Manholes/Fires and Emergencies-AUC 180 Flashcards
Manhole or Transformer emergency…Code 1 and Code 4?
UTILITY COMPANY will dispatch emergency crew upon receipt of Code 1 and Code 4
Code 1: FIRE extended from a manhole, conduit, transformer into a building
Code 4: Fire or SMOKE condition from a transformer at any location, pole, vault , room.etc.
Code 2: fire blown 1 or more covers, or smoke is issuing under pressure
Code 3: smoke is seeping from manhole
If an odor of natural gas is encountered at manhole incident..notify?
GAS UTILITY, in addition to electric
Area taped off, marks danger area for?
civilians and FD PERSONNEL
Inspect electrical services in surrounding buildings, units should use ?
Members shall NOT ATTEMPT to move vehicles located in DANGER AREA…
- units should not operate hoselines into manholes unless requested by Con ED employee at the scene…
- if requested , let water flow or pour in- FOG NOZZLE
Officer in charge shall request ?
UTILITY COMPANY to respond and ETA
ETA more than 30 minutes…Officer in charge may..?
- unit remains and responds to alarms- one member is left at scene
- one member left, unit returns to quarters- company officer provides relief- company officer shall contact dispatch at frequent intervals to re-notify utility company
- manhole taped off/cones- unit back in service
Members shall NOT pull covers off electrical manholes at manhole fires or if a manhole fire is in the area…
this does NOT change policy of pulling electric manholes covers at GAS emergencies
When cover blows?
- keep eyes on cover and see where it might land
serious explosion can occur in adjacent manholes
Conditions indicate electrical lines in a building are becoming hot, hose lines shall be stretched and a thorough examination made…
FD ops shall continue until all dangerous conditions are alleviated or UTILITY COMPANy informs FD that they are no longer needed
Underground transformer Vaults?
- use all PPE AND SCBA, even in light smoke conditions
- primary voltage (27,000) or secondary voltage (120 Volts) can cause FATAL INJURY
NOT necessary for members to closely examine these vaults ,
REMBER dangers and explosion could occur.
Con Ed still has PCB contaminated transformers in use (50-499 PPM of PCB) and some with dielectric oil are not considered PCB (0-49 PPM of PCB)…however…?
FD considers a transformer with ANY AMOUNT OF PCB’S a PCB TRANSFORMER
Greatest Hazard is…?
AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY contained in these vaults
-other hazards PCBs/ asbestos/ explosion /high concentration of CO and other gases
Safety and Operations..(transformer vault)
- precautionary handline-prepared for Foam OP
- examine surrounding exposures for extension of fire/and or gases (main service usually in cellar/basement)- TEAMS OF 2- CO METERS-readings taken in METER ROOM, surrounding rooms, and first floor, if necessary…HIGH LEVELS OF CO can be found in exposures…re-examine on periodic basis
- monitor and wait for Con ED
- primary consideration is safety of members and civilians