Memory Flashcards
The sensory registers
Raw info collected by sensory systems
Visual memory-icon
Visual image held in visual register
Visual memory- masking
New info replaced old in under .25 sec
Hearing memory - echo
Auditory memory in temporal lobe
Hearing - initial processing
We select some info for further processing
Hearing - attention
Selecting specific info from a variety of possible inputs
Filter theory of attention
- ) need
- ) novelty
- ) interest
- ) emotion
Short term memory
Aka: working memory
It is our Consciousness
STM- capacity
Can hold as much as can be repeated in 1.5-2 secs
7+ or -2 pieces of info
STM- Duration
Lasts about 20 secs if work is not done to maintain it
STM- encoding
Info sorted by type and relevance
Visual encoding capacity may exceed phonological
Decay theory
Passing of time causes the strength of memory to fade
Strengthening of a memory for LT storage
Rote rehearsal
Aka maintenance
Repeating the info to keep it in STM
Peoples first memonic device
Elaborative rehearsal
Relating new info to something we know
Increase in recall in the beginning info and the ending info w/o delay.
Retroactive interference
New info gets in the way of old info
Proactive interference
Old info gets in the way of new
LTM - semantic
General facts and word meaning
Episodic - LTM
Events that have specific meaning
Ebbinghaus- spacing effect
Learning is greater when studying is spread out over time not crammed
Explicit memory
Memory you can express in words
Implicit memory
You can’t express in words
State dependent learning
Mental state that one is in when you experience something that acts as a memory cue
Bartlett’s schema theory
People use schema to organize and present episodes
When you remember part of an episode and you fill in the holes with what makes sense on your schema
Infantile amnesia
- ) brain isn’t fully developed
- ) little to no language
- ) few schema to help organize
- ) no timeline
Retrograde amnesia
When the brain is damaged you might take out the memory from the hippocampus and you won’t remember what happened before the injury
Anterograde amnesia
Problem making new memories
Hysterical amnesia (repression)
Some even might be so disturbing that it is blocked from recall
Eidetic memory
Photographic memory
Perfect memory
Basal forebrain
Binds various pieces together
Kordalcoff’s syndrome
Lack vitamin b and thiamine
Thalamus and hippocampus are much smaller
SQ3R method
Survey- outline entire situation Question- ask what you should know Read for detail Recite in your own words Review- relate to own life