Media Flashcards
Eriksen et al
45%-71% of quality press time is about some form of deviance
Williams and Dickinson
30% of British media is dedicated to crime
Me£is over reps violent and sexual crimes
Dilton and Duffy - 46% of reports are sexual and violent however onl6 make up 3% of crime reports
Media over represents police success
- police are the source so want representation to portray them in a positive light
- also over represent violent crime which has higher clean up rate
Media over plays extraordinary crime
- felson dramaric falecy
Changes in media - Schlesinger and tumber
- 1960 murder and petty crime
- 1990 - widen to include child abuse deugs football hooliganism
Soothill and walby - sex crime
- news paper report of sex crime under 1/4 in 1951 to over 1/3
- focus on identifying a beast provide a distorted picture ( serial rapist )
- common to be someone known
Crim coverage
- evidence that it is socially constructed
- there is a processs of selection / rejection
S cohen and young
- news is manufactured not discovered
- has a set of news values which journalist and editor go through to decide whether the story is worthy
News values
- immediacy - dramatisation- personalisation
- high status - simplification- novelty - risk - violence
Fictional representation of crime
- don’t just get our knowledge from the news media
- to cinama novel are also important sources
- 1945 -1984 10 billon crime thriller sold worldwide
- 25% of prime time tv 20% film are crime show or tv show
Law of opposites : fictopional rep are opposite to crime statistics
- property crime under rep
- homocide - fiction show greed and calculat
- sex crime - committed by serial stranger
- police - get the bad guy
Media causes crime
1920s - media blamed for current youth
1950 horror blamed for moral decline
1980 video nasties
Ways media caused crime
- imitation- arosal desensitisation - stimulate desire - portray police as imcompetent - glamorise offending
Schramm et al
- the effects of tv veiwing on Christian
- tv is neither benifial or harmful
- people continue to be preoccupied with the effects of media on Chrildren because of our desire to regard childhood as a time for uncomtaminated innocence
- link between media and fear of crime
- heaven media uses 4+ hr had higher levels of fear
Schelesinger and tumber - media
- correlation between media usage and crime
Tabloid reader tv , greater fear of being victim
Greer and reiner
- effect of research on media and fear of cr8mr ignore the meaning that users give to crime
The media and relative deprivation
- how media rep norm lead to commit crime
- left realist - mass media increas sence of relative dep
- Everyone has access to media even the poorest groups represents the norm which people should conform groups marginalised because they can’t afford representation. This leads to strain.
Cultral crime -
- media turns crime into a commodity that people desire
- media encourage consumption of crime
Hayward and young
- late modern society as media saturated , immersed into media scape
- blur between image and reality , no longer sepreate and distinct
- media constitute as real thing eg police car camera doesn’t jus5 record alter way police work , cops promo
Media and commodity of crime
A feature of late modern society is the emphasis of ecpxcitement consumption and immmediate
Harwood and young corporation adverts
- use crime to sell products example of car ads feature : street riot joyriding suside bombing graffiti
Fashion industry images of heroine chic violence against women - clothing section 60 named after section given police right to stop and search
Moral panic
An over reaction by society to percived problem
What happens during a moral panic
- media identified devil folk
- portrays the group using negative stereotypes
- moral entrepreneurs condem group
What does a moral pan8c lead to
- self fulfilling prophecy that apmlipgy problem eg drugs - task force created lead to police find more drug taking
- as it identified more deviance tougher action leading to a deviance amplification spiral
Cohen - folk devil and moral panic
- looked at media response to mod and rockers
- at first no identification and not clear cut , one day a minor scuffle
- media over reacted media produced and inventory of what happened, three elements ; over exaggeration prediction and symbolism
Cohen - folk devil and moral panic
- looked at media response to mod and rockers
- at first no identification and not clear cut , one day a minor scuffle
- media over reacted media produced and inventory of what happened, three elements ; over exaggeration prediction and symbolism
Deviance amplification spiral
Media portrayal of event lead to a deviance amplification- calls for increase in police which lead to created control thus groups are then marginalised and stigmatised
- media amplify deviance by defining two loose knit groups as tightly knit gang - polarise leads to self fulfilling prophecy
- media critical for moral panic
Wider context cohen
- happen post war period
- moral panic happen during change reflect anxiety people feel when accept value undermined
- moral panic boundary crisis uncertainty of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour
Functionalist moral panic
- respond to normlessness
- dramatise threat in form of folk devil- collective concious when value threatens
Neomarxist hall et al
Moral in context of capitalism
- moral panic over mugging in 1970 distraction from capitalism divided working class on racial ground legitimate authoritarian way of rule
Critism of moral panic
- it assume society reaction is disproportionate - left veiw it as rational
- moral panic have less impact little concedes over what is deviant