Learning Flashcards
The process in which experience or practice results in a relatively permanent change in behavior or potential behavior
Conditioning (training)
The acquisition of fairly specific patterns of behavior
Anything in an environment that causes a response
An observable behavior in reaction to a stimulant
Classical conditioning
Learning in which a stimulus does not elicit a given response is repeatedly link with one that does until the NS elicits the given response on its own
Unconditioned Stimulus
Unconditional stimulus; leads to response w/o training
Unconditioned Response
Unconditional response; automatic response to a UCS
Neutral stimulus/conditioned stimulus; initially causes the reaction/ a CS after training
Conditioned response; formally a NS that now causes a response as a result of training.
Pavlov’s dogs
Trained his dogs to salivate when they heard a bell ring by repeatedly giving the dogs beef powder immediately after he sounded the bell
Reduction of a CR to a CS because it has been repeatedly presented w/o the UCS
The subject learns that the CS no longer has meaning
Spontaneous recovery
After a response has become extinct and a period of time has passed, if the subject is randomly presented the CS the CR will reappear
Higher order learning
Works best if the original stimulus and response are strong
As you move away from the original CS, the CR will becomes gradually weaker
John Watson
The father of behaviorism
Theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning
Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment
Tabula rossa
We come into the world with the world to “write on us”
Having a similar response to a similar stimulus
Some stimuli serve readily as a CS because the link to behavior makes sense and is understandable
Stimuli that seem un-related to the behavior or opposed to the behavior will take longer to learn
Wolpe (phobias)
Object is linked with a frightening stimulus
The law of effect
Responses which one closely followed by satisfaction will be repeated and those followed by something unpleasant will be less likely to occur
Bf skinner
Uses consequence to strengthen the relationship between the stimulus and response
Increases the chance of behavior will occur given a certain stimulus (ALWAYS)
Positive reinforcement
Increase a behavior through reward