Mental Health Disorders Flashcards
Performance Problems
Regulating and controlling behaviors
Interacting and collaborating with others
Forming and maintaining friendships
Relating to and taking directions from adults
Attending to tasks
-Assists health care professionals to describe and organize physical, mental, and behavioral signs and symptoms
Helps to determine effective interventions
Assists in measuring treatment effectiveness
Probable Mental Health Concerns
● Internalizing behavior(s)
● Externalizing behavior(s)
● Adverse childhood experience(s)
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
● Developmental deficits that interfere with successful engagement in personal, social, academic, or occupational functioning
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders (ADHD)
Motor disorders
Tic disorders
Specific learning disorders (SLDs)
Two presentations:
Inattentive: difficulty sustaining attention, loses things
Hyperactivity-impulsivity: excessive energy and motor activity
-Symptoms must be present before 7 years of age and last for at least 6 months.
Motor Disorders
Characterized by deficits in the acquisition and execution of coordinated movements
Tic Disorders: Tourette Syndrome
Genetic disorder, onset at 6 to 7 years repetitive, involuntary motor and vocal tics
Specific Learning Disorders
5% to 15% of school-aged children
● Performance well below average of peers; severe
discrepancy between ability and achievement
Mild, moderate, and severe
Dyslexia: reading disability
Dysgraphia: writing disability
Dyscalculia: math disability
Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and
Conduct Disorders
● Socially disruptive behaviors
● Violate the rights of others:
Property destruction
● Problems with emotions (anger, irritation) and
behaviors (aggression, defiance)
Childhood-Onset Conduct Disorder
Long-standing behaviors that violate the
rights of others and rules of society
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Negative, hostile, and defiant behaviors,
uncharacteristic in other children
Anxiety Disorders
Prevalence: 13 in 100; more common in
● Anxiety: normal adaptive response to stress
difficulty making decisions, learning,
concentrating, and accurately perceiving
● Poor school attendance, low self-esteem,
adjustment difficulties, and poor social skills
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Excessive anxiety and worrying without a trigger
About future, school performance, family health
● Cannot control their fears, result in
Negative self-image
Inability to relax
Difficulty concentrating
Disrupted sleep
● Difficulties with performance in all areas of occupations
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Extreme anxiety when anticipating separation or separating from home or primary caregiver.
Refusal to go to school or overnights with friends
Nightmares of separation
Somatic or physical symptoms:
headaches, dizziness, palpitations, tomachaches, nausea, and vomiting
Delayed social development
Poor academic performance
Social Anxiety (Social Phobia) Disorder
Phobias: specific, persistent, and recurring fears of things and situations
● Social anxiety: fear when in social situations
● Panic attacks
● Avoidance of phobia is disabling
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
characterized by disruptive, intrusive thoughts that cause anxiety
● Compulsive, ritualistic, repetitive patterns of behavior to reduce anxiety
Body dysmorphic disorder
preoccupation with
perceived physical flaws/deficits
Drive a person to perform excessive, repetitive acts such as looking in mirror or feeling body part.
Hoarding disorder
difficulty getting rid of items
Associated with indecisiveness, avoidance
Trichotillomania and Excoriation
-(hair pulling) disorde
-(skin picking) disorder
Reactive attachment disorder
pattern of delayed attachment behaviors
Child minimally turns to primary caregiver for comfort, support, etc.
Disinhibited social engagement disorder
pattern of behavior wherein child is overly familiar with relative strangers
Anxiety Disorders: Acute and Post-
Traumatic Stress Disorder (ASD/PTSD)
Both ASD and PTSD develop in response to atraumatic event.
ASD is an immediate stress response to trauma that lasts ~1 month.
PTSD: symptoms that last longer than 1 month
Recurring nightmares
Repeated memories of the event
Difficulty sleeping
Changes in eating habits
Complaints of physical symptoms
Difficulties with all areas of occupation
● Comorbid disorders: panic attacks, substance abuse
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation
Child between 7 and 18 years of age who is angry and irritable all of the time
Verbal or behavioral outbursts at least 3 times a week
across environments
* Aggressive, destructive acts against property, self, or others
Major Depressive Disorder
Most common mood disorders are major depression, minor depression, and brief recurrent depression.
● No single cause
-Many functional difficulties with depression
- Comorbidities: phobias, substance abuse, sexual promiscuity
Bipolar Disorder
genetic predisposition
● Two extremes of mood:
Depression: similar to major depressive symptoms
Mania: excessive elation, energy, aggression, impulsivity
These two go in cycles.
● Poor school performance
● Few social relationships
● Disorganization
● Difficulty regulating behavior
erious, chronic condition
● Positive symptoms of an acute episode:
Disorganized speech
Disorganized motor behavior
● Negative symptoms can include:
Blunted affect
● Prodromal stage: before first acute psychotic episode;
Anorexia Nervosa
intense fear of being overweight, although their weight is
normally below average
Bulimia Nervosa
● Normal to above average weight
● Binging followed by purging but not on a regular basis
● Psychosocial symptoms similar to those of anorexia nervosa
Pica disorder
eating nonfood or nonnutritive
substances for more than one month
Rumination disorder
regurgitates food repetitively. May rechew, swallow, or spit out the food
epeated elimination of urine
involuntarily or intentionally in inappropriate places (at least 2 occurrences per week for 3
repeated elimination of feces in
inappropriate places (at least once a month for three months)
difficulty going to sleep or staying asleep
Sleep-related hypoventilation
episodes of shallow
breathing throughout the night
abnormal behaviors, experiential or
physiological events that occur while sleeping
* Sleepwalking, sleep terrors, nightmares
pattern of use causes adverse consequences
Dependence (addiction)
pattern of continued use despite
serious cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms
Inhalant-Related Disorder
● Common among children and adolescents
● Huffing or sniffing (gasoline, glue)
● Can cause psychotic experiences
● Can cause serious medical conditions
● Neglect of self-care
● Decreased attendance and performance in school