Flying Things to Know Quickly Flashcards
When to do FREDA checks?
Every 15 mins in flight.
What does FREDA stand for?
Fuel - on in good quantity
Radio - set to correct Freq
Engine & Electrics - T’s & P’s, carb heat
Direction indicators - set to compass heading
Altimeter - set to correct QNH or QFE
What does BUMFICH stand for?
B - BRAKES-OFF / Pressure Checked
M - MIXTURE-Fully Rich
F - FUEL-Pump ON, BOTH / Contents sufficient for G/A
I - INSTRUMENTS-Di Synchronized, Altimeter, T’s and P’s Checked
H - HATCHES-Hatches, Doors and harnesses secure
When do we do BUMFICH checks?
On downwind.
What does HASELL stand for?
Height – 3000’ AGL Airframe – Clean Security – Loose Articles Engine – T’s and P’s, Carb Heat Location – ABCD Look Out – 2x90 degrees
When do we do HASELL checks?
Before doing aerobatic maneuvers, or stalls, spins.
Always use carb heat when ……… .
Rotate at …….. knots.
55 Knots
Climb speed is ……. Knots.
65 Knots
Cruise RPM is ……… RPM.
2300 RPM
Cruise speed is ………. Knots
90 Knots
Taxi checks?
Brakes - check both sides
Rudder - Check correct movement and steering.
Instruments - Check in turns D.I., Compass, Turn coordinator, Altitude Indicator. VOR, ADF Tracking.
Take off checks?
Clearances - Revived and understood.
Runway - Approach and departure routes clear Surface checked.
Line Up - Re-Check DI. with Runway heading & compass.
Engine Temp & Press, steady and within limits.
Airspeed - Increasing.
Go - around?
Throttle - Full power
Carb heat - set cold
Attitude - correct for Yaw
Flaps - Retract Drag Flap to 20 degrees and there after retract all the way in when safe speed and height reached.
Radio - Call ‘Going around’ and obtain further ATC instruction.
Factors effecting stall speed: Weight?
The stall speed varies with the square root of lift. Aircraft = 2000lbs stall speed = 50Knots 2400lbs (20% increase) = 1.2 Square root of 1.2 is 1.1 Stall speed is 50Kts x 1.1 = 55Kts.
Factors effecting stall speed: Load Factor?
Equation for Lift?
L = (1/2) d v2 s CL L = Lift, which must equal the airplane's weight in pounds d = density of the air. This will change due to altitude. These values can be found in a I.C.A.O. Standard Atmosphere Table. v = velocity of an aircraft expressed in feet per second s = the wing area of an aircraft in square feet CL = Coefficient of lift , which is determined by the type of airfoil and angle of attack.
What is the increase in stall speed on each of these banked turns?
Stall speed increase:
30 - 8%
45 - 18%
60 - 40%
Throttle control when Taxing?
1700 RPM to get moving. Once at a jogging speed reduce to 1000RPM.
Always idle when ……… .
slowing down and before taxi.
First thing to do when taxi?
Check brakes.
Before a turn always …….. .
Lift wing and Look into turn.