Horney - Psychoanalytic Social Theory Flashcards
How do Freud and Horney compare?
• Pessimistic view of humanity based on instincts and stagnant personality
• Optimistic and dynamic view and centered on cultural forces subject to change
• Objected to Freud’s view on fem. psych
\_\_\_\_\_\_ Views of humanity: Freud a) Pessimistic b) Stagnant personality based on instincts.
a) Optimistic and dynamic
b) Dynamic personality, w/ social & cultural influences more important than biological.
c) psychoanalysis should move beyond instinct to focus on cultural influences shaping personality
Orig. notes:
• Horney questioned the validity of Freud’s interpretations.
• Horney’s view of humanity: optimistic and centered on cultural forces subject to change; Freud’s, a pessimistic view of humanity based on innate instincts and stagnant personality.
• Horney objected to Freud’s view on feminine psych.
• H. felt psychoanalysis should move beyond instinct theory and focus on cultural influences shaping personality
Horney: Which influences did Horney consider more important than biological ones?
Social and cultural influences.
Horney: Repressed hostility lead to feelings of isolation and helplessness, referred to as ___.
Basic anxiety
Horney: What are the three neurotic trends (defenses against anxiety)?
Moving toward people (friendly, loving), against people (competitive), or away from people (autonomous)
Horney: What causes basic conflict?
The inability to use different tactics in their relationships with others – that is, the incompatible tendencies to move toward, against, and away from people.
Basic anxiety drives some children to rely on just one of the three neurotic trends – moving toward, against and away from people – creating basic conflict.
Horney: The defenses to move toward, against or away from people are referred to as three ___.
Neurotic trends
Horney: How do healthy people resolve their basic conflict?
Using all three of the three neurotic trends – moving toward, against and away from people.
Horney: The three neurotic trends are a combination of how many neurotic needs?
Horney: Both healthy and neurotic people experience ___ ___, that become part of their belief system.
Intrapsychic conflicts
Horney: List two major intrapsychic conflicts.
Idealized self-image and self-hatred
Horney: What causes intrapsychic conflicts?
Neurotics are compelled to rely on just one style of relating to ppl (moving toward, away, or against ppl). This compulsive behavior creates an intrapsychic conflict.
Horney: Those with a(n) ___ attempt to build a godlike picture of themselves.
Idealized self-image
Horney: Psychological differences between genders is due to… what?
Cultural and social expectations.
What is the goal of Horneyian psychotherapy?
Bring about growth toward actualization of the real self.
Summarize Horney’s psychoanalytic social theory
- Social and cultural conditions, esp. in childhood, shape personality.
- Without love and affection, kids lack safety & satisfaction, causing basic hostility toward parents.
- Repressing hostility leads to basic anxiety.
- They combat basic anxiety with neurotic trends: moving a) toward, b) against or c) away from ppl.
- Incompatibility of the three causes basic conflict.
- Normal ppl resolve by using all three. Neurotics use only one.
- Neurotic’s compulsive behavior generates intrapsychic conflict – idealized self-image or self-hatred.
- Idealized self = neurotic search for glory, neurotic claims, neurotic pride.
- Self-hatred expresses as self-contempt or alienation from self.
- Goal is to bring about growth toward actualization of the real self.
Horney: What causes basic hostility?
Fear that parents won’t satisfy their needs for safety and satisfaction.
Repressed hostility leads to feelings of insecurity and apprehension, called basic anxiety.