Memory Flashcards
What is another term for photographic memory?
Eidetic memory
What are the three types of long-term memory?
What kind of memory accounts for the fact that you know how to tie your shoes, even though you can not remember when you learned it?
Implicit memories, are unconscious and sometimes you do not even know you have these memories
What well-known major contribution did Hermann Ebbinghaus make to the understanding of memory?
He first establish premacy, recency, and serial position amd forgetting curves
What did Brenda Milner contribute to memory research?
Milner study amnesic patient HM who had hippocampus lesions due to epilepsy. HM showed that amnesic could form implicit memories without forming a company explicit memories
What did Frederick Bartlett’s war of the ghost story teach us about memory?
When reconstructing Memories, We do not recall exactitudes but rather just, we make errors of omission and commission, and you information is assimilated into our schemata. Memory then grows out of these schemata.
What rhyme is closely associated with Donald Hobbes theory of learning and memory?
Cells that fire together wire together. Heads theory was that the neurons and our brains adapt to things that are important to us
What does the serial position curve illustrate
The U-shaped curve represents the list of items and how well each item was remembered
What kind of learning is used during exposure to new vocabulary words in different languages?
Paired Association, is used to create a match between something we know and something we don’t know like cheese and English and fromage in French
What are some important things that help people remember list?
Importance Brevity Acoustic and semantic dissimilarity Familiarity Concreteness
What are two theories of forgetting?
Decay Theory, or Trace Theory
Interference Theory
According to studies semantic priming, why do we remember semantically similar words more effectively than semantically dissimilar words?
Words that are semantically similar are linked together and more likely encoded to long-term memory than words that are acoustically similar or semantically dissimilar because memory is created
How did E.R. Kamdel help support Hebbian theory?
He provided experimental support for the theory with his research on the synaptic changes in the brain of the Aplysia (sea slug)
Explain Collins and Loftus spreading activation model
The spreading activation model is a hierarchy of word associations the more close two words are linked, like bird and feather, the quicker they can generate a response. The further apart the words are, the longer the response will take.
Do we remember completed tasks or unfinished task better?
According to Zeigarnick effect, we remember unfinished task butter
What is the misinformation affect? What are Loftus contributions in this area?
The misinformation effect provides false or biased information that can alter an individual’s memory. Loftus develop the methodology to investigate the role of misinformation in memory.
She found that using biased language in questions regarding a video of a car accident video led participants who had watched the video to significantly late change their memories of the video. Is finding has important implications for the use of leading questions with witnesses
What are the memory wars?
The memory Wars where highly acrimonious conflict between some clinicians and researchers regarding the validity of recovered memories of traumatic events.
Through her research, Elizabeth Loftus has made important contributions to our understanding of memory. What are her primary contributions?
Loftus this work focuses on understanding memory better in order to reduce and justices and legal system.
- Discovery of misinformation effect / development of methods for lab research of misinformation / expert testimony regarding the effects of leading questions and I Witnesses testimony fallibility.
- Developmental research methodology for implanting Rich false memories / major role in the memory Wars / role of as an important legal expert in cases involving recovered / false memories of trauma
Daniel Scacter is a leading memory researcher. And his best-selling book, the seven sins of memory, schacter explains the human memory, overall, is adopted an impressive, but has limitations, which schacter describes as the 7th sins of human memory.
Name the seven sins of memory
- Transience
- Absent-mindedness
- Blocking
- Misattrinutiok
- Suggestibility
- Bias
- Persistence