Learning Flashcards
Variable Interval Schedule
Amount of time before reinforcement of behavior changes
Variable Ratio Schedule
Number of behavior responses needed for reinforcement changes
Fixed Ratio Schedule
Reinforcement comes after a specific number of Behavior responses
Fixed Interval Schedule
Reinforcement comes at a specific time
What is the contingency model?
Richard rescorla theory that the key to classical conditioning is how the conditioned stimulus predicts the appearance of the unconditioned stimulus
What does the contingency model counter?
Pavlov’s contiguity model that classical conditioning is based on this ociation in time of the controlled stimulus prior to the uncontrolled stimulus
What is the app blocking effect?
Leon Kamins concept that conditioning effect of neutral stimuli is blocked when already conditioned with unconditioned stimulus
What provides the biological basis for observational learning?
Mirror neurons are activated when you perform an action and when you observe someone else perform a similar action
condition taste aversion
Intense dislike and avoidance of a food because of its association with an unpleasant or painful stimulus through backward conditioning. AKA Garcia effect
Who experimented on conditioned taste aversion and biological preparedness in rats?
John Garcia and Robert koelling
What is long-term potention?
Physiological change that correlates with a stable change in Behavior due to experience. Neurons that fire together wire together, studied by Donald Hub and Eric kandel
What is another term for classical conditioning?
Pavlovian conditioning
What does backward conditioning cause?
Inhibitory conditioning, prevents forward conditioning
How is superstitious Behavior formed?
When reinforcement occurs during an idiosyncratic Behavior, the organism is likely to repeat the behavior, even though it does not cause the reinforcement
What is an alternative term for shaping?
Differential reinforcement of successive approximation
What is Hermann Ebbinghaus famous for?
The learning curve. He stated that people learn at different rates
Who was Edward Tolman?
He confirmed the presence of latent learning.
Rats form cognitive maps of the maze so when presented with a reward they are motivated to improve.
Who observed insight and chimpanzees?
Wolfgang Kohler
How did ME olds help provide evidence against drive-reduction Theory?
He used electrical stimulation on the brain’s pleasure centers as a form of positive reinforcement and showed that animals would alter their behavior to receive the stimulation