppressed
What is a delusional ideation?
fixed, false belief inappropriate in the patients socio-cultural background
firmly held in the face of logical evidence to the contrary
not modified by experience or reason
What are common themes in delusions?
What is contained within the component of perception?
What is a hallucination?
perception in the absence of an external stimulus
What kinds of hallucinations are there?
visual auditory olfactory gustatory tactile - tangible feeling
What is involved in orientation?
What aspects of cognition can be tested?
orientation memory calculation language visuospatial function executive function - verbal fluency, similarities
What tools can be used for formal cognitive testing?
Addenbrookes cognitive examination
montreal cognitive assessment (MOCA)
What are the 4A’s of insight?
AWARENESS of ones own symptoms
ATTRIBUTION of symptoms to mental disorder
APPRAISAL or analysis of consequences of such symptoms
ACCEPTANCE of treatment