Brain Pt.2 Flashcards
Somatic nervous system
All the efferent neurons that cause muscles to contract
Controls “voluntary” activity
Autonomic nervous system
The neurons that carry messages between the cns and the internal organs
Controls heart, lungs, and blood pressure
Divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
Sympathetic nervous system
Controls fight or flight response
Tells endocrine system to pump hormones
Connects all organs
How many neurons does the brain hold
The hindbrain:
The first part of the brain to develop or endure
Medulla- controls breathing, heart, or blood pressure
Pons- sleep/wake cycle
Cerebellum- balance and coordination of muscle movement
The cerebrum:
Has no specific task
The reticular formation:
Net of fibers the surrounds the sub cortex
Partially responsible for arousal levels
Damage to RF Can cause a coma
Relays and translates sensory information except for smell
Acts as a relay station (not smell)
Hunger, thirst, body temperature, extreme emotions of rage or love
Cerebral cortex
Outer surface of brain
Convolutions on brain (folds)
“Thinking brain”
The limbic system:
Creation of new memories
Experience of emotion and motivation
Thalamus, hypothalamus, hypocampus, and amygdala are major structures
Staging ground of short term memory while it waits to be encoded into the long term memory
Lima-bean sized structure
Influences perception of fear and aggression
Emotional memory
Hypothalamus and emotion
Sexual satisfacción, Angry behavior
Regulares function of autonomic system
Spinal chord
Cable of neurons that connect the brain and the rest of the body
Longest axons
Carries messages from brain
Central sulcus
Divides motor cortex (front) from the sensory cortex (back)
What are the lobes of the brain
- ) occipital
- ) temporal
- ) frontal
- ) pariental
Occipital lobe
Sight/ visual memory
Temporal lobe
Hearing / auditory memory
Wernicks area: processing and understanding what others say
Vocab is on left side of brain
Frontal lobe
1/2 of human brain
Initiates muscle movement
Planning and sequencing events
Broca’s area: the physical ability to talk
Pariental lobe
Receives sensory input from the entire body
Spatial abilities
Sensory cortex: size and sensitivity
The insula
Also known as association zones
Connect lobes
The corpus callosum
Rope like bundle of fibers that allows info to pass through the hemispheres
Larger in women
The endocrine system
System of glands that release hormones directly into the blood stream
a. ) organize certain stages of our development
b. ) activate certain behaviors such as alertness, sleepiness, sex, etc
Pituitary gland
Produces largest number of hormones
Increases feelings of love, grooming behavior, bonding, increases trust between people
Inc. can cause uterus to contract and release of milk
Releases thyroxin (regulates body metabolism)
Too much metabolism… person is too skinny
Too little… person is tired and heavy
Melatonin regulates body temp and desire for sleep
Controls level of sugar in the blood by secreting insulin and glucagon
The gonads
Androgen make testosterone
Estrogen females
Inc in estrogen causes aggression
Adrenal glands
Activated symp. Nervous system
Prod. Pain killers (endorphins)
Seizure disorders
Threshold Milieu Focus Spike Aura Grand mal Status epithelial Absence