Class Power And Crime Flashcards
- laws are a reflection of society shared values
- not everyone is equally socatised
- modern society have a complex divion of labour - subculture
- b miller lower class have own subculture with clashes with main stream
Strain theory
- deviant behaviour happen when opportunity are blocked to achieve legitimate
- Merton American structure deny w/c of achieving legitimate money success
- find illegitimate ways of achieving this - innovation
Subculture theory
- like strain w/c lack legitimate mean to achieve
- w/c are culturally deprived - bottome of the social heirachy leads to status frustration
- subculture solution to status frustration by inverting values
Labelling theory
- reject official statistics are useful
- seek causes of why w/c are labelled eg stereotype / typification
- crime stats are a constructi9n we must investigate by studying power control agency
Crimogenic capitalism
- capitalism by very nature causes crime , ruling class exploit w/c at whatever human cost
- give rise to crime : poverty only means of survival ; only way to obtain goods advertised ; alienation non utilarian crime
- also cause white collar crime , dog eat dog system, win at all cost
Crime is a rational response to capitalist system hence is found in all classes
Laws to protect private property are corner stone of capitalism, example in British east colony
- intrested in tea and coffee but needed plantation workers
- colony economy not money , so British introduced tax payable by cash
- tax money only eared by working - thus law on,y serve the higher classes
Selective enforcement
- powerless groups such as w/c are criminalised the courts ignore crimes of the powerful
Ideological function of law and crime
- laws crime , criminal play ideological function
- passed occasionally to benifit worker and give capitalism a caring face
- laws often benifit the ruling class , keep worker happy + give capitalism a caring face - maintain false class consciousness
- not rigousl6 enforced law against corp homocide 2007 only one successful prosecution in 8yr
- arrest selective, media display criminal as disturbed
Evaluation - Marx
- ignore crime and non class inequality
- too deterministic
- crim just it’s system acts against capitalist class
The new criminology- Taylor et al
- agree with Marxist - cap based on exploitation- state selects and enforces law - classless society
- how’re also critism non and Marxistveiw
- put forward critical criminology
Anti determinism
- Taylor etal Marxism is too determin
- take volturaristic veiw - crime is a meanin&ul action taken by the actor
- often has a political motive - redistribution of wealth
- crime not passive , strive for change
A full social theory of deviance
- a full compressive explanation of crime and deviance would change soci3ty for t(e better
- two main sources of: Marx idea of unequal distribution of wealth : idea from Interactionalist effects of a deviant label
A complete theory of deviance six aspects
- wider origins
- immediate orgins
- act itself
- immediate orgin of societal reaction
- wider orgins
- effects of labelling