membrane protein topology Flashcards
when are characteristic topologies of membrane proteins established?
during biosynthesis
what is on membrane proteins outside of the cell?
disulfide bonds, sugars/carbs, glycolipids (note they are all charged)
sec61 complex
protein translocator on ER membrane
how to integrate a single pass transmembrane protein into the ER membrane
N-terminal start transfer sequence and internal stop transfer sequence.
internal stop transfer sequence
hydrophobic so it gets stuck in the membrane. anything on other side stays in cytosol.
one internal start transfer sequence
a way to integrate a single pass transmembrane protein into the ER membrane. the positive end of the transfer sequence always stays in the cytosol. The negative heads to the ER lumen, which means that it will be on the outside of the cell.
inserting a multipass membrane protein/ rhodopsin
has start sequence and and then start and stop sequences. all function of info encoded in rna translated in the protein, which signals how protein will go into ER membrane.
GPI anchor proteins
added to some proteins in the ER. protein. makes it easier to cut out. attached by a phospholipid.
modified protein
all the modifications happen in the ER and golgi
modifications in the ER lumen
cleavage of signal peptides co-translational N-glycosylation Trimming of N-linked sugarsqauli hydrosxylation (pro, lys of collagens) disulfide bond formation protein folding assembly of multimeric proteins
addition of N-linked oligosaccharides
process of translation is rapid. most sugars are added one at a time, prefab structure.
Bip (Hsc70)
facilitates folding by binding transiently to new proteins in order to keep them unfolded and prevent misfolding or aggregation
calnexin, and calreticulin
chaperone proteins; promote and monitor folding by cyclical binding to a terminal glucose in N linked oligosaccharides
cystic fibrosis
delta508F; amino acid change. one protein with complex folding pattern. creates a protein that cannot properly fold. even though cl channel aspect, it never gets to where it needs to function. stuck in ER and targeted for degradation
cellular quality control
retrotranslocation to cytosol and degradedby proteasoms (ERAD), receives polyubiquitin chain and heads to proteasone;
upregulation of chaperones
also ER stress management/quality control (sends to apoptotic death)
unfolded protein response (UPR)
ER overload response (EOR)
PDI or protein disulfide isomerase
catalyzes the formation of disulfide bonds so that the most stable conformation is achieved.
ER resident proteins
present in ER in high conc. /retained by mechanism that retrieves them if they escape into the cis golgi/ have c terminal Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu sequence recognized by KDEL receptors in the membranes of small transport vesicles shuttling bet. ER and early golgi. and then used to return proteins to ER.
what causes cystic fibrosis
mutations in CFTR, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. most common mutation is a phenylalanine deletion, delta508, which is found in 70% of cf individuals
unfolded protein response (UPR)
production of chaperones is upregulated through the activation of a unique signaling ER sensor and signal transduction mechanism.