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Er machmeter með position error í pitot tube og/eða static port?
Hann er með position error í báðum.
pitot tube’ið getur náttúrulega verið stillt vitlaust.
Rauður kassi í TCAS þýðir?
RA intruder (ekki TA).
Rauður kassi er “það sem þetta snýst um”
Radiometer-type temperature indicator. Þarf þetta rafmagn? Carries out a measurement independent of supply voltage?
Þarf rafmagn.
Þarft bara að muna að “carries out a measurement independent of the supply voltage”.
Hvað er mode 1 í GPWS?
excessive descent rate
Hvað er mode 2 í GPWS?
Excessive terrain closure
Hvað er mode 3 í GPWS?
Height loss after take-off
Hvað er mode 4 í GPWS?
of lítið clearance m.v. landing configuration
Hvað er mode 5 í GPWS?
of mikið deviation frá glideslope
Hvað er mode 6 í GPWS?
bank angle
Hvað er mode 7 í GPWS?
Wind shear
In an inertial navigation system INS the main causes of cumulative TRACK errors are:
a) initial azimuth misalignment of the platform and wander of the azimuth gyro
b) wander in the levelling gyros, which cause a Schuler oscillation
Mundu bara cumulative track error er vegna 2*azimuth
Cumulative DISTANCE error væri “wander in the levelling gyros and integrator error in the second stage of integration
Ef að front probe í EPR system blokkast, hvað mun EPR value sýna, of mikið of lítið? hvað?
Sýnir hærra en raunin er.
Ímyndaðu þér bara hvort er verra, verra að þetta sýni of mikið því þá er vélinn jafnvel bara að drepa á sér.
Í stall warning computer, hvort er slats eða spoiler deflection input?
Það meikar sens, hún er bara að pæla í stöffinu aftan á vængnum, þ.e. flaps og slats. Spoiler er allt annað dæmi.
Hvaða NAV receivers are commonly used for updates of the FMS position in flight?
Leggðu bara á minnið að GPS er notað til að updeita staðsetningu, það meikar perfect sense!
Sérðu TAS í ND (MAP mode)?
Skrítið en samt meikar sens. Þú pælir bara í TAS út frá navigation purposes, þá meikar sens að það sé í MAP mode.
Er autothrottle að hjálpa að einhverju leiti við engine start?
Nei, autothrottle er ekki notuð við engine start.
Hvort er það “transport wander” eða “earth rate” sem er vegna gyro movement relative to earth?
Transport wander
Taktu eftir að það er verið að tala um GYRO movement (hún er að hreyfast, þ.e. flugvélin). Ef það væri talað um earth rotation þá væri þetta vætanlega earth rate.
Hvar er wander directional gyro 15° per hour?
Á pólnum. Wanderið er væntanlega 0° við miðbaug.
Hvað er “performance factor”?
Cost index used to express the efficiency flugvélar í % m.v. nominal ástand.
Hefur DC generator tachometer freedom from any spurious current due to commutator?
Hefur DC generator tachometer independence of the information relative to the electrical power supply?
já, notar sinn eigin generator. Þetta á líka við um AC kerfin.
When can a pilot change th edata in the FMS navigation database?
a) He cannot. For the pilot the FMS data base is read only
b) Every 28 days
a) He cannot. For the pilot the FMS data base is read only
Er IRS að græja fyrir þig Angle of attack gildi?
Í initial alignment of an INS, hvaða errora tolerator hún?
Þolir 10° error í longitude en EKKERT í latitude.
Mundu bara að þetta snýst allt um latitude, það má ekkert error vera þar. Meikar sens því hún reiknar staðsetningu upp úr latitude, er það ekki það eina sem þarf að vera í lagi.
The interception of a localizer beam by the autopilot takes place at a…
constant heading
Í Electronic Display System, hvaða litur táknar “armed”?
Hvítur eða cyan
ADS samningur í FANS.. þarftu að gera hann manual eða er þetta automatic?
ACARS digital datalink communication system notar the following means for data transmission:
ACARS digital datalink communication system notar the following means for data transmission:
Ef þú ert með auto-pilot on og breytir svo barometric pressure í sub-scale altimeter, hvað gerist?
Ekkert. Autopilot tekur pressure information frá static source. Interesting.. Autopilotinn er þá bara fuck-up free.
Er “flight envelope protection system” að passa upp á angle of attack/pitch attitude?
Hver er hraðinn á air-driven gyro?
9000-12000 RPM
An IRS is aligned in order to
a) calculate the computed trihedron with respect to the earth
b) establish position relative to true north and magnetic north
a) calculate the computed trihedron with respect to the earth
Mundu bara að í IRS stillingu þá er verið að pæla í trihedron.
A thermocouple is a temperature sensor
a) which makes use of the thermoelectric effect to measure a differential temperature
b) which analyses the different expansion of two metals to detect a temperature difference
a) which makes use of the thermoelectric effect to measure a differential temperature
Muna: Thermocouple = thermeelectric
A “landing compass” is
a) used to establish aircraft magnetic heading during a compass swing
b) painted on the ground at airfields to indicate the direction of the cardinal magnetic headings to observers on the ground or in the air
a) used to establish aircraft magnetic heading during a compass swing
Inner loop stabilization system provides autostabilization about a ___ ____.
single axis
Sérðu groundspeed í PFD?
Nei, en þú sérð m.a. attitude, selected heading og maximum airspeed.
Gas turbine engine speed is usually indicated as a ___ of a reference engine speed.
Er FMS að veita terrain awareness and warning?
Nei en það veitir m.a. vertical- og lateral flight plan management, fuel management
Hvort þýðir græni liturinn armed- eða engaged mode?
Overspeed protection is able to
a) reduce thrust to idle
b) roll the aircraft wings level
b) roll the aircraft wings level
Hvernig veistu muninn á “warning” og “caution” í Flight warning system?
warning: Immediate recognition. Corrective action
Caution: Immediate awareness. Subsequent action will be required.
Autothrottle getur haldið constant:
a) TAS b) IAS c) Mach
b) IAS c) Mach
Core functionality of FMS: Construction of a ___ dimensional flight plan and assistance with ____.
four, navigation
UNOS áhrifin eru vegna ____ construction of the compass. En er þetta líka vegna badly swung compass?
mechanical, já.
update: Það virðist vera að “badly swung compass” sé ekki alveg rétt..
Pitch hold mode í autopilot fær sýnar upplýsingar frá:
a) FMC
b) Attitude reference system
b) Attitude reference system
Hvernig er call-outið ef þú lendir í “excessive descent rate”?
Schuler tuning, er þetta fyrir strap-down eða gyro-stabilized?
How can autothrottle be used for limit protection?
A/T arm without selecting a __ or N1 target.
Varðandi dual FMS, both FMS are decoupled and cross checking between them is integral/limited
very limited
Ertu að fá magnetic heading út úr IRS?
In a closed loop system the regulator processes the difference between ___ and corrected actual value according to it’s control laws
Getur þú séð “commanded N1” á electronic display unit?
nei, en þú getur séð “present N1” og “N1 limit for operation”
On a common EFIS display, how are deviation from the glide slope indicated? By a ___ moving on a measuring tape
The FMS lateral offset function consists in flying along the flight plan legs with a ____ right or left offset
The yaw damper indicator supplies the pilot information regarding the ___ ___ action on the rudder.
yaw damper
Hvaða pressure probe mælir þrýsting í low pressure fuel pump?
Aneroid capsule
Where is information on fuel flow stored?
a) Performance database
b) engine database
Artificial horizon; _ degrees of freedom and a lateral/vertical axis.
2, vertical
Þú ert accelerating on a easterly heading í NH, hvert fer compass card? anticlockwise/clockwise
CLOCKWISE, apparent heading north. ATH: Það er verið að tala um compass CARD.
The accelerometers of a strap down inertial reference system are in line with…
the aircraft axis
What color is used to display command information on EHSI?
Low altitude radio, er þetta UHF, VHF eða SHF?
Autothrottle, er þetta að capture’a og maintain’a N1 eða N2?
A mechanical ADI relies on:
a) electrical or vacuum gyro
b) vacuum gyro
a) electrical or vacuum gyro
Hvað er í Von Neumann tölvu?
CPU, control unit, memory, storage, input/output devices
EKKI cache memory.
Er DC tachometer með “easy transmission”?
Er DC tachometer með “independent to the electrical power supply”
Hefur DC tachometer “freedom from any spurious current” ?
Nei, þetta er greinilega með spurious current.
A strapdown inertial system consists in a platform attached to the aircraft’s chassis and which includes ____ and ____.
gyroscopes and accelerometers.
INS calculates groundspeed by ____ measured acceleration
INS; First integration of the west east accelerometer gives you ____ along the local parallel of latitude
Hvað af þessu er component í autopilot system?
a) actuator b) mode control panel c) mode annunciator panel d) computer
EGPWS notar hvaða liti?
green, yellow, red, blue
TCAS II generates traffic advisory when a potential/serious collision threat exists.
Er FANS-A VHF eða satellite?
a) landing gear operating speed
b) flight speed with landing gear down
a) landing gear operating speed
Það er Vle sem er (landing gear extended speed)
Er IRS að gefa þér attitude? En altitude?
Færð attitude, en færð ekki altitude. IRS er greinilega bara þá að virka í lateral nav.
Er ease of transmission with a single phase AC?
Hvað táknar hvítur tígull í intruder kerfinu?
proximate intruder
Getur þú séð “N1 limit for operation” á viðeigandi electronic display unit?
Hvernig breytist “DONT SINK” hljóðið er þú gerir ekkert’
Breytist ekki, heyrir ekki einu sinni “pull up”, bara “Don’t sink”.
Í IRS, hvað er strapped down og hvað er gyro stabilized af a) accelerometers og svo b) platform.
Bæði eru strapped down.
Í take off þá heldur autothrottle IAS eða N1?
N1, held að það sé IAS í lendingu.
To obtain INSTANTANEOUS POSITION you need to..
a) integrate twice the acceleration in time
b) know initial position
c) know initial speed
The servo assisted altimeter is more accurate because small movements of the ___ are detected by a very sensitive elector-magnetic pickoff.
Hvort notar ADC a) TAT eða b) SAT í útreikningi á TAS?
Anti collision logic of TCAS is based on
a) Time b) Acceleration c) Distance d) Velocity
a) Time
Getur þú mælt hitastigið í fuel tönkum (ertu með mæli til þess)?
Er “pitch attitude” hluti af vertical flight path mode?
Nei, en “altitude hold”
TCAS II; Hvað er preventive resolution advisory?
a) advices pilot to avoid certain deviations from vertical rate
b) modify effectively the vertical speed
a) advices pilot to avoid certain deviations from vertical rate
Hvaða græja mælir air intake pressure í gas turbine engine?
Aneroid capsule
Er “vertical speed” input í GPWS?
Er “radio altimeter height” input í GPWS?
Er “pressure altitude” input í GPWS?
What is the most basic function of an autopilot
Speed along a track and wings horizontal.
How many diaphragms are in a basic machmeter?
VSI; Hvort droppar þrýstingur í klifri hraðar í “capsule” eða “inside the case”?
pressure inside capsule drops faster. Loftið kemur greinilega fyrst í capsule og hann slakar því svo í “the case”.
Er RAM volatile?
Radio altimeter using a continuous wave signal hefur:
a) directional aerial for transmission and another one for reception
b) a directional aerial for both transmission and reception
c) Omni directional aerials.
a) directional aerial for transmission and another one for reception
Er IAS og Mach hluti af flight path mode í autopilot?
The capacity fuel gauges provide information:
a) which is independent of the temperature of the fuel
b) on mass whose indication is independent on the temperature of the fuel
b) on mass whose indication is independent on the temperature of the fuel
A ring laser gyro measures ___ movements
Measurement of SAT is not possible on some fast aircraft because
a) boundary layer around aircraft gets very turbulent
b) of the effects from adiabatic compression and friction
b) of the effects from adiabatic compression and friction
Ef þú færð lista yfir hluti sem eiga að vera input data í GPWS þá er eitt sem er rétt og það er …
The attitude data computed by the IRS can be used by the
a) autopilot system
autopilot system var rétt svar… skrítið.. mundu bara að velja FREKAR autopilot system sem er að nota IRS.
Er angle of attack input í GPWS?
Í semi-automatic landing, er autopilot þar til að “flare” eða “decision height”?
decision height
Er ADC að gefa þér attitude?
Er air data computer að gefa þér
a) Pressure altitude
b) TAT
c) TAS
d) CAS
Can the autothrottle system be used for take-off?
Er PFD að sýna radio height?
Sérðu IAS á PFD?
Sérðu localiser og glide slope deviation pointers á PFD?
The pendular type detector system of the gyromagnetic compass indicator feeds a
a) torque motor on the sensitive axis
b) a levelling erection torque motor
b) a levelling erection torque motor
Hvaða system notar attitude data frá IRS?
a) auto pilot system
c) Stall warning system
a) auto pilot system
The interception of a localiser beam by the autopilot takes place at a constant ___.
Í INS the main reason for cumulative track error is
a) wander in the levelling gyros which causes Schuler oscillations
b) initial azimuth misalignment of the platform and wander of the azimuth gyro
b) initial azimuth misalignment of the platform and wander of the azimuth gyro
Which equipment is required for the FMS to control the vertical axis?
Auto throttle
The alignment of a strap down inertial system consists is measuring the earths ___ and local gravitation to position the reference _____.
rotation, trihedron
Hvað er stall warning að skoða?
a) Pitch attitude
b) Angle of attack
c) configuration
b) Angle of attack
c) configuration
A single autopilot is
a) fail safe
b) fail operational
c) fail passive
a) fail safe
___ holds altitude, ___ holds speed
autopilot holds altitude
autothrust holds speed
What are the two components of a ring laser gyro?
2 beams of laser light.
In order to maintain an accurate vertical using a pendulous system, an aircraft inertial platform incorporates a device with/without damping and a period of about 84 seconds/minutes
with damping, 84 minutes.
The type and number of parameters to be recorded by a FDR is determined by recording ____ and applicable operational requirements
Side slippið sem þú sérð á PFD, kemur það frá
a) ADC
b) Inertial system
b) Inertial system
Er flight path angle hold hluti af vertical flight path mode autopilot?
Eru runways í FMS navigation database?
The operating principle of an electronic tachometer is to measure the ___ of the electric impulse created by a ____ wheel rotating in a ___ ____.
frequency, notched, magnetic field.
Hvaða tvennt er “the most basic function of auto-stabilisation”?
1) Maintain pitch attitude
2) Maintain wings level
Í stall warning computer, hvort er fylgst með slat eða spoiler deflection?
Is dual FMS synchronized, master-slaved or seperate?
When is an autoland procedure completed?
at the beginning of the ground roll
Navigation display (ND) is a
a) mode-selectable colour navigation display
b) Full colour moving map display
a) mode-selectable colour navigation display
greinilega ekki “full” color.
í strapdown kerfi, the IRU (inertial reference unit) measures
a) accelerations
b) angular rates
c) linear accelerations
a) accelerations
b) angular rates
Græjan sem er notuð til að senda pressure fyrir “fuel pressure gauge” er ___ sensor.
bellows sensor
In an airspeed indicator, there is a capsule and in this capsule you have ___ pressure and outside is ___ pressure.
Total pressure, static pressure.
Hvenær detta út autopilot og svo autothrottle í semi-automatic landing?
bæði detta út við decision height.
A directional gyro keeps its rotation axis aligned towards
a) geographical north
b) a point on the earth’s surface
c) a point in space
d) magnetic north
c) a point in space
What is the most basic function of auto-stabilisation?
a) maintain pitch attitude
b) speed hold
c) maintain wings level
a) maintain pitch attitude
c) maintain wings level
What colors does the enhanced GPWS (EGPWS) terrain display use?
green, amber, red, magenta.
The FMS cross track (XTK) is the ___ distance error
The magnetic variation is caused by
a) the inclination of earth’s magnetic field lines
b) different locations of the geographical north pole and the magnetic north pole
b) different locations of the geographical north pole and the magnetic north pole
Rate of turn:
a) yaw rate
b) change-of-heading rate
b) change-of-heading rate
The purpose of the autopilot control wheel steering (CWS) mode is:
a) To consider as target parameters, the current pitch and roll angles at the time the mode becomes active
b) to capture and hold the altitude selected with the control wheel on the mode control panel.
a) To consider as target parameters, the current pitch and roll angles at the time the mode becomes active
Er CAS input í autopilot?
Er hægt að tengja þetta við Communication Management Unit (CMU)?
Vertical navigation VNAV coupled to autopilot, the FMS output can be:
a) angle of attack
b) pitch angle
c) vertical acceleration
d) speed target
b) pitch angle
d) speed target
Í INS, integrating once the speed gives you
a) a position
b) distance travelled
b) distance travelled
A FMS with only a multiple DME sensor operating shall have a position error, 95% probability, in a non-precision approach equal or less than:
a) 0.3 NM
b) 1 NM
a) 0.3 NM
Hver er kosturinn við radiometer-type temperature indicator?
a) carries out a measurement independent of the supply voltage
b) Can operate without an electrical power supply
c) is very accurate
Carries out a measurement independent of the supply voltage
The reason for having a square law compensation in the airspeed indicator mechanism is: The ___ pressure increases with the square of the airpseed.
The flux valve, does is sense or seek the direction of the earth’s magnetic field relative to the airplane?
Á mid-latitude, getur þú alignað INS/IRS á ALIGN eða líka á NAV mode?
Ef spurningin talar um INS/IRS þá er sarið að þú getur líka alignað í NAV.
Ef þú sérð BARA tiltekið í spurningu:
INS: bara í align
IRS: Align og Nav
A magnetic tachometer consists of
a) permanent magnet ..
b) single-phase generator…
c) Three phase generator…
a) permanent magnet .. (permanent magnet turning inside a non magnetic drag cup) .. to be precise.
Rétt eða rangt:
“An angle of attack sensor may consist of: an inertial system computing the difference between flight path and flight attitude”
Angle of attack sensor er bara conical slotted probe og svo vane detector.
Ekkert “computing” dæmi.
Hvað ertu að fá úr IRS?
a) attitude
b) Hraða
attitude, færð engan hraða úr IRS.
Turning error is due to the ___ component of the earth’s magnetic field
The operating principle of a vibration monitoring system can be done by using the following types of sensors
a) Piezoelectric crystal
b) Magnet
c) Eachometer
a) Piezoelectric crystal
b) Magnet
The FMC position is
a) The average of the IRS and radio navigation position
b) Computer generated from the IRS and radio navigation positions
b) Computer generated from the IRS and radio navigation positions
The altimeter is based upon the same principle as
a) the aneroid barometer
b) the mercury barometer
a) the aneroid barometer
Á þetta við um multi-tasking? “The central processing unit (CPU) switches rapidly between each program in turn”?
Hvor gerir hvað af autopilot og autothrottle?
- constant IAS í climb mode
- Altitude hold mode
- glide path holding mode
- autopilot
- autothrottle
- autothrottle
The autopilot rotates around the ____
center of gravity
The principle of the Schuler pendulum is used in the design of a:
a) stabilised platform inertial system
b) strap down inertial system
a) stabilised platform inertial system
Hvernig transponder þarftu að vera með til þess að fá TA (traffic advisory) frá TCAS II?
Mode A.
Ef þú hefðir Mode C gætir þú fengiði traffic resolution
The control law of a transport airline autopilot control channel may be defined as the relationship between the: computer ___ deviation data and the output control ___ signals.
input, deflection
Getur þú skipt EICAS CRTs í upper og lower display units? En getur þú haft þetta compacted together into one CRT?
Já, já
Rétt eða rangt: CRT’s of an EICAS system normally show secondary engine indications on the upper display.
Rangt, secondary engine indications eru held ég á neðri skjá.
The flight director indicates the optimum instantaneous path to reach a selected ____.
Which type of gyroscope is used in a solid-state AHRS?
a) piezo-electric gyroscope
b) 3-phase AC electrical gyroscope
b) Ring laser gyroscope
a) piezo-electric gyroscope
By integrating a fuel flow with respect to time we can obtain the ____ or a mass of fuel.
Engine thrust is controlled by the automatic thrust control system (auto-throttle) is response to mode commands from the flight crew or the
a) Flight Management Computer
b) Autopilot
a) Flight Management Computer
The Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU):
a) it is a digital circuit that performs basic operations
b) It controls the flow of data through the processor
a) it is a digital circuit that performs basic operations
Hvort notar TCAS
a) True airspeed
b) configuration
b) configuration
UNOS, hvort er þetta “more” eða “less” reliable in the northern hemisphere?
more reliable in the northern hemipshere. Annað, UNOS er líka vegna mechanical construction of the compass.
UNOS; These compass oscillations following a ___ gust are not identical if the aircraft is heading north or south.
Varar GPWS við “dangerous ground proximity”?
Magnitude of torque = Force * it’s ____
lever arm
In a 3-phase synchrosnou smotor type tachometer indicator, the speed indicating element is a synchronous motor driving a magnetic ____.
The guidance functions of an autopilot consist in
a) monitoring the movements of the centre of gravity in the three dimensions of space
b) stabilizing and monitoring the movements around the centre of gravity
a) monitoring the movements of the centre of gravity in the three dimensions of space
What is the single most significant item which makes a servo altimeter more accurate?
a) electromagnetic pick-off
b) multiple pointers
a) electromagnetic pick-off
Hvað af þessu er output data í IRS?
a) Present position
b) Attitude
c) Groundspeed
Hvað af þessu er output data í IRS?
a) Present position
b) Attitude
c) Groundspeed
Can north or south poles exist seperately?
Er stall warning system með independent pitot probe?
Er ADS automatic, semi-automatic eða manual?
Flight Envelope protection (conventional non fly-by-wire) include:
a) overspeed protection
b) overbank protection
c) stall protection
a) overspeed protection
c) stall protection
Direct reading magnetic compass errors are due to ___ change