Measurement - Summary of Experience Flashcards
What are the RICS documents regarding measurement?
RICS Code of Measuring Practice, 6th Edition 2015
RICS Property Measurement, 2nd Edition 2018
When was the RICS professional standard, RICS property measurement 2nd edition 2018 effective from?
1st April 2018
- Reissued as a professional standard in June 2024
What were the changes under the June 2024 reissue of RICS property measurement?
Changed from statement to standard
Why did RICS change from the code of measuring practice to the professional standard?
To provide a global standard of measuring practice - Was not previously consistent
What is IPMS?
International property measurement standards
- Do not seek to define units of measurement but states what is included within measurements (accuracy)
Why were the IPMS brought in?
- To provide international consistency (confidence)
- Increased measurement data transparency
- Easier portfolio benchmarking of measuring
- Facilitates international property trade
What is an international standard?
Something that is established and agreed at an international level - Implemented and delivered locally
- Organisations subscribe to its use and implementation through their membership
What is a component area in IPMS?
Elements to which floor areas are divided
- Designated according to their structure and function
e.g. sum of all component areas will each to IPMS1/2/3
What is GEA?
The area of a building measured internally at each floor level (measured to the exterior walls)
What is GIA?
The area of a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor area
What is NIA?
The useable area of a building, measured to internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level
When did IPMS all buildings become effective?
15 January 2023 - Not mandatory for RICS
Tell me about IPMS all buildings?
- Lets users choose standard relevant to purpose of the area being measured
- Introduced to create clearer boundaries on extent of each measurement - 4 stage process introduced for each measurement
- Superseded all previously published IPMSC
What does IPMSC stand for?
International property measurement standards coalition
If a IPMS component area is multifunctional use, what should it be stated as?
State according to principle use
What properties does IPMS currently apply to?
All buildings as of 2023, before it was just office and residential
What is dual reporting?
Reporting in terms of IPMS and another basis
When should dual reporting be adopted?
ALWAYS - When there lacks comparable evidence using the same basis - Therefore client requests standard other than IPMS
Benefit of dual reporting?
Facilitates comparative analysis locally and globally
Can you talk me through the steps you undertook to measure the office unit at Croxley Park?
1) Review lease - Gathered existing floor plan
2) Confirmed measurement basis what is included/excluded + Undertake risk assessment
3) Conduct and record measurements
4) Complete measurement report - Send to client
What is IPMS 1?
- The sum of the areas of each floor level of a building measured to outer perimeter of external construction features, reported on a floor by floor basis
What is featured within the RICS Code of Measuring Practice 2015?
- Measurement standards
- Best practice guidance on measurement techniques to maintain professional standards
- Guidelines towards consistency
SIMPLE - provides succinct, precise definitions
What is the difference between IPMS1 and GEA?
- Internal balconies (included in GEA - Stated separately in IPMS1)
- External balconies (excluded in GEA - Stated separately in IPMS1)
- Accessible rooftop terraces ( excluded in GEA - Included and stated separately in IPMS1)
What is the difference between IPMS2 and GIA?
- Internal balconies (Included in GIA, included but stated separately in IPMS2)
- Areas occupied by reveals of windows when measured and assessed as IDF (excluded in GIA, included in IPMS2)
- Measured to internal finish in GIA and IDF in IPMS2
What is the difference between IPMS3 and NIA?
- External/internal balconies excluded in NIA (included but stated separately IPMS3)
- Accessible rooftop terraces excluded in NIA (included but stated separately in IPMS3)
- Areas under 1.5m in height excluded in NIA (included but stated separately in IPMS3)
- Internal walls/columns excluded in NIA (Included in IPMS3)
- Common walls measured to half width of wall NIA (measured to centre line in IPMS3)
- Enclosed walkways/passages between separate buildings in occupation excluded in NIA (included in IPMS3)
Why did you use GIA when measuring Unit 6, Merton Road?
Pre-agreed with my client. Standard alongside other industrial units at the property
Why did you use IPMS3 when measuring the office unit at Croxley Park?
Was an office unit. IPMS3 is mandatory for office units under RICS property measurement 2018
Could you have used another measuring basis at Croxley Park?
Could have used NIA. Would have had to have been pre-agreed with the client as IPMS3 is mandatory (dual reporting due to lack of comparative analysis)
What measurements are included but stated separately in IPMS1?
- Internal balconies (Covered galleries)
- External balconies
- Accessible rooftop terraces (May be included or stated separately)
What areas are excluded in IPMS1?
- Open light wells
- Open external stairways
- Patios
- External car parking
What is IPMS3?
The floor area available on an exclusive basis to occupier, excluding standard facilities, calculated on an occupier-by-occupier basis for a building
What is included in IPMS3?
- Internal walls and columns
- Floor area taken to the internal dominant face
- if there is an adjacent common wall, it is measured to the centre line
- Internal walls, columns (non structural walls0
What is IPMS2?
The sum of the area of each floor level of a building measured to the internal dominant face, and reported on a component basis for each floor of a building
What measurements are included but separately stated in IPMS2?
- Internal balconies
- External balconies
- Patios
- External car parking
What is the difference between IPMS2 and GIA?
- Internal balconies are included/excluded in GIA (included but separately stated in IPMS2)
- External balconies are excluded from GIA (included but separately stated in IPMS)
- Accessible rooftop terraces are excluded in GIA (included but separately stated in IPMS2)
- Areas occupied by window reveals when measured as the internal dominant face, excluded in GIA (included in IPMS2)
What are standard facilities?
Areas of a building that provide shared facilities and typically do not change over time
What is the internal dominant face?
Inside surface comprising more than 50% of the floor to ceiling height for each IDF up to 2.75m
What areas are excluded in IPMS2?
- Open light wells
- Open external stairways
- Patios
- External car parking
What is included in GEA?
- Perimeter wall thickness and external elevations
- Areas occupied by internal walls and partitions
- Internal balconies
- Columns, stair wells, lift wells, lift rooms, plant rooms
What is included in GIA?
- Areas with headroom of less than 1.5m
- Areas occupied by internal walls and partitions
- Internal walls, columns, stairwells, lift wells, lift rooms, plant rooms, fuel rooms
- Internal balconies (may also be excluded in some situations
- loading bays
What is included in NIA?
- Atria (if let to single tenant)
- Entrance halls
- Notional lift lobbies (reception)
- Lift lobby
- Kitchen
- Areas occupied by ventilation / skirting / perimeter trunking
- Areas occupied by non structural columns
What is an application of IPMS1?
Town planning
What is an application of IPMS2?
Building cost estimation
What is an application of IPMS3?
Property management
What information is kept on file and included in a measurement report?
- Purpose of measurement
- Date of measurement
- Measurement standard
- Reason for departure from IPMS - If departed
- Methodology
- Scale of any plans
- Floor area
- Unit of measurement
- RICS member responsible
How do you measure a pitched roof?
From the ground to lowest point of the roof
What are main reasons for property measurement?
- Valuation
- Purchase and sale
- Leasing and letting
- Reinstatement cost assessments
- Business rates
- Property management
Can you take me through the process of setting up a laser measure? (AS YOU HAVE DONE IN YOUR MEASUREMENTS)
1) Establish a constant baseline - Easy to access/not long in length
2) Place measure on secure surface - Take measurement at least 10 times
3) Average values measured - calculate standard dev
Can you take me through the benefits and drawbacks of using a tape measure?
- Ease of use (compact)
- Can measure long distances (if you have longer tape measure)
- Accurate and flexible
- Hard to measure longer distances (limited and therefore less accurate)
- Time consuming
When would a tape measure be used?
- Small distances
- To confirm laser measurements
Are there any other measurement devices you could use?
- Trundle wheel
- Measuring rod
- Ruler
- Digital mapping
Why is accurate measurement so important?
- Clients use to make business decisions
- Market value determined by floor area
- Creates integral prop market
What unit of measurement does RICS prescribe?
No specific - Can adopt either metric or imperial (Metric in the UK)
How do you change sqft into sqm?
divide by 10.764
What basis of measurement is used for shops?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of using a laser measure?
- Speed of measurement
- Ease of use - portable/lightweight
- Safety - hard to reach areas
- Can’t hit window or mirrored wall
- Needs calibrating every 12 months by sending to manufacturer to ensure accuracy
How do you treat a notional lift lobby and notional fire corridor during an inspection of an office?
Include in the NIA measurement - Consult RICS prop measurement and code of measuring practice
What basis of measurement is used for rating?
What is the typical zone depth?
20 feet (6.096m)
What is a plot ratio?
Ratio between size of site and building footprint in GEA
c.40% for industrial
What was included in your GIA measurement at Unit 6 Merton Road?
- Areas with headroom of less than 1.5m
- Areas occupied by internal walls and partitions
- Columns, stairwells, lift wells, lift rooms, plant rooms, fuel rooms
- Mezzanine areas with permanent access
What was included in your IPMS3 measurements at Croxley Park?
IPMS 3 - Office (Similar to NIA)
Floor area available on an exclusive basis to an occupier
- All internal walls and columns within an occupant’s exclusive area
- Floor area taken to the internal dominant face
What is an appropriate level measurement accuracy?
No specific amount
- Need to look into purpose, client requirement, building conditions, time/cost element
What would you include/exclude on an industrial measurement?
- Areas with less than 1.5m of headroom
- Areas occupied by internal walls and partitions
- Columns, stairwells, lift wells, lift rooms, plant rooms
- Mezzanine areas with permanent access
- Canopies
- Fire escapes
- Perimeter wall thickness
- Covered ways
What are the key principles as part of RICS Property Measurement Professional Statement (2018)
1) Provide measurement date
2) State measuring methodology
3) Provide reference and scale of plan
4) State conversion factor and any rounding
How do you measure a mansard roof?
NIA = exclude all area under 1.5m
GIA = include measurements up to the perimeter wall
Tell me about your understanding of RICS property measurement?
Provides technical definitions and incorporates aspects of the IPMS suite of guidance
What is excluded in GEA?
Area of building measured to the external wall face at each floor level
- External balconies
- External fire escapes
- External car parking
- Canopies
What is excluded in NIA?
- Atria and entrances where multi let
- Areas under 1.5m
- Protrusions more than 0.25m (heating and cooling units)
- Usable space less than 0.25m wide (fire place)
- Internal walls and columns
- Enclosed walkways/passages
- Vehicle parking areas
What is excluded in GIA?
Same as GEA but from the inside of the wall
how does RICS Property Measurement differ from the old code of measuring practice?
- Introduces IPMS to avoid current inconsistencies in different countries
- Improve global transparency
- Replaces the measurement of offices and residential in the RICS Code of Measuring Practice
Tell me how you use floor plans to facilitate measuring buildings?
To help understand the layout and plan and what is to be or not to be included in the measurement.
Also confirms measurements using the scale
When would you use a trundle wheel?
To measure land for valuation purposes
What is a potential source of error when measuring?
Human error = misreading, unsure of inclusion/exclusion
Equipment error = check /calibrate annually
What are the IPMS standards retail?
IPMS 1 (external)
IPMS 2 - Retail (internal)
IPMS 3A - Retail (occupier)
IPMS 3B - Retail (occupier)
IPMS 3C - Retail (occupier)
What is the difference between IPMS 3 and IPMS 4?
Internal measurement in IPMS4 is taken to the finished surface of perimeter walls forming part of the boundary, rather than IDF
What is IPMS 4?
Used for measuring floor areas of select parts of a building. Selected floor area in a building measured to finished surfaces and any notional boundary. (IPMS3 taken to IDF and not finishes surface)
4.1 = including all floor area occupied by walls and columns (full internal area of dwelling)
4.2 = excluding all floor area occupied by walls and columns (habitable area of each room)
e.g. size of hotel suite, how much space has security restriction
What is included/excluded in IPMS4?
What is included in IPMS4 but stated separately?
How does an international standard work?
Provides high level and universal rules
- Professional institutions incorporate the high-level rules within their own guidance
- All organisations participate in the implementation of the shared international standard through their own memberships
What is a respectable level of accuracy?
Depends on size of the unit property measured and the difficulty of measurement but can range from around 1% to up to 10%
Can you use NIA in SC budgets despite IPMS being mandatory?
IPMS not mandatory for SC apportionments, client can opt for NIA
What are limited use areas and how do you report these?
Areas in buildings that are incapable of legal or effective occupation due to local or national legislation e.g. areas lacking natural light or height restrictions
Should be identified and stated separately
What is the Retail Area?
Retail area of a shop is the NIA
What is shop width?
Internal width between inside faces of external walls at the front of the shop or any other reference point
What is building depth?
Maximum external measurement from front to rear walls of a building at ground level
What would you take with you when measuring?
laser measure, pencil, paper, ruler, measuring tape
How do you measure an industrial unit with a mezzanine floor and a canopy?
- You would exclude the canopy
- Include the mezzanine floor if it has permanent access
How would you measure an industrial building for rating purposes?
On a GIA basis in line with the RICS code of measuring practice
What information must be included on all plans?
- Scale
- North arrow
- Crown copyright
What type of property would you measure on a Gross External Area?
Mainly industrial for estate agency/valuation, rating and property management
how do you zone?
Halving back principle
- Half back each area until you get to Zone C/D then you get the remainder (Divided by 8)
Why do you always zone a retail unit?
As the market uses zoning, it allows easier comparison
- It is not required for department stores or very large units - Can be measured on an overall basis once ground level exceeds 10k sqft
Tell me about party walls
Party Wall Act 1996
- Party walls exist along a boundary of land belonging to two or more owners
- If works taking place, must inform adjoining owners 2 months before
- If written consent not granted, party wall surveyor can grant an award
How do you measure a return frontage?
Measure from the main frontage, then apply an additional % to the Zone A space - Depends on the benefit of frontage to the occupier
What scales are used on plans?
1:25 (unit plan)
1: 50 (building plan)
1: 100 (estate plan)
1: 1250 (street plan) → better for development sites
1:2500 (rural plan)
How does a laser disto work?
It works on a time basis for the laser to reach the measuring point and back
What is the storage area?
The NIA of a shop which does not form part of the retail area, which is used exclusively for storage purposes
What are the ancillary areas?
NIA not included in retail area and storage area but capable of beneficial use
What is the gross frontage?
The overall external measurement in a straight line across the front of the building, from the outside of external walls, or the centre line of party walls
What is net frontage?
The overall external frontage on the shop line measured between the internal face of the external walls
- Includes the display window frame and shop entrance
- Excludes doorways or access to other accomodation
What is a notional boundary?
Non-physical line that forms part or all of a boundary. Agreed as part of the measurement instruction or defined by a legal document
What is a sheltered area?
Comprise any part of the covered area that is not fully enclosed where the permanent structural extension above provides effective shelter
What do you exclude from the measurement of an industrial unit?
- Canopies
- Fuel stores
- Covered ways
- External face of perimeter wall
What is included and excluded in your measurement at Merton Road?
* Areas with headroom of less than 1.5m
* Areas occupied by internal walls and partitions
* Columns, stairwells, lift wells, lift rooms, plant rooms, fuel rooms
* Mezzanine areas with permanent access
* Loading bay
- Canopies
- Fire escapes
- Perimeter wall thickness
- Covered ways
Is a laser measure difficult to use in tight spaces?
Yes, length of device makes it difficult to fit into small spaces
What is the construction of Unit 6 307-309 Merton Road?
- 1980s Industrial Unit
- Cavity brick formation to a height of 2m
- Fibreglass roof lights – aluminium roof
- Roller shutter at front of the unit – 3.6m
- Ancillary kitchen/office/wc
- Concrete screed floor
- Mezzanine (With permanent access)
Why did you measure the Croxley Park office unit in line with IPMS3 for service charges, could you not have used NIA?
All other units were based on IPMS3 and this is what the service charge apportionments were based off. This ensured a consistent result across the office units.
What factors affect the tolerance of measurement (You put 2% tolerance)?
- Type of the property
- Condition of the property
- What is the purpose of the measurement
- Measurement equipment used
If there was a discrepancy between your measurement and the plans that you were using, how would you ensure the accuracy of your measurement?
Get the surveyor who did the original plans to do a joint survey with you
What are the principles of measurement?
Found within RICS professional standard: Property Measurement, 2nd Edition 2018
- Items must be capable of being measured
- Item must be objectively verifiable
- Measurements to be taken horizontally except for height
- Measurements to be clearly documented
- Measurements to be taken individually and reported on floor-by-floor basis
When was RICS professional statement, RICS prop measurement 2nd Edition 2018 effective from?
May 2018
What are the component areas in IPMS?
(Floor area attributed to one of the components)
A - Columns, walls, notional boundaries
B - Vertical penetration areas (lift shafts, staircase opening)
C - Technical areas (M&E)
D - Sanitary areas (standard facilities)
E - Horizontal Circulation Areas (standard facilities)
F - Primary areas (e.g. industrial/office)
G - Secondary areas (e.g. refuge, exercise)
H - Other areas (e.g. sheltered areas)
What is included in IPMS 3?
- Internal walls/columns
- Enclosed walkways/passages between separate buildings in exclusive possession
What areas are included but stated separately IMPS3?
Areas of headroom under 1.5m
What is GEA used for?
Building cost estimation for town planning, rating, business rates
Acre to hectare?
1 acre = 0.4 hectare
How would you measure land?
Depending on the size, I would either use a trundle wheel, PROMAP, and also maybe through instructing a specialist to complete a drone/aerial survey.
How did you measure the eaves height?
Internally, at the lowest point on the underside of the roof on the internal wall face
Were there any mezzanine areas within your measurement at Merton Road?
Yes, there was an internal mezzanine - I included this within my GIA measurement as there was permanent access
Why did you advise your client of your success in the measurement of Croxley Park?
Due to the outstanding sum being brought up in a management meeting (It was quite a high figure outstanding)
Would ITZA or NIA be higher with regards to size?
NIA would be higher as ITZA focuses on the halving back principle