Maslow - Holistic-Dynamic Theory Flashcards
Name of Maslow’s theory?
Holistic-Dynamic theory
What did Maslow assume about motivation?
It affects the whole person – it’s complete, unconscious, continual and applicable to all people.
Name the five conative needs, according to Maslow.
Physiological Safety Love & belongingness Esteem Self-actualization
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs concept assumes what?
That lower level needs must be relatively satisfied before higher needs.
Maslow: These needs are _____ because have a striving or motivational character.
Maslow: What are the four dimensions of needs?
Conative (willful striving)
Aesthetic (need for order & beauty)
Cognitive (need for curiosity & knowledge. Necessary to satisfy the five conative ones.)
Neurotic (unproductive pattern of relating to ppl)
Maslow: Neurotic needs always lead to ____.
Stagnation and pathology.
These have no value in striving to self-actualization.
Maslow: T/F: Much of expressive behavior is intentional.
False. It’s unmotivated. It’s simply a way of expressing oneself.
Maslow: _____ behavior has a cause but is not motivated. It’s just a way to express oneself.
Expressive behavior
Maslow: ____ behavior is motivating and is directed toward the satisfaction of basic needs.
Coping behavior
(attempts to cope with the environment; to secure food and shelter; to make friends; and to receive acceptance, appreciation, and prestige from others).
Maslow: Coping behavior is always motivated by ______.
A deficit basic need. It’s learned, conscious and effortful.
Maslow: The deprivation of instinctoid needs leads to what?
Maslow: Cognitive needs, including self-actualization, are ___. Their deprivation leads to pathology.
Maslow: Name two differences between lower and higher needs.
Higher level needs are:
- Later on the phylogenetic or evolutionary scale – needed by higher-level species.
- Produce more happiness and peak experiences than lower needs.
Maslow: High level needs are on the ____ scale.
Phylogenetic or evolutionary scale