Management skills communicating and ICT- C7 Flashcards
What is communication?
Communication is the transferring of information from the sender to the receiver through a medium.
What is internal communication?
this is the transfer of information between staff in a workplace.
Includes- emails, meetings, notice boards, intercoms, face to face conversations etc
What is external communication?
This the transfer of information from the business to its stakeholders.
Include- telephone calls, social media, conferences, letters, advertisements, skype etc
Who do stakeholders include
Stakeholders include: investors, suppliers, interest groups, customers, government and society.
What are the differences between formal and information communication?
Formal (planned) such as a memo, report, formal meeting – this information is passed through approved channels of communication
Informal (grapevine) such as chats in the canteen, social networks – this information refers to the informal network that exists in every organisation
What are the types of communication channels?
Horizontal, upwards and downwards
Explain the three types of communication-
Horizontal, upwards and downwards
Upward communication – staff reporting up the chain of command to supervisor/manager.
Downward communication – messages sent from the chain of command e.g. manager to staff.
Horizontal communication – communication between people in the same rank and authority in the chain of command e.g. finance manager and HRM
Who is involved in internal communication?
Employees – communication is vital here to ensure work is done on time and correctly
Managers – must be able to communicate relevant information to others to ensure good decision making, helping them work as a team
Investors – they must be supplied with accurate information about financial performance otherwise they will have no confidence in the management and be unwilling to invest
Who is involved in external communication?
Customers – kept informed about new products
Suppliers – need to be aware of the firms needs, tell them company of any delays which could affect production
Government – business need communication with Gov’n for grants and lobbying for changes in the law etc.
Society – the reputation of a business affects the firms ability to win customers and recruit staff
What is verbal communication?
The exchange of information and ideas in speech, e.g. asking and responding to questions and giving instructions.
What are meetings?
A gathering of at least two people to discuss a topic or topics with the purpose of making a decision on matters discussed.
What are the types of meeting?
What is an AGM meeting?
AGM (Annual General Meeting). This is a meeting of the shareholders of a company. It is held once a year. At the AGM, shareholders can ask the directors questions, the chairperson gives an address, directors are elected, auditors are appointed and accounts are presented.
What is an extraordinary general meeting?
EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting). This occurs when a matter of such importance arises that the business cannot wait until the next AGM to discuss the issue.
What is a Board Meeting
Board Meeting. These are regular meetings held by the board of directors of the company. Tactical planning, strategic planning and review of company performance are often on the agenda of a board meeting. It is a meeting to solve problems and is focused on performance and direction of the business.
What is an Ad-Hoc meeting?
Ad-hoc meeting. Meeting held by various managers in the business to deal with operational issues/immediate problems. They are one off meeting and are generally unplanned so discuses matters that suddenly arise.
What type of communication is a meeting?
Formal – highly structured, planned and run according to agreed procedure, usually involve a chairperson and secretary to take minutes.
What are the elements of a meeting?
Agenda-A list of items to be discussed at the meeting. Topics are listed in the order in which they will be discussed.
Notice- gives what, who, where and when the meeting will take place
Minutes-Minutes – written record of decisions made during the meeting (includes date location and names of who attended, purpose of meeting, main views & votes)
Quorum-The minimum number of people or members needed in order for a meeting to proceed
What is a chairpersons role in a meeting/
-Sets the agenda – decide on the issues to be dealt with
-Open the meeting – ensure it was called in accordance with rules and insure quorum is present (minimum amount of people for official meeting)
-Follow agenda – anticipate possible problems
-Standing order must be agreed – the rules for running a meeting
-Facilitate contributions – allow everyone to express views
-Keep order
-Call for votes – e.g. AGMs chairperson can use their vote if tied
What is a secretarys role in a meeting/
-Notice – invites people to attend. Date, time, place, may organise food.
-Agenda- they type agenda on behalf of chairperson.
-Arranges venue and resources
-During the meeting - secretary reads out minutes from last meeting (minutes are important because if there is a legal issue minutes can be used as evidence)
After the meeting – writes up minutes, arranges next meeting with chairperson.
What is written communication?
Organisations use many forms of written communication, which can include: Memos, business letters and reports.
What are methods of written communication?
Report- A report is a detailed document about a specific topic and is used for both internal and external communication.
Business letters- A business letter is a formal method of communication. It can be sent internally and externally.
Memo- A short-written message used by a business for internal communication
What is visual communication?
Visual communication involves using images, graphs, photos, maps and symbols to communicate messages.
What are methods of visual communication?
Pie chart- is when each segment of a circle is shaded and is proportional t the quantity of data it represents.
Bar chart- displays data either by comparing different pieces of data or by comparing trends over time
Line graph- This is used to show changes or patterns over a period of time.
Gannt chart- These are often used in project management, as they are useful for showing individual tasks and their completion against time
Pictogram- Pictures are used to represent the different categories.