Measurement of air data (AE) Flashcards
With constant weight and configuration, an airplane always takes off with the same speed which is called the ___.
Hvað notar IVSI til að taka út lagg?
Acceleration pump
EAS: 150 kts
TAS: 146 kts
Hvað þýðir þetta?
Density í loftinu er meira en við sjávarmál.
EAK: TAS er búið að leiðrétta eins og þetta sé við sjávarmál og ef loftið er ennþá þéttara.
Hvað gerist fyrir Mach númer ef þú hækkar hitastig og heldur TAS jöfnum.
Mach minnkar.
Þú getur notað bara Chicken Ticca Masala.. ef þú lækkar flugið þá er hitastig að hækka og því ímyndar þú þér þetta þannig… virkar.
K er alltaf ____ og depends on ___ only.
lægri eða jafn og 1. depends on Mach number only.
Vne is the speed that must not be exceeded during a ___.
The machmeter consists of an airspeed indicator with an ___ capsule
Hvað er RAT?
Ram air temperature
SAT + Ram rise
A direct reading aircraft thermometer usually consists of a bimetallic helix protruding into the airstream. Movement of the pointer over the temperature scale will depend upon:
a. difference in electrical resistance of the two metals
d. different coefficients of expansion of the two metals
d. different coefficients of expansion of the two metals
Munurinn á direct reading (t.d. bimetallic) eða remote reading hitamæli er..
direct reading bimetallic eru tveir málmar með mismunandi coefficients of expansions.
Remote reading mælir mismun í leiðni eftir hitastigi.
Hver er formúlan fyrir SAT?
SAT = TAT / 1+ (0.2KrM^2)
Hver er formúlan fyrir RAM rise?
An air temperature probe may be aspirated in order to..
measure air temperature on the ground (whatever this means)
Total Air Temperature is:
a. the maximum temperature attainable by the air when brought to rest adiabatically
b. the temperature indicated on the air temperature thermometer plus the ram rise
c. the static air temperature minus the recovery factor
d. the recovery factor plus the ram rise
a. the maximum temperature attainable by the air when brought to rest adiabatically
The main inputs to the Stall Warning Annunciator System are:
- Mach Meter indication
- Angle of Attack
- Indicated Airspeed (IAS)
- Aircraft configuration (Flaps/Slats)
- Angle of Attack
4. Aircraft configuration (Flaps/Slats)
The angle of attack sensor(s) on larger aircraft:
a. are probes, or vanes, attached through the fuselage forward of the wing line
b. are vanes, or probes, attached to either side of the fuselage between the wings and tail
c. is a vane type sensor in the leading edge of the wing
d. is a conical probe on the leading edge of the wing
a. are probes, or vanes, attached through the fuselage forward of the wing line
Hver eru primary inputs í air data computer (ADC)? (þrír hlutir)
Pitot- and static presure and Total air temperature.
Hvað græðir þú á því að nota ADC?
Með Air Data Computer þá færðu leiðréttingu fyrir position og compressibility error, lagg minnkar og þú getur supplyað mörgum instrumentum.
What errors does an Air Data Computer correct for to calculate TAS? 1. instrument error 2. temperature error 3. lag 4. position error 5. drift 6. compressibility 7. density error 8. ram rise
ADC leiðréttir instrument-, position-, compressibility-, density error og svo ram rise.