Manual: Human Physiology and High Altitudes Flashcards
The master controller of the human body is the…
The brain and spinal chord together form the…
central nervous syestem
The brain (continues/stops) functioning when asleep…
The system that moves blood around the body is known as the … system. The blood is pumped through the system by the…
circulatory, heart
Blood carries… from the lungs to the body tissues where it is burned to supply energy. This blood is colored (red/blue).
Oxygen molecules passing from the lungs into the blood attach themselves to the h….. in the red blood cells.
After delivering oxygen to the body tissues, the blood then carries …. products away.
The deoxygenated blood, which is somewhat (redder/bluer) in color, is returned to the heart, which pumps it through the lungs , where the waste …. …. is removed and then breathed out.
bluer, carbon dioxide.
The circulation through the lungs is known as the (systemic/pulmonary) circulation.
The circulation trough the body tissues is known as the (systematic/pulmonary) circulation.
The blood vessels carrying blood away from the heart are called ….. .
The blood vessels carrying blood to
the heart are called?
The very fine blood vessels are called?
The pump of the circulatory system is the …….. and the rate at which it pumps is called the …….. rate.
heart, pulse
The process of bringing energy-giving oxygen into the body and removing waste carbon dioxide is called ………. .
External respiration occurs in the (lungs/body tissues) and internal respiration occurs in the (lungs/body tissues).
lungs, body tissue
The breathing rate is controlled mainly by the amount of ……. …….. in the blood, a high concentration of which causes the breathing rate to (increase/decrease).
carbon dioxide, incresse
Lung capacity is about (1/2/5/20) litre(s), but when people are resting each breath measures about (G/H/1/2/5) litre(s).
5, 0.5
Air pressure (increases/decreases) as altitude is gained.
A lack of oxygen in the body is called …….. .
Oxygen deprivation becomes serious above about (1,000/5,000/10,000/20,000/30,000) feet.
10,000 feet
A sudden depressurization will cause a sudden (inhalation/exhalation) of breath.
What are the symptoms of Hypoxia?
Changes in the color of your skin, ranging from blue to cherry red. Confusion. Cough. Fast heart rate. Rapid breathing. Shortness of breath. Sweating. Wheezing.
TUC stands for the t…. of …… ……….. following sudden deprivation of oxygen.
time of useful consciousness
A smoker (will/will not) show symptoms of oxygen deprivation sooner then a non-smoker.
The cure for hypoxia is to breathe (more/less) oxygen.
Gases trapped in parts of your body will (contract/expand) as the cabin altitude increases. This is called …….. .
expand, baratrauma
Over breathing may flush (oxygen/carbon dioxide) out of the blood and cause ………….. .
carbon dioxide, hyperventilation
The symptoms of hyperventilation are ……… .
Light headiness Giddiness Dizziness Shortness of breath Heart palpitations Numbness Chest pains Dry mouth Clammy hands Difficulty swallowing Tremors Sweating Weakness Fatigue
the remedy for hyperventilation is to (reduce/increase) the breathing rate.
Surfacing too quickly after deep scuba diving can cause ………. sickness, also known as the ……… . Climbing to altitude after scuba diving (will/ will not) worsen it.
decompression, bends, will
The remedy of the bends is to (increase/ decrease) the pressure in the body.
As a general guide, do not fly at all within .. hours of scuba diving to shallow depths with compressed air, and within .. hours if you dive deeper then thirty feet.
12, 24
What gas associated with the combustion process is colorless, odorless and tasteless, but they possession when breathed in?
carbon monoxide
Carbon monoxide (is/ is not) found in engine exhaust.
Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are ………. .
Dull headache. Weakness. Dizziness. Nausea. Vomiting. Shortness of breath. Confusion. Blurred vision.
If carbon monoxide poisoning is suspected, you should (increase/reduce) the supply of fresh air.
Equalization of air pressure on either side of the eardrums is allowed by the ……… tubes which connect the ears and the …… passages.
Eustachian, nasal
Blocked nasal passages are more likely to cause ear problems during (climb/cruise/descent).
If you have a cold, (do/do not) fly.
do not