Mental approach
Positive Self Talk
Emotional approach
Deep breathing
Describe Positive Self Talk
-Before a game of netball I went to a quiet area of the court and talked to myself positively.
-I said phrases such as ‘You will score’ and ‘You will be the best player’. I said each phrase 5 times, taking my time as I said it.
-After I said the phrases I got onto the court and started playing a game for 20 minutes up to 5 goals, against a team of 7. This could be progressed in game as when I made a mistake I repeated the phrase 3 times and played on with the game.
Describe Deep breathing
-I played a netball game for 20 minutes against players of similar ability to me.
-Before I played the game, I went to a quiet space on the court. I took 10 deep breaths where I breathed in for 4 seconds, held it for 3 seconds and breathed out for 4 seconds.
- When I felt my anxiety calming, I got on the court and started the game. To advance the drill when I was finding it easier, I started doing deep breathing on the court but instead of breathing in for 4 seconds, I reduced the time to 2 seconds and I only did the drill 3 times to ensure I wasn’t wasting time on the court.
Points to Explain why u chose mental/emotional drill
-Didn’t require equipment.
-Simple to complete.
-Could complete it in my own time.
-Could personalise it.
Expand (effective/why u chose) -Didn’t require equipment.
This meant it did not take long to set up and I could do it anywhere I wanted to.
Expand (effective/why u chose) -Simple to complete.
This meant I was not confused as to how to carry it out so more time could be spent working on other approaches to further enhance my skills.
Why you chose Expand -Could complete it in my own time.
This meant I was doing the drill at my own pace so I did not feel rushed.
Why you chose Expand -Could personalise it.
This meant I could tailor the amount of breaths and reps that would help calm me
This means (effective/why u chose) -Simple to complete.
This meant I could improve as an all around performer.
This means (effective/why u chose) -Didn’t require equipment.
This meant time was saved and I could spend more time focussing on the drill and making sure my anxiety was low before the game.
Why you chose This means -Could complete it in my own time.
This meant the drill was always completed fully without distraction so is more likely to be effective.
Why you chose This means -Could personalise it.
This meant I could choose the way that worked for me most so that I was getting as much as I could out of the approach.
Points to evaluate
-Effective as it did not require equipment.
-Effective as the approach was simple to complete.
-Ineffective because it felt silly and embarrassing to do.
-Ineffective because it was difficult to find a quiet space away from people.
Evaluate expand -Ineffective because it felt silly and embarrassing to do.
This is because it was not something that my teammates were doing and I had to close my eyes and say phrases which I was laughed at for