Manual: Stress Management, Fatigue and Sleep Flashcards
Excess demands, mental and/or physical, can lead to stress; the cause of stress being called a …… .
Stress (can/will not) diminish one’s performance and affect the health.
When describing stress, ‘acute’ means (long-/short-) term, and ‘chronic’ means (long-/short-) term.
short, long
Stress (is/is not) accumulative in the sense that a number of small stressors (can/will not) result in a larger total stress level.
is, can
The presence of one form of stress (can/will not) diminish your resistance to other forms of stress.
Being fit, healthy, relaxed and well-rested (increase/does not effect/reduces) your ability to resist stress.
Being well prepared for a flight (increases/does not affect/reduces) stress during the flight.
Your ability t resist stress will be greater if your personal and family life is (happy/disturbed).
Too many demands may cause an overload, resulting in ………. , and performance (may/will not) drop.
stress, may
(All/not all) pressures are real.
not all
Tolerance to pressure is (the same/different) for different people.
Tolerance to additional pressure is (greater/the same/less) when stress is already present.
A sudden fright causes the release of a……. in the body, which prepares a person for ……. , i.e. to fight or flee.
adrenalin, action
Under-arousal, which can occur if a person is fatigued or not motivated can lead to (poor/good) performance.
Over-arousal to the point of panic can lead to (poor/good) performance.
An intermediate level of arousal, optimum arousal, can lead to (poor/good) performance.
Sketch a graph of ‘output of quality work (i.e. performance)’ versus ‘arousal’.
refer to text
A hot, noisy, vibrating cockpit is likely to be (more/less) stressful than a cool, quiet and non-vibrating cockpit.
Stress caused by heat is called h…….. ; to minimize heat stress you should (drink/avoid) fluids.
hyperthermia, drink
Stress caused by low temperatures is called h…….. .
Extreme worry that results when a person is overloaded is called.
The first step is being prepared to minimize stress and manage whatever demands occur is to be well-prepared both ph………… and ps……….. .
physically, psychologically
Very deep tiredness is called ………. .
The best immediate cure for fatigue is …….. .
A typical person each day requires ……. hours of sleep to prepare for ….. hours of activity.
eight, sixteen
In very approximate terms, one hour of sleep gives you credit for ….. hour(s) of activity.
two hours
A serious inability to sleep is called.
The depth of our sleep (varies/remains the same) throughout the night?
Very deep sleep normally occurs (early/late) during an eight-hour sleep period.
The two basic types of sleep are non-REM and REM sleep. This is where REM stands for …………… .
rapid eye movement
A person normally wakes up naturally during (REM/ non-REM) sleep.
The body is revitalized during (REM/non-REM) sleep.
Excessive long sleeping hours (will/will not) increase your sleep credits and allow longer hours of wakefulness.
will not
The daily body rhythms are called ……… rhythms, and the most important one is that of internal b…… t……….. .
circadian, body temperature
The natural period of the body’s circadian rhythm is more likely to be (23/24/25) hours.
A natural 25-hour period for body rhythms is pushed back into a 24-hour period by a succession of time-of-day reminders known as z………. .
‘Zeit’ means…….. and ‘geber’ means…….
time, giver
The most powerful zeitgeber is the ….. .
Alertness and performance capability vary with internal ….. ……… .
body temperature
The low point in internal body temperature, and in alertness and performance capability, is typically between (9 a.m. and 12 noon/4 a.m. and 6 a.m./midnight and 2 a.m)
4 - 6
The problem caused by moving into a new time zone is called ….. ….. .
jet lag
If you are flying westward, you are flying (with/against) the sun, and your day will be (longer than/shorter than/exactly) 24 hours.
with, longer than
The natural body clock, if not pulled into line by the sun and other zeitgebers, is typically (longer than/shorter than/exactly) 24 hours.
longer, then
If you are flying eastward, you are flying (with/against) the sun, and your day will be (longer than/shorter than/exactly) 24 hours.
against, shorter than
Travelling (eastward/westward) is more in harmony with your natural body clock and will cause less jet lag.
Jet lag is likely to be greater when you fly from (Europe to America/America to Europe) Why?
america to europe