FMS Flashcards
Entering high cost index results in:
a) High airspeed and high fuel trip
b) maximum range airspeed
a) High airspeed and high fuel trip
Performance factor: A _____ that must be applied to get a better fuel burn prediction from the FMS.
Duel FMS:
a) Dual FMS system operates under a Master-Slave arrangement
b) Each has seperate inputs, but information is synchronized through a common bus.
b)Each has seperate inputs, but information is synchronized through a common bus.
Does the FMS provide radio tuning?
Factors used to work out vertical flight profile are:
a) Zero fuel weight
b) cost index
c) fuel quantity
d) oxygen quantity available for crew
e) minimum safe enroute altitude
a) Zero fuel weight
b) cost index
c) fuel quantity
The performance factor can account for aircraft’s ___.
The FMS is approved for guidance for the following approaches:
b) ILS
c) MLS
Þetta er bara fyrir non precision approach. (ILS og MLS eru precision).
Hvaðan fær FMS vertical navigation systemið upplýsingar um hæð?
Baro altitude input frá ADS (Air data system).
FMC fær upplýsingar um staðsetingu frá:
a) GPS
b) IRS
c) Navigation radios
a) GPS
b) IRS
c) Navigation radios
FMS FLIGHT PLAN page sýnir:
a) FMS position
b) time prediction
c) track
d) distance
b) time prediction
c) track
d) distance
When initial position is put into an FMS, the system rejects initial latitude/longitude error?
Veitir FMS vertical flight plan management?
Veitir FMS terrain awareness and warning?
Hvernig fær FMS upplýsingar um magnetic variation?
Geymt í IRS memory.
Færðu “aircraft position” í FMS FLIGHT PLAN page?
Færðu “time prediction” í FMS FLIGHT PLAN page?
Hvenær getur flugmaður breytt data in the FMS nagivation database?
Getur það eki. Read-only.
Er FMC að nota LOC ásamt DME, IRS og GPS upp á að finna stöðu sína?
Á hvaða tíampunkti er FMC líklegastur til að vera ónákævmur á staðsetingu (frá take-of og að lendingu)
Top of descent.
Hvaða mode getur þú notað í sumum FMS aðrir nav möguleikar hafa klikkað?
Dead Reckoning mode (DR).
Concerning the FMS, entering a cost index of zero:
a) results in minimum trip fuel
b) results in maximum trip fuel
a) results in minimum trip fuel
Hugsa þetta: Cost index lítill, fastur kostnaður lítill og bensín því hlutfallslega dýrt = sparar bensín = minimum trip fuel.
FMS navigation database includes which of these: Radio aids (SID, STAR), waypoints, obstacles, en-route airways, airports, runways, terrain cells, airport procedures, company routes, magnetic variation.
Radio aids (SID, STAR), waypoints, en-route airways, airports, runways, airport procedures, company routes, magnetic variation.
Getur þú inputtað inn í FMC með 5 aplphanumerics a) reporting point b) SID/STAR c) reporting point
Nei, nei, já
Hvað er annað nafn yfir MCDU (Multi-function command/control display unit)?
Multi-Function Constrol Display Unit.
Er FMS FLIGHT PLAN með time predictions?
Hvort er RTA functionið (Time of Arrival) að gefa þér speed target til að ná time constraint, eða time prediction based on current speed?
Speed targets.